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Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll
Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll

Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll

It's too early to tell if bump in support for reform will stick

(Newser) - Much ado has been made over yesterday's Gallup poll, which showed 49% in favor of the health care bill to 40% opposed, but Republicans shouldn't freak out just yet, writes Nate Silver. Yes, it shows a big increase in support for reform, but it's just one poll, "and even...

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
That Was Fast

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform

Poll shows 49% in favor of new law, to 40% opposed

(Newser) - The ink is barely dry on the new health care reform law, but the public has already come around on it, says a new USA Today/Gallup poll . Among those surveyed, 48% called the law “a good first step,” saying more should be done to reform the system. Roughly...

Racial Slurs, Image of Noose Faxed to Clyburn

Democratic lawmakers attacked over health bill

(Newser) - House Majority Whip James Clyburn was sent racist messages after Sunday's health reform vote. Clyburn, a veteran of the civil rights movement, told Keith Olbermann, "If you look at some of the faxes that I got today, racial slurs, nooses on gallows, and I'm telling you, some very vicious...

CBO Numbers 'Thoroughly Gamed' and Useless
CBO Numbers 'Thoroughly Gamed' and Useless

CBO Numbers 'Thoroughly Gamed' and Useless

The health bill is a fiscal time bomb, writes Megan McArdle

(Newser) - Under reconciliation rules, Democrats had to improve the budget numbers in the health care bill by $1 billion. Surprise, surprise: Today's CBO analysis shows "they improved it by exactly $1 billion," writes Megan McArdle. She sees it as further proof that "the CBO process has now been...

Dennis Kucinich Switches to 'Yes' on Health Care

President Obama made direct appeal to the liberal Democrat

(Newser) - President Obama's wooing of Rep. Dennis Kucinich worked. The liberal Ohio congressman says he will vote for health care reform even though he has serious reservations about the legislation. Kucinich voted against the bill in the House last year, and he's the first "no" vote to publicly flip, reports...

Mate Tells of Massa 'Meat-Gazing' Days on Ship

GOP demands new probe of former congressman's case

(Newser) - More sordid details are emerging about disgraced former NY Rep. Eric Massa and his days ogling and groping shipmates when he was in the Navy. When Massa was a commanding officer in the '90s, he used to take his wash down to the self-serve laundry, which happened to be where...

'No' Votes Adding Up to Trouble for Pelosi
'No' Votes Adding Up
to Trouble
for Pelosi
health care reform

'No' Votes Adding Up to Trouble for Pelosi

She can't afford any more defections

(Newser) - A new survey of Democrats could mean a big political headache for Nancy Pelosi. The Hill rounds up 25 in the House who are expected to vote "no" on health care reform. Pelosi can afford no more than 37 defections, and the count doesn't include the 12 Stupak Democrats...

Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds
Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds

Bunning Shows Dems, GOP Are In Different Worlds

Time to give up on bipartisanship, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - The big lesson from Sen. Bunning's blockade of unemployment benefits is that the Democrats and Republicans are now in totally different universes, writes Paul Krugman. This is amply demonstrated by Republicam Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona's threat to block a bill extending benefits for the rest of the year in...

Michael Moore to Glenn Beck: F--k Off

And he's tired of Democrats being 'wusses'

(Newser) - Michael Moore has some choice words for Democrats, whom he calls "wusses" in separate interviews, and Glenn Beck. Highlights from his talks with Raw Story and The Young Turks, the latter recounted at the Huffington Post :
  • "You know, I tell you, these Democrats are disgusting. Wimps and wusses

Jon Stewart the Lone Fan of Health Huddle

Since when is he less cynical than the networks?

(Newser) - He wasn't kidding. Jon Stewart is about the only person on TV who didn't slam the health summit yesterday. While most networks dismissed the talks as political theater, Stewart said on The Daily Show the summit revealed "issues where there was great agreement on health care on both the...

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?
 Why Are Democrats 
 Ignoring the Young? 
EJ Dionne

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?

Millennials hold the future of the party

(Newser) - Democrats aren’t paying attention to the demographic that ought to be the foundation of a new progressive era of politics: Young people. Millennials, those born in 1981 or after, are the most liberal and democratic demographic out there, argues EJ Dionne of the Washington Post . They’re not only...

Harry Reid to GOP: 'Stop Crying Over Reconciliation'

Won't rule out using legislative tactic for health reform

(Newser) - Harry Reid sounds less than sympathetic to Republican complaints that he's threatening to pass health-care reform through the process known as budget reconciliation. "They should stop crying about reconciliation as if it's never been done before," he said, adding that Republicans have been happy to use the tactic...

Tea Party Should Stand Alone, But Lose the Nuts

The movement is better off independent

(Newser) - Tea partiers should stay post-partisan, urges Karl Rove. Rather than align with either party the group should preserve its independence and "hold the feet of politicians in both parties to its fire," he writes in the Wall Street Journal . But, to maximize its influence on policy, the movement...

Dems Escape Trouble in Evan Bayh Race
Dems Escape Trouble in Evan Bayh Race

Dems Escape Trouble in Evan Bayh Race

Novice fails to make ballot; might have been easy GOP win

(Newser) - Democrats nearly had another political disaster on their hands thanks to Evan Bayh, writes David Kurtz. They got lucky, however, when a no-name cafe owner failed to come up with enough signatures by today's deadline to represent Democrats in the primary. Now that Tamyra d'Ippolito is out of the picture—...

Is Bayh Stepping Down for Prez Run?
 Is Bayh Stepping 
 Down for Prez Run? 

Is Bayh Stepping Down for Prez Run?

Rumors fly as pundits ponder Bayh's next move

(Newser) - Evan Bayh's decision to call it quits with Congress is spurring speculation that he's got his eyes on the Oval Office. His resignation speech focused on his desire to get things done: "I'm an executive at heart," he told the crowd. The comment prompted one political scientist to...

Public Supports Obama Over GOP
 Public Supports 
 Obama Over GOP 

Public Supports Obama Over GOP

Americans are wary, but still prefer Dems to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama has small lead over the GOP when it comes to public opinion, a new poll shows. Though Obama's approval rating sits at just 46%, only 35% of respondents have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party. A majority also believe the president is making the greater effort at...

GOP Makes More Gains With Public
GOP Makes
More Gains
With Public
poll numbers

GOP Makes More Gains With Public

More than half of America feels 'anti-incumbent'

(Newser) - There’s more bad news for Democrats in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll , which shows that the once-decimated Republicans have essentially evened the playing field. More than 70% gave Congress a failing grade, with almost half saying they felt “anti-incumbent” to just more than a third feeling “...

Obama Seeks to Rally Glum Democrats

Party can't give up on solving Americans problems, president says

(Newser) - Just a year after celebrating Barack Obama's inauguration, despondent Democrats today heard from their party leader, who urged optimism in the face of Republicans' strong challenge to their congressional dominance. "I know we've gone through a tough year," Obama told party members at the annual DNC meeting. "...

Obama Must Use 'Shame,' GOP's 'Sketchy Bladders'

Democrats should make GOP pay for being obstructionists

(Newser) - With bipartisanship dead and Republicans in love with the filibuster, Barack Obama has few weapons. Marc Ambinder surveys the landscape and comes up with a measly two—shame and the "sketchy bladders" of old white Republicans. First, Obama must "shame Republicans. Increase the costs of not doing business"...

Obama to Democrats: 'We Still Have to Lead'

President reminds senators they still have a big majority

(Newser) - President Obama implored Senate Democrats today to stay aggressive in pushing their agenda despite the loss of one vital seat, saying: "We still have to lead." Speaking to his party's senators at their strategy conference, Obama reminded Democrats they still hold a 59-41 majority. For Democrats searching for...

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