earnings reports

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5 Reasons to Think Bearish
5 Reasons to Think Bearish

5 Reasons to Think Bearish

Despite record growth, Wall Street has plenty of cause for concern, Business Week says

(Newser) - Wall Street is giddy with low unemployment, optimistic earnings predictions, and a resilient economy, but BusinessWeek lists five things for investors to worry about.
  1. Volatility in earnings, especially tech companies
  2. Consumer spending, as gas prices take their toll
  3. Inflation, which could prompt the fed to raise interest rates
  4. Subprime aftereffects,

Mortgage Trouble Rattles Wall Street
Mortgage Trouble Rattles Wall Street

Mortgage Trouble Rattles Wall Street

Bear Stearns, Goldman earnings reflect subprime bloodbath

(Newser) - Bear Stearns posted a 10% drop in quarterly earnings today, the latest victim of the subprime collapse. The country's second-largest mortgage-bond underwriter posted profits well below expectations, down nearly 33% from last year to $362 million. Goldman Sachs escaped bruised but more-or-less unscathed, with profits up 1% on the strength...

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