
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

McCain Cleverly Made Race Factor: Emanuel

Campaign prevented backlash by panning Obama comment

(Newser) - John McCain’s campaign managed to slip the issue of race into the presidential election, Democratic heavyweight Rahm Emanuel said today. “They got it through customs," Emanuel said at a Politico-hosted roundtable, characterizing the Republicans’ tactic of injecting race with reaction to a perceived offense by Barack Obama....

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dems: Hate
Things to Do in Denver
When You're Dems: Hate

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dems: Hate

Clinton camp's back-handed Obama-bashing, second-guessing mark jittery DNC

(Newser) - A former John McCain strategist described the odd mood in Denver perfectly, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times: “Submerged hate.” That would explain the uneasy proceedings, which have been marked more by Clintonian drama than anything else. At a recent new conference, Dowd observes, “Hillary...

Hillary: 'Time Is Now to Unite'
 Hillary: 'Time Is Now to Unite'

Hillary: 'Time Is Now to Unite'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton delivered her long-awaited address tonight to the Democratic convention and drove home the point quickly and repeatedly: The party must unite and elect Barack Obama. Clinton, after a lengthy standing ovation, said she hasn't worked for the past 35 years on health care and women's rights only to...

Warner: McCain 'Stuck in Past'
 Warner: McCain 'Stuck in Past'

Warner: McCain 'Stuck in Past'

(Newser) - Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner made an emphatic case for Barack Obama and framed the coming race in his keynote address tonight, asserting that the race is not between Democrat and Republican, but between the future and the past, MSNBC reports. And John McCain, he said, is "stuck in...

Kennedy: 'Dream Lives On'
 Kennedy: 'Dream Lives On'

Kennedy: 'Dream Lives On'

(Newser) - Ted Kennedy, vowing that "nothing is going to keep me away," made an impassioned plea for Barack Obama tonight at the Democratic convention, MSNBC reports. Kennedy, who's battling brain cancer, declared it a "season of hope" and said the nation needs Obama's lofty ambitions. "When John...

GOP Losing Its Hold on Evangelicals
GOP Losing
Its Hold on Evangelicals

GOP Losing Its Hold on Evangelicals

One reason: Popularity of overseas missions to see poverty up close

(Newser) - Republicans can no longer bank on the evangelical vote. Most still tilt toward the GOP, but the Wall Street Journal reports that a sizable number—40% by one estimate—are open to voting Democrat. Reasons vary, but one factor in particular seems to be paramount: overseas missions. More evangelicals are...

Early Voting Law May Help Obama in Ohio

One-step voting window could boost youth turnout

(Newser) - An Ohio voting law that allows residents to register and vote simultaneously one month before the election may benefit Barack Obama, the AP reports. With one-stop voting available on college campuses Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, thousands could be added to the voter rolls—and Obama leads McCain 2-to-1 among...

Reid Takes the Long View
Reid Takes
the Long View

Reid Takes the Long View

Senate majority leader points toward 2010, looking to avoid Daschle's fate

(Newser) - Harry Reid has positioned himself among the Democratic elite in Washington, but that doesn't mean the Senate majority leader is taking his eye off of the 2010 election in his home state of Nevada, reports Politico. Reid is maintaining his power position in the Senate while discreetly launching a campaign...

Why the Rift Isn't Healing
 Why the Rift Isn't Healing

Why the Rift Isn't Healing

Issues remain over Hill's campaign debt, role at convention

(Newser) - A little more than a month after the joint rally in Unity, NH, the Obama-Clinton relationship is still chilly, writes Howard Fineman, who faults both sides for letting their continuing squabble turn what should be a slam-dunk election year for the Democrats into a squeaker. For someone who’s running...

The Democratic Party: Is Civil War Brewing?
The Democratic Party: Is Civil War Brewing?

The Democratic Party: Is Civil War Brewing?

Maybe there's not enough room for both elites and blue collars

(Newser) - Democrats are undoubtedly ascendant in the US, Joel Kotkin writes in the American, but the demographic shift that made it so may undermine the party in the near future. That’s because the working-class party of FDR is now chock-full of elites—two constituencies with different values. The richer Dems...

Obama Campaign Insular, Arrogant, Hill Dems Complain

Lawmakers cite lack of coordination with presidential candidate

(Newser) - Some Congressional Democrats say they're not feeling the love from Barack Obama's campaign, Politico reports, with the candidate inattentive to broader election strategy and his camp uncommunicative on the day-to-day message blitz. "They think they know what’s right and everyone else is wrong on everything,” one senior...

Holdout Hillraisers Are Acting Like Spoiled Rich

Do Hillary-backers support a progressive agenda, or do they want a GOP victory?

(Newser) - To Hillary supporters continuing to nurse their wounds and vowing to vote for John McCain, Michael Kinsley has this to say in Time: "Now is the time to just get over it." Their complaints of sexism in the campaign are misdirected—"there is no easy way these...

GOP Going 'Green,' With Oil on the Side

Party's newly crafted policy backs renewable energy—plus drilling

(Newser) - An elite group of Republican senators met yesterday to craft an energy policy which the GOP claims is greener than the Democrats' plan, and more likely to control gas prices. Republicans will emphasize conservation—along with more nuclear plants and oil drilling—and have dubbed Barack Obama's opposition to increased...

'Redneck' Lawmaker Gives Obama Unlikely Boost

Webb helps Dem's credibility on national defense

(Newser) - Jim Webb, Virginia’s firebrand junior senator, is becoming Barack Obama’s wing man for courting pro-military and national defense voters. A respected war veteran and best-selling novelist, he is also among the more colorful candidates for Barack Obama's VP slot. But the politician who calls himself a "redneck"...

GOP Hesitates on Call for Mortgage Probe

Lawmakers wary of unearthing more Countrywide ties

(Newser) - GOP lawmakers are leery of investigating mortgage deals Countrywide may have arranged for members of Congress, even though a fellow Republican is leading the charge, Politico reports. More Democratic ties to the troubled lender would give the GOP ammo in a cycle seemingly stacked against it—but the people who...

Obama-Hagel Ticket? Tempting, but Forget It

Rumored running-mate possibility more promising in theory than in practice

(Newser) - Republican maverick Chuck Hagel is being bruted as a possible running mate for Barack Obama, and it's a tempting fantasy. He's a Vietnam vet with abundant foreign policy experience and a very public split with Bush on the Iraq war; having him on the ticket would also give serious cred...

Democrats Balk at Obama's Donation Ban

Lower-level candidates need the cash; policy offends lobbyists

(Newser) - Barack Obama won't accept contributions from lobbyists and PACs, but the rest of his party is unlikely to follow suit, reports Politico. Democratic lobbyists and fundraisers are outraged that the donations they secure are automatically considered suspect, while Senate and House candidates simply need the cash to compete. "You...

GOP Blocks Profit Tax on Oil Companies

Senators favor new US drilling over Dems' plan for 'energy relief'

(Newser) - Senate Republicans today fended off a Democrat-sponsored bill that would have heaped a 25% tax on the five biggest US oil companies and rolled back other tax breaks for the industry, the Houston Chronicle reports. President Bush had threatened to veto the measure, hailed by Dems as "energy price...

Hillary: 'No Decisions Tonight'

She praises Obama but does not drop from the race

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton congratulated Barack Obama tonight on a hard-fought campaign but did not concede the race, MSNBC reports. "I will be making no decisions tonight," she said to raucous applause from supporters. Speaking less than an hour after the major networks declared Obama the nominee, she encouraged the...

Dems Hashing Out Delegates
 Dems Hashing Out Delegates 

Dems Hashing Out Delegates

Daylong meeting seeks compromise on Florida and Michigan

(Newser) - Democratic party leaders continue to wrangle over the disputed delegates of Florida and Michigan today, hearing impassioned pleas from representatives of both states and campaigns. Hundreds of protesters are gathered outside the Washington meeting as the party's rules committee seeks a compromise, the AP reports. “We are strong enough...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>