
Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain
GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

GOP Will Lose, Unless Hillary Faces McCain

'Billary' could mean Dems' demise, writes Frank Rich

(Newser) - Despite a crippled GOP, the Dems could still lose the White House in '08, Frank Rich writes in the New York Times: All they need is for Clinton to face McCain. 'Billary' alone would provide "two fat targets" to unite Republican rage. Plus a vetting of donors to Bill's...

Obama Wins SC in a Rout
Obama Wins SC in a Rout

Obama Wins SC in a Rout

He cruises on strong biracial support; Clinton finishes second over Edwards

(Newser) - Barack Obama scored a resounding triumph in the South Carolina primary last night, with massive support from black voters and stronger-than-expected backing from whites. Obama got 55% of the vote, more than doubling Hillary Clinton (27%) and tripling the state's native son, John Edwards (18%). Election officials said a record...

Clinton U-Turns on Michigan, Florida Ban

Says delegates should count after all; most would be hers

(Newser) - The Dems punished Michigan and Florida for slating their primaries early, but yesterday Hillary Clinton said she wants their delegates to count after all, Reuters reports. As the only Dem on last week's Michigan ballot and the front-runner in Tuesday's Florida's primary, she would reap nearly all 350 delegates at...

Poll: Clinton Still Ahead but Obama Support Surging

GOP field still wide open, Rudy's numbers slipping

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is still in first place among Democratic presidential hopefuls nationwide, despite a substantial 12% leap in support for Barack Obama since early December, finds  the latest Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll. Clinton leads Obama 42% to 33%, with John Edwards trailing at 11%. Asked to pick between Clinton and...

Obama Grabs Double-Digit Lead in SC
Obama Grabs Double-Digit Lead in SC

Obama Grabs Double-Digit Lead in SC

Barack out in front 42% to 25%; race a key factor in contest

(Newser) - Presidential hopeful Barack Obama holds a 42% to 25% lead over Hillary Clinton in the upcoming South Carolina primary, finds a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released today. Race looks to be a key factor, with African-Americans, who made up just over half the poll sample, favoring Obama over Clinton 65% to 16%....

Partisan Rift Stalls Health Reform, for Now

Dems will try veto override to boost care for poor kids

(Newser) - A partisan split over health care will likely stall all attempts at reform, at least until a new president takes office next year, the AP reports. Bush's health secretary, Mike Leavitt, opposes Dem ideas about negotiating drug prices and boosting dollars for children's care. “I’m not expecting too...

Obama Camp: Who Won Nevada? You Do the Math

Obama claims victory in delegate race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the Nevada caucuses with 51% to Barack Obama's 45%, but Obama campaign representatives say their candidate won one more national delegate, the Washington Post reports. The Clinton disputes that calculation, insisting that delegates to the national Democratic convention won't even be determined until...

Women, Latinos Key to Hill's Win
Women, Latinos Key to Hill's Win

Women, Latinos Key to Hill's Win

She beats Obama in Nevada, but he earns more delegates

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton won the Nevada caucuses today on the strength of women and Latino voters, claiming her second straight primary victory, CNN reports. With 98% of returns in, Clinton led 51% to 45% over Barack Obama. Despite losing the state's popular vote, Obama earned more delegates than Clinton, 13 to...

Nev. Caucuses Fascinating Next to SC
Nev. Caucuses Fascinating Next to SC

Nev. Caucuses Fascinating Next to SC

Advanced date, knotty demographic make state key for Dems

(Newser) - Just hours before voting begins in Nevada, its newly bumped-up caucuses are more crucial for Democrats than South Carolina's primary, blogs Sasha Abramsky of Mother Jones. Yes, Nevada has powerful unions, but it's more complex than that: outlying areas are conservative and rural, and the state is a third non-white....

Kucinich, Paul Challenged on Home Front

Long-shot candidates could both find themselves unseated

(Newser) - While Dennis Kucinich is out on the presidential campaign trail, no fewer than four Democrats in his Ohio home district are mounting primary challenges for the longtime congressman's seat, Politico reports. And though Ron Paul's anti-war stance and unconventional views have drawn a fervent national following, conservative voters in his...

Clinton Beats Back 'Uncommitted'
Beats Back

Clinton Beats Back 'Uncommitted'

68% of blacks picked no one over Hillary, bad news for fight in South

(Newser) - Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton beat off a challenge in yesterday's Michigan primary from a new tough contender—the "uncommitted" choice that 40% of voters checked off to the 55% who voted for the New York senator. Blacks and young voters favored "uncommitted," which is largely viewed...

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith
Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Obama to SC Blacks: Have Faith

Dem puts religion over race in primary strategy

(Newser) - Barack Obama is putting religion over race in the Palmetto State, where almost half of Democratic voters are black—a strategy that has worked for President Bush twice, Politico reports. As in Iowa, Obama has held faith forums throughout the state and even stumped in conservative, white churches. Some sneered...

Richardson Drops Out of Race
Richardson Drops Out of Race

Richardson Drops Out of Race

New Mexico governor will make announcement tomorrow, AP says

(Newser) - Bill Richardson is ending his bid for the presidency following lackluster showings in New Hampshire and Iowa, the AP reports. The New Mexico governor finished fourth in both races, unable to compete with the star power of his top three Democratic rivals. Richardson will make the official announcement tomorrow, says...

Women Crucial to Clinton Victory
Women Crucial to Clinton

Women Crucial to Clinton Victory

Obama takes youth and affluent vote, but Hillary still rocks Granite State

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's surge from expected second to sudden victor in the New Hampshire primary may be largely thanks to the ladies, writes Salon. Clinton's backing by 46% of female voters—compared with 34% for Barack Obama—boosted the New York senator to 39% of the overall vote, edging Obama's 37%....

Clinton Wins By a Whisker
Clinton Wins By a Whisker

Clinton Wins By a Whisker

Surprise victory goes down to wire; Edwards finishes 3rd

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton defied expectations and edged out Barack Obama in today's New Hampshire primary, NBC reports. Clinton's win rights her campaign in the face of surging support for Obama after his victory last week in Iowa. With 98% of precincts reporting, Clinton led Obama, 40% to 37%. John Edwards finished...

'Dull' v. 'Compelling' at NH Gym
'Dull' v. 'Compelling' at NH Gym

'Dull' v. 'Compelling' at NH Gym

Leading Dems strike very different tones

(Newser) - The two leading Democratic lights took the same New Hampshire stage on successive days this weekend but were “worlds apart,” says Politico's Roger Simon in a campaign snapshot taken at one of the tensest moments in recent party history. Speaking at Nashua High School Saturday, Barack Obama was...

'Indie' Bloomberg Leans Left
'Indie' Bloomberg Leans Left

'Indie' Bloomberg Leans Left

NYC mayor's policies place him squarely in the Democratic corner

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg may brand himself an independent, but his liberal stances align him with the Democrats, reports the New York Times. Bloomberg supports gay marriage, abortion rights, and stricter gun control laws, levies taxes on the rich and is against deporting illegal immigrants. But supporters say his idea for nonpartisan...

Ralph Nader Likes Edwards, But Nobody Likes Nader

Praise for populist isn't exactly welcome

(Newser) - Ralph Nader took Hillary Clinton to the woodshed and heaped praise on John Edwards this week for his anti-corporate courage, but Edwards wasn't exactly trumpeting the support. Nader hasn't been forgiven for siphoning off vital votes from Gore in 2000, the Los Angeles Times reports. "Can't we get one...

Iowa Blocks Masses of Voters
Iowa Blocks Masses of Voters

Iowa Blocks Masses of Voters

System bars absentee voting, triggers calls for reform

(Newser) - White House hopefuls have put enormous efforts into the Iowa campaign—but only a small fraction of state residents will participate in the upcoming caucus, which critics charge is an undemocratic process that blocks masses of working-class people. In 2000, just 59,000 Democrats and 87,000 Republicans voted in...

Senators Fly Solo, Foiling Bush Move

Seconds-long sessions continue, preventing recess appointments

(Newser) - A contentious Justice Department nomination lies behind Harry Reid's plan to keep the Senate in session over the holidays, if only for seconds at a time. Dems offered to give the White House a pass on a slew of other recess appointments in exchange for putting controversial terrorism expert Steven...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>