
Stories 881 - 900 | << Prev   Next >>

Deputy Warned Palins About Troopergate

Official said efforts to fire trooper could embarrass governor

(Newser) - Todd Palin and other aides were warned by state police officials that their push to have a state trooper fired could come back to haunt them, CNN reports. Deputy commissioner of public safety John Glass told a persistent Palin that the trooper had already been disciplined and "discomfort and...

Ethics Report Zeroes in on Todd Palin

First Dude had 'significant influence' over state politics

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is back in the headlines with official findings that she abused her power as governor of Alaska—but her husband is the main character in the 300-page tome issued by the state legislature last week, reports AP. Alaska's “First Dude” spent half his time in Palin’s...

Confident Palin: 'You Got to Read the Report'

She says she didn't abuse her power as Alaska governor

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says she did not abuse her power as governor, despite the findings of an ethics investigation, CNN reports. “If you read the report, you will see that there was nothing unlawful or unethical about replacing a cabinet member,” she said. The report, however, did not fault...

Palin Abused Power in Trying to Can Trooper, Panel Says

But firing of comish is called 'proper'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin violated an Alaska ethics law as governor by trying to fire a state trooper divorced from her sister, state lawmakers ruled today. Palin also fired a state commissioner partly because he refused to can the trooper, but the legislative panel called that firing "a proper and lawful...

Powell Testifies to Stevens' 'Sterling' Rep

Ex-general, diplomat appears at senator's corruption trial

(Newser) - Colin Powell testified in Ted Stevens' defense today, characterizing the Alaska senator's reputation as "sterling" and saying he "was someone whose word you could rely on." On the stand in Washington as a character witness, the ex-secretary of state impishly said he had "dabbled a bit...

Palins Piled On Pressure for Trooper's Firing

'Obsessed' pair repeatedly contacted commissioner to slam trooper

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, her husband and officials from the governor's office made dozens of phone calls to Palin's public safety commissioner and his aides denouncing state trooper Mike Wooten, the New York Times reports. Walt Monegan, whose firing Palin claims was unrelated to the matter, says the governor and her husband...

Alaska Court Won't Block Palin Probe

Ruling means Troopergate report will be released tomorrow

(Newser) - The Alaska State Supreme Court refused today to halt an ethics investigation into Gov. Sarah Palin. The ruling clears the way for lawmakers to release a report tomorrow on their investigation into whether Palin abused her power by firing her public safety commissioner to settle a family dispute. Republican lawmakers...

Palin Clashed With Fired Official Over Trig's Car Seat

Todd's Troopergate statement hints at bad blood with axed commissioner

(Newser) - Deep in the statement Todd Palin wrote to Troopergate investigators is a surprise history of his wife's long-standing feud with a fired Alaska safety commissioner—including clashing over her apparent failure to use a car safety seat for her baby son, Trig. The commissioner was not axed because he refused...

Todd Palin: I Did Try to Have Trooper Fired

(Newser) - Todd Palin tried to convince several Alaska officials to support firing a trooper who was divorcing his sister-in-law, reports the Anchorage Daily News. But in a sworn statement, he denies interfering with his wife's job as governor and says he played no role in the firing of a safety commissioner...

Stevens Jurors Hear Tape of Plot to Hide Free Work

(Newser) - Two close friends of Sen. Ted Stevens schemed to conceal the fact that one was paying for extensive work done at the senator's cabin in Alaska, according to FBI audiotapes played today at Stevens' corruption trial. The pair, Bill Allen and Bob Persons, are heard on tape fretting in February...

Details of Palin's Union Membership Prove Elusive

McCain cited union tenure as evidence of running mate's ties to 'regular folk'

(Newser) - John McCain described Sarah Palin as a former union member when introducing his running mate in August, but was she? The Las Vegas Sun has been trying to find conclusive proof, but so far Palin’s union experience remains unclear. McCain officials were initially unresponsive, while her Alaskan office said:...

Jury Hears Secret Tapes in Stevens Trial

Alaska senator curses, claims innocence in talks with key witness

(Newser) - Jurors heard tapes yesterday of Ted Stevens cursing federal investigators and declaring his innocence in conversations he did not know were being recorded, reports the Anchorage Daily News. Stevens was speaking with former Veco CEO Bill Allen, the prosecution’s chief witness in the Alaska senator’s corruption trial. "...

Clinton Would Stomp Palin in Prez Race: Poll

Hillary scores 2-1 over Palin among women voters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton would make moose meat of Sarah Palin in a head-to-head election battle to be president, according to a new poll among women voters. In a theoretical 2012 faceoff,  women voters said they would back Hilary 61% to Palin's 27%, reports the New York Daily News. Clinton is...

Palin's Tax Returns Raise Questions

Experts query travel payments, other reimbursements

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's tax returns, released yesterday, show her to be the least wealthy of the presidential candidates, the Wall Street Journal reports, and the governor herself to be the family's main breadwinner. The Palins reported a combined income of $166,000 in 2007, up from $128,000 in 2006. Todd...

Judge Refuses to Block Troopergate Probe

Alaska judge rules that investigation must go on, upholds subpoenas

(Newser) - An Alaska judge has refused to halt the Troopergate probe, declaring it a "legitimate" investigation, despite a Republican lawsuit against it, reports the Anchorage Daily News. The judge upheld subpoenas against Sarah Palin's husband and several aides. Five Republican state legislators had filed a lawsuit claiming that the investigation...

Sen. Stevens Loses His Bid for Mistrial

(Newser) - Ted Stevens' corruption trial will continue despite serious errors by prosecutors, a federal judge in Washington ruled this afternoon. Material that should have been turned over to the senator's defense team much earlier surfaced Wednesday, infuriating Judge Emmet Sullivan, the Anchorage Daily News reports. He declined to dismiss the case...

'Everyday' Palins Worth About $1.2M
 'Everyday' Palins 
 Worth About $1.2M 

'Everyday' Palins Worth About $1.2M

2007 income tops $250K; salaries, fishing rights, handful of properties add up

(Newser) - Financial reports show that, while they’re no John and Cindy McCain, the Palin family is much more well-off than the average American, the AP reports, worth about $1.2 million. The Alaska governor and her husband together appear to have made more than $250,000 last year, from her...

Judge Sends Stevens Jury Home, May Declare Mistrial

Prosecutors withheld FBI reports on witness

(Newser) - A federal judge sent the jury in Ted Stevens’ Washington corruption trial home today as he considers declaring a mistrial for the Alaska senator, the AP reports. Stevens’ lawyers claimed that prosecutors attempted to withhold FBI reports about the government’s key witness, former oil exec Bill Allen, that they...

Oil Exec: Sen. Stevens Wasn't Serious About Paying Bills

Man whose company renovated Republican's home continues testimony

(Newser) - Ted Stevens avoided eye contact with onetime buddy Bill Allen as the former oil exec detailed his company’s renovations on the senator’s home, the Wall Street Journal reports. Allen says he received thank-you notes from Stevens saying, “You owe me a bill. … It just has to...

What's in an Accent? Outsider Credibility
 What's in an Accent?
 Outsider Credibility 

What's in an Accent? Outsider Credibility

Voters ready to lend their ears to the unique mishmash of Western dialects

(Newser) - Some say folksy, some say Fargo, and some say shrill. Whatever it sounds like, Sarah Palin's accent is getting more attention than anyone's since JFK, Daniel Libit writes in Politico. The accent—which linguists peg as a mish-mash of Western dialects—is a fresh one for presidential politics, after decades...

Stories 881 - 900 | << Prev   Next >>