
Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>

Cyclist Survives Grizzly Attack
 Cyclist Survives Grizzly Attack 

Cyclist Survives Grizzly Attack

Playing dead saves Alaska man's life

(Newser) - An Alaskan cyclist survived a grizzly bear attack with just minor injuries after playing dead. The pharmacist was riding his bike to work along a trail in an Anchorage park when he surprised a bear, who charged him. He played dead while the bear—a mother with her cub—swatted...

Palin Endorses Tea Partier Over Alaska Senator

Even though she donated to Murkowski's reelection campaign

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thumbed her nose at Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski last night, with a Facebook endorsement of her tea party-backed primary opponent Joe Miller—a guy who recently failed to win a state Senate seat. Palin called Miller a “true Commonsense Constitutional Conservative,” willing to take on the...

Todd Palin: 'Creepy' Neighbor Has Ruined Summer

Family thinking of moving to escape Joe McGinniss

(Newser) - The Palin family summer has been spoiled, thanks to author Joe McGinniss moving in next door, and Todd Palin called Kathleen Parker to talk about it. Parker writes in a Washington Post blog that the Palins are considering moving the family elsewhere rather than live with "big brother" watching...

Sarah Palin: See, We Need to Drill in Alaska

She bashes 'extreme greenies' who criticized 'drill, baby, drill'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is using the Gulf oil spill to push the idea of drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife National Refuge, reports CNN . "Extreme Greenies: see now why we push 'drill,baby,drill' of known reserves & promising finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?"...

Child Killed in Plane Crash Near Downtown Anchorage

Bystanders rush to save passengers

(Newser) - A young child was killed and 4 other people injured when a small plane crashed into one of the busiest streets in Anchorage during rush hour yesterday. The Cessna clipped a motel before smashing into a vacant car dealership, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Dozens of witnesses and passing motorists...

Watch It, McGinniss: Palins Could Shoot You
 Watch It, McGinniss: 
 Palins Could Shoot You 

Wasilla newspaper editorial

Watch It, McGinniss: Palins Could Shoot You

It's not a crime in Alaska to use deadly force to protect your property

(Newser) - In case you were were wondering, some Wasilla locals are amused by the fuss the national news media—from what they call Outside—is making over Todd and Sarah Palin's new fence. The town paper, the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, has gotten breathless calls from news organizations, including the Today show,...

The Law Won't Help Palin Get Rid of Author

He might be a creep, but that ain't illegal

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has called Joe McGinniss, the author who moved in next door, a “stalker,” so couldn't she just take out a restraining order on him? Nope, sorry. As Christopher Beam of Slate explains, a stalker is, according to Alaskan law, a person who “recklessly places another...

Watch Out, Sarah: Wasilla Might Take You Down

Her 'everywoman' image can't take the hit

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is doomed, warns Gawker , and it's her Wasilla brethren, not the Democrats, who are could take her down. Sure, the fence she built around her home will shield her family from the prying eyes of the "lamestream" media, writes Adrian Chen. But the problem isn't the press—...

Palin's Neighbor Rented to Author for Revenge

Palins owed her money, so she sought out Joe McGinniss

(Newser) - As the Wasilla world turns: It seems Sarah Palin's next-door neighbor purposely rented her home to author Joe McGinniss because she wanted to exact some revenge. She "was renting her house and sought out the author because the Palins had crossed her (owed her money for renovations she had...

Arctic Drilling to be Suspended

No exploratory drilling until at least 2011

(Newser) - Shell is going to have to wait, baby, wait to get its hands on new sources of Arctic oil. The Obama administration plans to suspend exploratory drilling in the Arctic Ocean until 2011 at the earliest because of the problems exposed by the Gulf oil spill, a source tells AP...

Palin Is Way Out of Line on Author Witchhunt

Her screed against journalist is 'incredibly irresponsible'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's diatribe on Facebook against her new neighbor in Alaska—author Joe McGinniss, who's writing a book about her—is astonishing, writes David Weigel at his Right Now blog in the Washington Post. "Can somebody explain to me how this isn't a despicable thing for Palin to do?"...

Palin's New Neighbor: Enemy Author

She's planning a 'tall fence' very soon

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is not so thrilled with her new next-door neighbor. A post on her Facebook page today says Joe McGinniss, who just happens to be writing a book about her, is the new renter. "Welcome, Joe! It’ll be a great summer—come borrow a cup of sugar...

Sarah Palin's Beauty Queen Rival Enters Politics

Woman who won Miss Alaska title is running in Georgia

(Newser) - The woman who deprived Sarah Palin of the Miss Alaska title (she had to settle for Miss Congeniality) is entering the political arena. Maryline Blackburn, now a resident of Georgia and a singer and actress to boot, is mounting a bid for the state House of Representatives, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution...

Hero Pooch Leads Lost Trooper to Fire

'Buddy' gets an engraved bowl as reward

(Newser) - Buddy the German shepherd is the toast of Alaska after helping a lost state trooper to the scene of a fire. The trooper's GPS had frozen, and his dashboard camera shows Buddy approaching the car, then leading the way. The fire destroyed a workshop, but troopers say Buddy's actions helped...

Need to Dodge Volcanic Ash? Ask an Alaskan

Alaska Airlines knows how avoid volcano chaos

(Newser) - That Icelandic volcano may have taught European airlines a lesson Alaska Airlines learned from Mount St. Helens 30 years ago. After its planes were grounded for days by the eruption in Washington state, the airline developed an effective way to navigate safely around volcanic ash. Its experience suggests that Europe's...

Sarah Palin Ditches RNC Fundraiser

Ex-governor wants name taken off 'invited' speakers list

(Newser) - Don't believe the hype—Sarah Palin won't be attending an upcoming RNC fundraiser in New Orleans, even though the invite lists her as an "invited" speaker. Invited or not, the former gov won't be showing, and her team has twice asked the RNC to take her name off the...

Levi: Watch My Reality Show, Not Sarah's

Johnston's will give you a better idea of Alaska...and him

(Newser) - If Levi Johnston's reality show gets picked up...and said genius network decides to air it at the same time as Sarah Palin’s series…you’ll be faced with a veritable Sophie’s Choice. But Levi thinks you should pick his show, because “mine is the real Alaska,...

Discovery Closes In on Sarah Palin's Alaska Show

Series reportedly titled 'Sarah Palin's Alaska'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's Alaska is looking more and more like a sure thing: Discovery Communications has edged out rival A&E in bidding for the show, the Hollywood Reporter notes. Palin doesn't come cheap: If Discovery pays anything close to her $1.2 million per episode asking price, the former governor's...

A&amp;E Wants Palin's Show; She Wants $1M an Episode
A&E Wants Palin's Show;
She Wants $1M an Episode
reality TV

A&E Wants Palin's Show; She Wants $1M an Episode

Sarah Palin's Alaska could become a reality

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's reality TV show is inching closer to reality. Both A&E and Discovery are interested in Sarah Palin’s Alaska, the series she’s working on with executive producer Mark Burnett. The show would follow Palin as she gives viewers a tour of Alaska locales (a gold mine!...

Palin Will Visit Arizona to Stump for McCain

2008 running mate brought in to counter Hayworth

(Newser) - With JD Hayworth breathing down his neck, John McCain is looking for help in the Arizona primary race from a familiar campaigner: Sarah Palin. The former Alaska governor and Tea Party favorite will travel to Arizona next weekend to stump for her onetime running mate. The joint appearances will be...

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