
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' &mdash;They Shouldn't
GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't
William Saletan

GOP Tells Dems to'Change Course' —They Shouldn't

If it was really such a great strategy, the GOP would have used it

(Newser) - Following the midterm elections , the Republicans have made it clear what they think Democrats should do: “Change course,” as John Boehner said on election night and Mitch McConnell said two days later. And maybe they’re right, writes William Saletan in Slate : “When voters strip you of...

It's Time for Obama to Call GOP's Bluff

Rich: Make the Republicans get specific

(Newser) - President Obama took a "shellacking" because Democrats didn't have a coherent message for America. But, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times , the Republicans don't, either. To regain some ground, Obama must call the right's bluff, and force the GOP to get specific. The Republicans keep talking about...

Potential Obama Challenger in 2012 Is ... Howard Dean?

Roger Simon think it's possible, but a Dean spokesman denies

(Newser) - The jockeying is well under way among Republicans to see who will emerge as the GOP challenger to President Obama in 2012. But at Politico , Roger Simon says the White House is keeping a wary eye on a Democrat: Howard Dean. "While today it looks impossible" that Obama would...

First Polls of the Night Close
 First Polls of the Night Close 
election day

First Polls of the Night Close

Kentucky and Indiana lead the way

(Newser) - Here we go. The first polls have closed in Kentucky and Indiana, and cable pundits and bloggers will be talking and typing pretty much nonstop into the wee hours. Head here if you need primers on key races to watch. For overviews, see the New York Times and Politico .

How Dems Could Keep the House
 How Dems Could 
 Keep the House 
nate silver

How Dems Could Keep the House

Polling inaccuracies might surprise us today

(Newser) - We keep hearing doom and gloom for the Democrats, and there’s a good chance that’s accurate, writes Nate Silver in the New York Times . But thanks to a few potential polling flaws, things could turn out differently; the Dems might even hang onto the House. Here’s why:...

Stewart's Schtick Didn't Galvanize Dems
 Stewart's Schtick 
 Didn't Galvanize Dems 

Stewart's Schtick Didn't Galvanize Dems

Politico: Rally was a very funny political failure

(Newser) - The Democrats may not be laughing come election day. This weekend's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear was a comedic success, but a strategic failure, argue James Hohmann, Marin Cogan, and Byron Tau on Politico . By putting parody above partisan politics, Jon Stewart denied the left a "galvanizing moment"...

Democrats, Brace for GOP's Gloating

Kornacki: It's surely coming, and it will surely be overblown

(Newser) - Steve Kornacki provides a preview of what's in store for Democrats in the wake of Tuesday's election by looking back at 1994. That's when Newt said (of Bill and Hillary): "They really are left-wing elitists and they really thought the country didn't get it and therefore it was their...

Why This Vote Really Matters
 Why This 
 Vote Really 
Charles Krauthammer

Why This Vote Really Matters

This election (and the next) is about the role of government: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Tuesday's vote will be a blast for Republicans, but "the direction of the country” won't truly be determined until the 2012 election, writes Charles Krauthammer. Until then, with Obama’s veto power and Democrats’ shrunken numbers, nothing much will get done. Still, the “beauty” of these next two...

We're in Big, Big Trouble
 We're in Big, Big Trouble 
paul krugman

We're in Big, Big Trouble

Krugman: GOP control will be economic 'catastrophe' for America

(Newser) - Paul Krugman doesn't use the word "Armageddon" when predicting what will happen under Republican control of Congress, but he comes pretty close. "This is going to be terrible," he writes in the New York Times . "In fact, future historians will probably look back at the 2010...

Payback Will Be Brutal for Democrats, Obama
Payback Will Be Brutal
for Democrats, Obama
Karl Rove

Payback Will Be Brutal for Democrats, Obama

Rove: These elections are nationalized, and party leaders are in trouble

(Newser) - Karl Rove remains very confident as the midterms enter crunch time. Voters will deliver a "crushing rebuke" (his headline predicts a "Democratic apocalypse") to the left's candidates and to President Obama's policies, he writes in the Wall Street Journal . It's true that midterms are usually lousy for...

Angry Gay Voters Weigh Skipping Polls

Movement leaders say Dems in for rude awakening

(Newser) - If Democrats think they can depend on the gay community on Election Day, they’d better think again: Gay people throughout the US are having doubts over whether to vote at all this year, the AP reports. “We're just used as a piggyback for them to get into office,...

Public-Employees Union No. 1 Election Spender

1.6-million member AFSCME spends $87.5M on campaign

(Newser) - The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees has become the biggest outside donor to the midterm elections, thanks to a last-minute push of funds to Democrats that brings its total election spending to $87.5 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The organization, which boasts 1.6 million...

Obama Meets With Steve Jobs, Google VP

President talks tech, innovation in Cali

(Newser) - President Obama met with Apple's Steve Jobs in California yesterday, the New York Times ' notes. The two talked tech, innovation, and education, before the president took his leave to meet another tech titan: Marissa Mayer of Google. Mayer hosted the president and about 50 others at her home for...

To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message
ej dionne

To Save Dems, Obama Needs More Coherent Message

EJ Dionne: GOP has short, sweet theme on economy, and it's working

(Newser) - The Republicans are coasting through this election season on a platform of just a few words: “Spending, taxes, jobs, economy, deficit, debt,” as one party leader has it. As we near Nov. 2, the Democrats still don’t have anything like that coherent message, writes EJ Dionne in...

Bill Clinton: Let Obama Finish the Job
 Bill Clinton: 
 Let Obama 
 Finish the Job  


Bill Clinton: Let Obama Finish the Job

Stumps for one-time nemesis Jerry Brown, rallies Dems

(Newser) - Bill Clinton gave dazed Democrats a swift kick last night, telling California voters to get out the vote, lest they commit "malpractice on your own future." Stumping for onetime nemesis and would-be governor Jerry Brown, the former president told a UCLA rally to give President Obama and Democrats...

'Epic Failure' of Democrats: Paralyzed Governments
'Epic Failure' of Democrats:
Paralyzed Governments
David Brooks

'Epic Failure' of Democrats: Paralyzed Governments

David Brooks: Bloated bureaucracies hamstrung by union demands

(Newser) - Chris Christie's decision to scrap (for now) the Jersey-Manhattan tunnel raises a larger problem for David Brooks. Governments need big projects like these to prosper, but they can't afford them anymore—because the governments themselves are too big and bloated. Cities and states are hamstrung by the salaries and pensions...

Tea Party Enthusiasm Is Trouble for Democrats
 Tea Party Enthusiasm 
 Is Trouble for Democrats 
midterm polls

Tea Party Enthusiasm Is Trouble for Democrats

They're far more enthused about voting in November

(Newser) - The so-called enthusiasm gap remains a problem for Democrats a month away from the November election. A series of polls by the Washington Post produces results with a familiar ring: Democrats are lukewarm about voting, Republicans are fairly enthused, and Tea Partiers cannot wait to get to the polls. They're...

Hispanic Voters May Sit Out Midterms

They favor Democrats but aren't eager to vote this year

(Newser) - A new poll of Hispanic voters brings a serious dose of good news/bad news for Democrats. The good: Latino voters overwhelmingly favor Democrats over Republicans, 65% to 22%. The bad: It doesn't matter because they probably won't vote. Only 51% or registered Hispanics tell the Pew Hispanic Center that they...

Thousands Rally in DC to Counter Tea Party

Labor unions, civil rights groups organize 'One Nation' event

(Newser) - Left-leaning supporters staged a rally of their own in Washington today. Tens of thousands of progressives gathered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for the "One Nation Working Together" rally, reports the Washington Post . The goal of the event—organized by groups including the NAACP and the AFL-CIO—...

5 Things Democrats Must Do
 5 Things Democrats Must Do 
Michael Moore

5 Things Democrats Must Do

Michael Moore: It's not too late to stop midterm disaster

(Newser) - Michael Moore lays out 5 things in the Daily Beast that Democrats can do between now and November 2 to help their prospects in the midterms:
  • Lay the blame: They need "wall-to-wall" ads, videos, and whatever else works to tell Americans that Republicans and George W. Bush got us

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