
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Conservatives Make Piñata of Pelosi—Literally

CPAC party will also feature Harry Reid punching bag

(Newser) - Guests at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference intend to beat Nancy Pelosi—or a reasonable likeness thereof—until candy falls out. At a conservative-themed after-party Friday night, guests, starting with a trio of “well-known DC residents,” will be given a chance to whack a Pelosi Pinata, The...

Sarah Palin Is Brilliant
 Sarah Palin Is Brilliant 
joe klein & david broder

Sarah Palin Is Brilliant

Klein and Broder say she's a populist tour de force

(Newser) - Joe Klein and David Broder remain wowed by Sarah Palin's Tea Party performance and weigh in with dovetailing columns today that place her at the head of the GOP class for 2012. In Time , Klein blasts the speech itself as "inspired drivel" full of gross simplifications. "But I...

Bachmann Drops Out of Tea Party Convention

Concerned about pricey tickets, profit motives of the organizers

(Newser) - More turmoil for the National Tea Party Convention: Firebrand Michele Bachmann is dropping out. The Minnesota congresswoman says she's decided against speaking at next week's event in Nashville over concerns that organizers are fleecing the political faithful. Sarah Palin remains on the docket, with a reported $100,000 speaking fee.

Health Reform's Biggest Hurdle: The Constitution
Health Reform's Biggest Hurdle: The Constitution
George Will

Health Reform's Biggest Hurdle: The Constitution

The government can't simply require people to buy something

(Newser) - Democrats giddy about being on the verge of health care reform ought to look out for a "rock dead ahead," writes George Will. That "rock" is the US Constitution. The idea of forcing people to buy health insurance just doesn't jibe with the principle of individual liberty,...

Bachmann: 'I'm a Lovable Little Fuzz Ball!'

Says she just doesn't get why liberals don't like her

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann gave an interview to MinnPost in which she rails against the usual subjects with the usual hyperbole, but her response when asked why liberals hate her is memorable: "I don't know. I'm a lovable little fuzz ball! I have no idea what they would have to fear....

Sarah and Trig Emerge as Anti-Abortion Stars

Palin's Downs syndrome son a huge hit on the 'Going Rogue' tour

(Newser) - The anti-abortion movement has a new star, and his name is Trig. And, oh yeah, his mom Sarah Palin. While Palin has always been an abortion foe, her profile in the movement has soared since she left the Alaska governor's office, and especially since she started the Going Rogue tour....

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost
Thomas Frank

Purges Threaten to Leave GOP Weak, Lost

Paranoid purity test will also leave right wing with no scapegoats

(Newser) - The new 10-point RNC purity test intended to purge Republicans who aren't conservative enough makes about as much sense as hacking off your own limbs to cure a weak pulse, Thomas Frank writes in the Wall Street Journal . And after the "coming period of inquisition and excommunication," says...

Kid Lit Goes Political
 Kid Lit Goes Political 

Kid Lit Goes Political

Children's books get hyper-partisan

(Newser) - Hyper-partisan children’s books are on the rise, bringing the culture wars to an age group typically sheltered from political extremes. Katharine DeBrecht's new Help! Mom! Radicals are Ruining My Country!—which lampoons liberals—is but the latest example. While political books for kids are nothing new, “the...

What Is it About Palin? Hard to Say
 What Is it 
 About Palin? 
 Hard to Say 

What Is it About Palin? Hard to Say

'Issues? Where are you going with that?' fan asks interviewer

(Newser) - What it is exactly that captivates supporters of Sarah Palin? That's hard to say, especially for them. They gush about their gal because she stands for "freedom" and "realness," and because she's the "epitome of conservativeness" in a video by the New Left Media. But when...

Democrats Ought to Thank Stupak
 Democrats Ought 
 to Thank Stupak 

Democrats Ought to Thank Stupak

Congressman brings the party in line with the public on abortion

(Newser) - Liberal Democrats are angry at Bart Stupak for forcing an amendment restricting abortion into the House’s health care bill. But one day, they may view the unassuming congressman as a savior of health care reform. Polls show the American public is evenly split on abortion, and most don’t...

GOP Bails on Its Feminine Side
 GOP Bails on Its Feminine Side 

GOP Bails on Its Feminine Side

Purge of moderates will render party male-dominated

(Newser) - Rebelling conservatives pushed Republican Dede Scozzafava out of the House race in New York’s 23rd District because she’s a moderate. But she’s also a woman, and her ouster points to a toxic side effect of the tea party revolution: the closing of the GOP to all but...

Cantor: Limbaugh's Hitler Rhetoric Not 'Helpful'

House Republican whip makes rare criticism of mighty Rush

(Newser) - Eric Cantor ventured into unusual territory for a Republican lawmaker: criticism of Rush Limbaugh. Asked by a Bloomberg interviewer about Limbaugh's comparison of President Obama's governing style to Hitler's, the House Republican whip responded: “Do I condone the mention of Hitler in any discussion about politics? No, I don’...

Tuesday Proves Obama Victory Was a Fluke
Tuesday Proves Obama Victory Was a Fluke

Tuesday Proves Obama Victory Was a Fluke

Reports of a great liberal realignment are greatly exaggerated

(Newser) - The outcome of Tuesday's elections dispel the myth of a great political re-alignment supposedly heralded by the election of Barack Obama last year, writes Charles Krauthammer . Believers swore young and minority voters would establish a new liberal majority and bury the GOP. But Republican victories in Virginia and New Jersey...

Economic Fury Is the New Culture War
 Economic Fury 
 Is the New 
 Culture War 


Economic Fury Is the New Culture War

Deficits were the rallying cry for yesterday's winners

(Newser) - "Conservatives have supposedly gotten their groove back," Peter Beinart writes about the results of yesterday's state races, "but it's not the same old groove." The candidates who won—or almost won—downplayed social issues and focused on the economy, which Beinart calls the “new culture...

Iowans Recoil at Prospect of Paying for Palin

Conservative group is trying to raise $100K to lure her

(Newser) - An Iowa conservative group’s plan to lure Sarah Palin with a $100,000 speaking fee has annoyed fellow right-wingers. This is Iowa, after all, and most political contenders are happy to come for free. One GOP consultant in the state sees the move by the Iowa Family Policy Center...

Why Women Blog Less Than Men
Why Women Blog Less
Than Men
Melissa Clouthier

Why Women Blog Less Than Men

Hostile, 'Wild West' atmosphere keeps many away

(Newser) - Women dominate social media—they use Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace much more than men. But not blogging: 67% of bloggers are male, one survey shows. Why? Because "the Internet still feels like the Wild West," writes Melissa Clouthier, where differences of opinion can quickly escalate into personal attacks....

Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap
Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap

Obama-Bashing Is Manchurian Candidate Crap

Claims he has an anti-US agenda go well beyond Bush-loathing

(Newser) - Liberals questioned George W Bush's legitimacy and wanted him to fail, writes Michael Tomasky, so what's the difference between those Bush haters and the birthers, teabaggers, and "paranoid" “committed conservatives” who Tomasky writes are way “off the continuum” of political debate over Barack Obama’s presidency? No...

Socialism, Not Racism, Fuels Obama Foes

(Newser) - It turns out race isn't what's fueling the conservative opposition to Barack Obama, at least according to focus groups conducted by a Democratic organization. It found that white, self-identified conservatives believe Obama is harboring a "secret agenda" intended to destroy America's founding principles and turn it into a socialist...

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote
Beck Could Be
'Major' Factor
in 2010 Vote

Beck Could Be 'Major' Factor in 2010 Vote

If he combines angry right-wingers with libertarians, look out

(Newser) - Don't look now, but Glenn Beck could turn out to be a big factor in the 2010 elections, writes Marc Ambinder. Beck is cooking up some kind of voter mobilization project, which is a "tricky proposition" given that "conservative talk radio audiences—and Fox News viewers—tend to...

Republicans Can Retake House in a 2010 'Landslide'

If trends continue, Republicans could gain 40 seats

(Newser) - Fred Barnes surveys the political landscape and sees the possibility of Republicans gaining up to 40 House seats—and thus regaining control of the chamber—in the 2010 elections. "A landslide of that dimension is quite possible," he writes. Democrats have time to reverse the trend, but they're...

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