
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

Democrats Looking to Hawk Your Info to Banks, Stores

Including views on various issues

(Newser) - If you've ever shared your views with your state's Democrats, be aware that those views are now for sale. The Democrats' National Voter File Co-Op has been selling info on supporters to like-minded political groups like the NAACP since Democrat state parties around the country founded it in...

Feinstein Unveils Proposed Ban on Assault Weapons

It's more sweeping than the one that expired in 2004

(Newser) - Democrats led by Dianne Feinstein unveiled new legislation to rein in assault weapons today, reports the Washington Post . A few key points:
  • It would ban 157 types of semiautomatic weapons, including the Bushmaster variety used in the Sandy Hook rampage.
  • It would ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10

House Dem Leaders: Vote 'No' on GOP Debt Plan

But GOP is confident it will pass anyway

(Newser) - The word of the day in the House is not "bipartisanship." Sources tell Politico that Democratic leaders will urge their fellow lawmakers in a caucus meeting this morning to vote against the GOP's proposal to suspend the debt ceiling until May 19. Their intention: force Republicans to...

Liberals Are Also Waging a 'War on Science'

Both sides eschew science when it suits them: Michael Shermer

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom holds that Republicans, not Democrats, are waging a war on science. But "there's a liberal war on science" too, writes Michael Shermer in Scientific American . Yes, it's true that 58% of conservatives believe humans were created, by God, in the past 10,000 years. But...

Democrats to Obama: Skip Congress on Debt Ceiling

Reid, others say he should do so if Republicans won't budge

(Newser) - Senate Democrats have a suggestion for President Obama if House Republicans refuse to raise the debt ceiling to pay the nation's bills: Obama should circumvent Congress and raise the ceiling himself, reports the Hill . An excerpt of a letter from Harry Reid and other Democrats to the White House:...

Cliff Deal Could Be &#39;Pyrrhic Victory&#39; for Left
Cliff Deal Could Be
'Pyrrhic Victory' for Left
Paul Krugman

Cliff Deal Could Be 'Pyrrhic Victory' for Left

Krugman: Obama can't back down in the battles ahead

(Newser) - Democrats arguably won a "tactical victory" with the zero-hour fiscal cliff tax compromise, Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times . The deal, after all, reduced income inequality, extended unemployment and some other progressive policies, and, best of all, didn't cut entitlements, which "was by no means...

Ex-GOP: Florida Voting Law Was Designed to Hurt Dems

Charlie Crist, Jim Greer accuse GOP of electoral sabotage

(Newser) - Florida Republicans intentionally crafted a new early voting law to keep Democratic voters from getting to the polls, according to GOP advisers and former GOP officials. Republican leaders said they designed the law—which added to chaos at the polls —to fight voter fraud and save money, but former...

Boehner to Obama: Let's Make a Deal

He's willing to accept 'new revenue' but not higher tax rates

(Newser) - It seems like a start anyway. John Boehner and the White House are at least talking about talking in regard to a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff , reports the Wall Street Journal .
  • Boehner: “For purposes of forging a bipartisan agreement that begins to solve the problem, we’re

Fight for the Senate: Can GOP Flip 4 Seats?
 Democrats Keep Senate: 
 Warren, McCaskill Win 
election 2012

Democrats Keep Senate: Warren, McCaskill Win

Tim Kaine, too; Democrats coast as Mourdock, Akin, McMahon lose

(Newser) - Democrats had a banner night in the Senate, starting with Elizabeth Warren knocking off GOP incumbent Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Meanwhile, Tim Kaine beat George Allen in Virginia, and Chris Murphy did the same to Linda McMahon for Connecticut's open seat—despite her huge personal influx of cash . It...

Fight for the House: GOP Poised to Keep Control
Republicans Retain
Control of House
election 2012

Republicans Retain Control of House

Although Jesse Jackson Jr. won re-election

(Newser) - Speaker John Boehner is going to keep his gavel. Republicans are on track to easily retain control of the House, reports Politico . Democrats needed to gain 25 seats to avoid that fate, but they won't even come close. In fact, Republicans might even increase their majority, which stood at...

How I Went From Democrat to the GOP&#39;s Money Man
How I Went From Democrat
to the GOP's Money Man
Sheldon Adelson

How I Went From Democrat to the GOP's Money Man

Sheldon Adelson explains his stance

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson has made his opinion known this election season—mostly by writing gigantic checks. But the casino mogul and GOP super-donor spoke out in his own words in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today, explaining that he grew up as a Democrat. "Indeed, only liberal politicians campaigned in...

2 Caribbean Women: NJ Senator Paid Us for Sex

Women point finger at Democrat Bob Menendez

(Newser) - Two women from the Dominican Republic tell the Daily Caller that New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez gave them money in exchange for sex at a resort in that country this spring, in a report getting picked up by conservative blogs. In interviews given via translator, the two, who asked to...

Meet America&#39;s Worst 2012 Candidate
 Meet America's 
 Worst 2012 
in case you missed it

Meet America's Worst 2012 Candidate

Washington Post anoints Tennessee Democrat Mark Clayton

(Newser) - The good news for long-shot Senate candidate Mark Clayton is that the Washington Post deems his run worthy of a lengthy feature story. The bad news is that the piece by David A. Fahrenthold concludes that Clayton—a Democrat challenging GOP incumbent Bob Corker in Tennessee—is probably "America'...

O'Keefe Video Nabs Va. Dem's Son in Voter Fraud Scandal

Patrick Moran quits father's campaign after caught discussing ways to cheat

(Newser) - A Democratic congressman from Virginia is in the midst of a voter fraud scandal sparked by a James O'Keefe video, the Hill reports. Rep. Jim Moran's son Patrick has stepped down from his father's campaign after he was caught discussing secretly casting votes in place of people...

Obama to Dems: Step Away From the Ledge

Meanwhile, Democrats look to Biden to get down and dirty

(Newser) - Chicken Little syndrome is running rampant among Democrats following President Obama's lackluster debate performance and subsequent polling turmoil, but prominent supporters are telling people to snap out of the freakout. Sure, maybe the Big Bird ad wasn't the salve many Dems craved, but insiders say the president's...

George Soros Gives $1M to Pro-Obama Super PAC

He adds another $500K for congressional Democrats

(Newser) - Need more proof that deep-pocketed Democrats are finally coming around to the notion of Super PACs? None other than George Soros announced this afternoon that he's giving $1 million to the pro-Obama Priorities USA Action and another $500,000 to a pair of Super PACs backing Democrats in Congress,...

At Long Last, Dems Giving to Super PACs

But they've got a long way to go to match GOP

(Newser) - After the Supreme Court paved the way for super PACs, many Democrats were uncomfortable with the idea of limitless political spending—but as Republican-backing groups rake in the cash, it seems reluctant Democrats are coming around. As of the beginning of September, more than 40 donors had given at least...

Wall Street Has Plenty of Democrat Pals, Too
Wall Street Has Plenty
of Democrat Pals, Too

Wall Street Has Plenty of Democrat Pals, Too

They know how to 'tow the line,' too: Gary Weiss

(Newser) - Yes, Wall Street would love to see Mitt Romney win in November, writes Gary Weiss at TheStreet , but Weiss wants to debunk the "conventional wisdom" that the financial services industry and Democrats don't get along. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is a case in point. She's a...

Oops: House Candidate Withdraws, May Have Voted in 2 States

Maryland's Wendy Rosen is registered in Florida, too

(Newser) - A congressional candidate in Maryland is dropping out of her race for a doozy of a reason: She allegedly voted in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008, reports the Baltimore Sun . Democrat Wendy Rosen was a longshot challenger for the House anyway, and now her party is scrambling...

Carter: Obama Succeeded Despite 'Bitter' Opposition

Earlier, Paul Ryan happily compared the two presidents

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter made the case for President Obama's re-election in the early going of the Democrats' convention tonight, though his appearance came via video and before prime time. "In just four short years, (Obama) has worked to avert economic calamity, brought a dignified end to the ill-conceived war...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>