West Bank

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Israeli Troops Strapped Wounded Palestinian to Vehicle

UN official calls conduct in West Bank operation 'human shielding'

(Newser) - The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that its troops strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the front of their vehicle and drove off during a raid Saturday in the occupied West Bank, saying the conduct violated protocol and "does not conform to the values of the IDF." Video of...

After Raiding Palestinian Village, Israel Finds Body of Missing Boy

Binyamin Achimair, 14, killed in 'terrorist attack,' says Israeli army; Palestinian man, 26, killed in settler attacks

(Newser) - Israel's army said Saturday the body of a missing Israeli teen was found in the West Bank after he was killed in a "terrorist attack," as violence escalated across the Israeli-occupied territory where tensions have simmered for months. The disappearance of 14-year-old Binyamin Achimair sparked a large...

Palestinian Town Honors US Airman Who 'Sacrificed Everything'

Jericho names a street after Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire outside Israeli embassy

(Newser) - An American airman who shouted "Free Palestine" as he set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, last month has had a street named after him in a Palestinian town. Abdul Karim Sidr, the mayor of Jericho, said Aaron Bushnell "sacrificed everything" to support Palestinians,...

Biden Targets Israelis Who Attack West Bank Palestinians

Executive order will look to crack down on settlers carrying out attacks

(Newser) - President Biden is expected to issue an executive order targeting Israeli settlers in the West Bank who've been attacking Palestinians in the occupied territory, according to four people familiar with the matter. The White House was expected to announce the order later Thursday, reports the AP . Biden has spoken...

Disguised Israeli Forces Storm West Bank Hospital, Kill 3

Undercover forces were dressed as women, medics in expansion of violence

(Newser) - Israeli forces disguised as civilian women and medical workers stormed a hospital Tuesday in the occupied West Bank, killing three Palestinian militants in a dramatic raid that underscored how deadly violence has spilled into the territory from the war in Gaza. The Palestinian Health Ministry said Israeli forces opened fire...

Usually Bustling Bethlehem 'Like a Desert' This Christmas

Amid the Israeli-Hamas war, festivities have been canceled

(Newser) - For many, the thought of Bethlehem at Christmastime conjures idyllic images, perhaps of a baby sleeping soundly in a manger or of a towering tree decorated in lights. But "Bethlehem is not a fairy-tale town," Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, a pastor at the Palestinian city's Evangelical Lutheran...

The Holy Land Cans Christmas Festivities

With a war raging, church leaders in Jerusalem, Bethlehem say it's no time to celebrate

(Newser) - Each year around Christmas, a tree is set up, lights are strung, and a nativity scene is arranged in Bethlehem's Manger Square, home of the 6th-century Church of the Nativity, which is said to mark the spot where Jesus Christ was born. There will be none of that this...

Biden: Israel Will Allow Humanitarian Relief to Gaza

But only through the border with Egypt, and with inspections

(Newser) - President Biden said Wednesday that Israel had agreed to allow humanitarian assistance to begin flowing into Gaza from Egypt with the understanding it would be subject to inspections, and that such aid should go to civilians and not Hamas militants. In remarks from Tel Aviv, where the president had gone...

Israel Hits West Bank With Biggest Strikes Since 2006

At least 8 Palestinians killed in refugee camp, with 50 injured

(Newser) - Israel struck targets in a militant stronghold in the occupied West Bank with drones early Monday and deployed hundreds of troops in the area, reports the AP , in an incursion that resembled the wide-scale military operations carried out during the second Palestinian uprising two decades ago. Palestinian health officials said...

Settlers Storm West Bank Town to Avenge Deadly Shooting

'It was terrifying, we just saw mobs of people in the streets, masked, armed'

(Newser) - Hundreds of Israeli settlers stormed into a Palestinian town in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, setting fire to dozens of cars and homes to avenge the deaths of four Israelis killed by a pair of Palestinian gunmen the previous day, residents said. Palestinians said one man was killed in...

Israeli Mother Dies Days After Attack Killed Daughters

Lucy Dee had been in a coma since gunmen shot their car on Friday

(Newser) - An Israeli mother who survived an assault in the West Bank that killed her two daughters died of her own injuries on Monday, reports the BBC . Lucy Dee, 45, had been in a coma since Friday. The three had been riding in the same car that day on their way...

European Nations Weigh In on West Bank Violence

Six countries appeal to both sides to not do anything to endanger peace talks

(Newser) - European countries denounced recent deadly attacks in the occupied West Bank by Palestinian militants on Saturday, while also pressuring Israel. "We urge the Israeli government to reverse its recent decision to advance the construction of more than 7,000 settlement building units across the occupied West Bank and to...

After Rampage, Help Comes From a Surprise Source

Israeli crowdfunding campaign raises money for Palestinian town

(Newser) - An Israeli-led crowdfunding campaign has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Palestinian residents of a West Bank town that was set ablaze by radical Jewish settlers, the organizer of the drive said Thursday. Some 12,000 Israelis have donated nearly 1.7 million shekels—$465,000—since the campaign...

US: Israeli Official's Words 'Repugnant' and 'Disgusting'

Finance chief Bezalel Smotrich said Palestinian town of Hawara should be 'erased'

(Newser) - A far-right government official in Israel has drawn the condemnation of the US for his inflammatory comments about a Palestinian town now at the center of tensions. "I think the village of Hawara needs to be erased," said Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich during an on-stage interview Wednesday. He...

Violence Flares in West Bank, Leaving 3 Israelis Dead

Palestinian man shoots driver a day after slayings spark rampage

(Newser) - A Palestinian gunman on Monday shot and killed an Israeli motorist in the occupied West Bank, the latest bloodshed in a fresh wave of fighting that showed no signs of slowing. The killing occurred a day after two Israelis were killed by a Palestinian gunman in the northern West Bank,...

Israeli Raid on West Bank Kills 11 Palestinians

Rockets were fired from Gaza after deadly raid

(Newser) - Palestinian militants in Gaza launched rockets at southern Israel and Israeli aircraft struck targets in the coastal enclave early Thursday after a gun battle with Israeli troops in the occupied West Bank killed 10 Palestinians. An 11th person died from tear gas inhalation. Among those killed in Wednesday's raid...

Escalation Fears Rise After Israel Strikes Gaza

Rockets were fired from Gaza after 9 Palestinians died in West Bank raid

(Newser) - Israel’s defense minister signaled Friday that the military would stop its airstrikes if Palestinian militant groups halted rocket attacks, a day after the deadliest Israeli raid in decades raised the prospect of a major flare-up in fighting. After a limited exchange of Palestinian rockets and Israeli airstrikes on Gaza...

Judge Rules Against Ben & Jerry's West Bank Pullout

Federal judge says company's products can still be sold in occupied territories

(Newser) - A federal judge on Monday rejected a request by Ben & Jerry’s to block a plan by its corporate parent to allow its products to be sold in east Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank against the wishes of the Vermont ice cream maker's independent board of directors....

Long-Lost Banksy, Painted in West Bank, Resurfaces in Israel

Secretive artist painted it on concrete slab in West Bank

(Newser) - A long-lost painting by the British graffiti artist Banksy has resurfaced in a swank art gallery in downtown Tel Aviv, an hour’s drive and a world away from the concrete wall in the occupied West Bank where it was initially sprayed.The relocation of the painting—which depicts a...

Biden's First Middle East Trip Raises Some Eyebrows

President will meet with Crown Prince Mohammed in Saudi Arabia, which he once called a 'pariah'

(Newser) - President Biden will make his first trip to the Middle East next month with visits to Israel, the West Bank, and Saudi Arabia, the White House announced Tuesday. The decision to pay a call on Saudi leaders during the July 13-16 trip comes after Biden as a Democratic presidential candidate...

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