
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

City's New Tourism Campaign Highlights 1-Star Reviews

Vienna says you should make up your own minds

(Newser) - Vienna—home of the "boring" Hofburg palace, among other attractions—wants people to start ignoring online reviews and discover the city for themselves. The Austrian capital has launched a new "Unrating Vienna" campaign, which highlights terrible reviews from TripAdvisor and elsewhere, including one that complained "the paintings...

Russian Scandal Rocks Austria's Government

Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache is out

(Newser) - Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called for an early election after his vice chancellor resigned Saturday over a covertly shot video that showed him apparently promising government contracts to a purported Russian investor, the AP reports. Kurz said he would ask President Alexander Van der Bellen to set a date for...

Fugitive Who Tired of Life on Sunny Island Turns Self In

'Tenerife is not as nice as it used to be'

(Newser) - A man who says he fled an Austrian prison over a decade ago has turned himself in to police in Salzburg, telling them he was fed up with living in Spain's Canary Islands. Police said the 64-year-old, carrying two suitcases, approached cops at Salzburg's railway station Saturday night...

Top 10 Happiest Nations
Top 10 Happiest Nations

Top 10 Happiest Nations

Finland tops World Happiness Report for 2nd year, while US slips

(Newser) - America has fallen in the UN's World Happiness Report , released annually since 2012. The US sits in 19th place, down one spot from 2018 and five spots from 2017, reports US News & World Report . Ryan Cooper at the Week argues there's much to learn from Finland, which...

For World-Famous Banking Family, an Era Is Over

The Rothschilds sell off historic estate in Austria

(Newser) - Good on your 19th and 20th-century history? Then you'll appreciate that this marks the end of an era, Bloomberg reports. The Rothschild family, once the Habsburg empire's main financier, is selling its last piece of property in Austria. Family heir Bettina Burr has approved the sale of two...

30 Nuns and 1 Priest Stuck in the Snow: Don't Come Get Us

Austrian order has been cut off from the world for days

(Newser) - Authorities in Austria tried to reach dozens of Catholic nuns whose Alpine monastery has been cut off from the world for days because of heavy snowfall, per the AP . But public broadcaster ORF reported Thursday that the nuns say they've got enough food and fuel, and they want to...

Northern Alps Are Having a Deadly Month

3 German skiers killed in Austria avalanche, 2 French ski patrollers killed by exploding devices

(Newser) - Three German skiers were killed in an avalanche in Austria and a fourth is still missing, police said Sunday as snowfall set in again in the northern Alps. In France, two ski patrollers were killed when the devices they use to trigger avalanches exploded. The two accidents brought to at...

On NYC Subway, a 'Tragic End to the Everyday Jostle'

Man who fled from Nazis in Austria dies after being pushed to ground by rushing fellow commuter

(Newser) - The New York Times calls Dr. Kurt Salzinger's death "a tragic end to the everyday jostle of straphangers," which the New York Post paints as "a daily underground hazard." His stepdaughter calls it "a complete disregard for the elderly," per the Times. Salzinger...

Austria Plans to Close Mosques, Expel Imams

Chancellor announces crackdown on 'political Islam'

(Newser) - Austria's government said Friday that it's closing seven mosques and plans to expel imams in a crackdown on "political Islam" and foreign financing of religious groups. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz says the government is shutting a hard-line Turkish nationalist mosque in Vienna and dissolving a group called the...

Autism Pioneer Said He Kept Kids Safe From Nazis. He Didn't

Hans Asperger 'publicly legitimized race hygiene policies,' says historian

(Newser) - Before his death in 1980, Dr. Hans Asperger said he kept his adolescent patients safe from the Nazis, a claim repeated years later by autism experts. The pediatrician—for whom Asperger's Syndrome was named in 1981—even went so far as to say he'd become a target of...

Quick-Thinking Rescuer Saves Life of Man Trapped in Glacier

German mountaineer lucky to be alive after falling into a crevice in Austria

(Newser) - Austrian emergency teams have rescued a German mountaineer who spent five days in a deep glacier crevice after slipping. Officials say the man was found in the 100-foot-deep gap Thursday after he succeeded in making an emergency call from his cellphone following numerous failed attempts because of poor reception, the...

This Man Is About to Become the World's Youngest Leader

Sebastian Kurz, 31, is set to represent the millennial generation in Austria

(Newser) - At age 31, Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz is poised to become the first millennial to lead a European country following his party's victory in a national election Sunday. While no party won a majority, the telegenic Kurz is most likely to be sworn in as Austria's next...

Man, 65, Saves Busload of Tourists From Tragedy

Police laud passenger's quick reflexes after driver collapses in Austrian Alps

(Newser) - A French tourist is being praised for saving a busload of fellow passengers from "catastrophe" after the driver passed out. The bus was on a winding road in the Austrian Alps near Schwaz when the 76-year-old driver collapsed, the BBC reports. As the bus was careening toward a precipice,...

5 Climbers Fall to Deaths After Rope Comes Loose

Another 3 climbers died on Italian glacier

(Newser) - Sunday was a deadly day in the Austrian Alps: Five roped-together German climbers fell to their deaths after a rope apparently came loose, the BBC reports. Police say one of the climbers slipped and pulled down the rest of the group of six men, who plunged more than 600 feet...

A 'Second-Long Sleep,' Then Thousands of Loose Chickens

It happened on an Austrian highway

(Newser) - Some 7,000 chickens on their way to be slaughtered had an unexpected shot at freedom Tuesday when the truck transporting them crashed into a bridge in Austria, spilling its load on the highway. Traffic on the A1 autobahn into Vienna was snarled for hours as authorities cleared the scene...

Court Rules on Seizure of Hitler's Childhood Home

It was legal, court says; the owner is expected to appeal

(Newser) - Austria's highest court on Friday ruled the government was within its rights to seize the house where Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 after its owner refused to sell it, saying the move was needed to give the state full control over plans to reduce its attraction...

This Man Will Be One of Central Europe's Last Hermits


(Newser) - "When I read about the Saalfelden hermitage, I thought to myself: that's the place for me," says Stan Vanuytrecht. The mayor of the Austrian town, perched in the Alps, thought it was just the spot for Vanuytrecht, too. Vanuytrecht, a bearded, pipe-smoking Catholic deacon from Belgium, beat...

Authorities Investigating Hitler Sightings in His Hometown

The impersonator has been spotted at a bookstore and bar

(Newser) - It appears Hitler has made an improbable return to the place of his birth. Reuters reports the former Nazi dictator has been spotted around Braunau am Inn in Austria reading magazines about WWII in a bookstore, giving the name "Harald Hitler" at a bar, and standing outside the home...

Austria Cracks Down on Full-Face Veils

Refugees, some immigrants may also be made to sign 'integration contracts'

(Newser) - Face-covering veils are set to be banned in public places in Austria, per the country's ruling coalition, with a more widespread ban of all headscarves and religious symbols worn by state employees possible down the road, the BBC reports. The ban on niqabs (veils that cover all of the...

Hitler House Not Being Torn Down After All

Home in Braunau am Inn, Austria, will be used by charity for the disabled

(Newser) - Austrian government officials have decided to transform the home where Adolf Hitler was born into a base for a charity, not tear down the property as some had demanded. Thursday's decision comes a day after lawmakers overwhelmingly approved an Interior Ministry bill to dispossess the owner, who had refused...

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