Richard Neutra

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Guy Who Razed Landmark House Ordered to Rebuild It

San Francisco's Planning Commission also wants him to put a sign up telling everyone what he did

(Newser) - A man who illegally demolished a San Francisco house designed by modernist architect Richard Neutra was ordered this week to rebuild it exactly as it was, reports the AP . The city Planning Commission also ordered Ross Johnston to add a sidewalk plaque telling the entire saga of the house's...

Art Continues to Buck Ragged Economy

Contemporary works bring $348M at Christie's—which even sells a house

(Newser) - Christie's auction of contemporary art in New York belied an economic downturn, the Times reports, with paintings, sculpture, and even a house fetching handsome prices. Two works drew particular attention: a portrait of a 280-pound nude woman by Lucian Freud, which sold for $33.6 million, and a house in...

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