baby selling

8 Stories

Police Arrest Mom Who Allegedly Sold Baby for $2K

As well as the couple who allegedly purchased the baby

(Newser) - A sad story out of Kentucky, where three people were arrested Tuesday—one of them for allegedly selling her baby, and the other two for allegedly buying the infant. Officials at Parker-Bennett-Curry Elementary School in Bowling Green, Ky., reported to police that a woman was giving away a child. When...

Couple Allegedly Traded Truck for Baby

Truck then sold for meth: cops

(Newser) - An, er, innovative take on the adoption process: A Kentucky couple has been arrested and charged with human trafficking after allegedly trading their truck for a friend's baby. Jamie and Jeremy Brown are accused of giving their truck to Heather Kaminskey, who'd recently given birth to a boy,...

802 Busted in Chinese Child Trafficking Rings

Chinese police rescue 181 children

(Newser) - Chinese police arrested 802 people on suspicion of child trafficking and rescued 181 children in a major operation spanning 15 provinces, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security said today. The recent operation broke up two trafficking rings and led to the arrests of the ring leaders. The national operation was...

Mom Jessica Marie Beers Arrested After Trying to Sell 5-Year-Old Son for $2,000
 Mom Tries to Sell Son for $2K 

Mom Tries to Sell Son for $2K

Needless to say, Jessica Marie Beers has been arrested

(Newser) - A 29-year-old Florida woman is in custody after offering to sell her 5-year-old son to another couple for $2,000. James Gardner and his wife befriended Jessica Marie Beers in church, and since she was struggling with money, they started covering some expenses and food for Beers and her son....

Cops: Mom Offers Baby for Sale at Taco Bell

Woman wanted $500 for her 3-day-old son, say investigators

(Newser) - A 36-year-old woman is under arrest after allegedly trying to sell her 3-day-old son for $500 at a Washington state Taco Bell, according to police. A patron at the Hazel Dell restaurant called 911 to report the mom, who reportedly offered her the child. The baby, found with the mother,...

Baby-Stealing Charges Halt Adoptions

(Newser) - Guatemala and Vietnam, two of the most popular countries for international adoptions, recently halted their programs, following reports that some babies are kidnapped and put up for adoption or birth mothers coerced—fueled by the $30,000 an adoption can fetch. Vietnam says it will no longer allow adoptions to...

Guatemala Suspends Adoptions
 Guatemala Suspends Adoptions 

Guatemala Suspends Adoptions

Most babies going to US parents

(Newser) - Guatemala has suspended roughly 2,300 adoptions in an effort to prevent fraud, the BBC reports. The hold-up, for at least a month, will allow authorities to verify—using DNA testing if necessary—that each child is a legitimate candidate. Charges of baby-snatching and other fraud have prompted a crackdown...

Vietnamese Babies 'Sold to US'
 Vietnamese Babies 'Sold to US' 

Vietnamese Babies 'Sold to US'

Embassy probe finds fraud, bribery

(Newser) - US adoptions of Vietnamese children are tainted by bribery, kidnapping and baby-selling, according to an investigation by the US Embassy. The report, obtained by AP, discovered that one hospital sold a baby whose mother couldn't pay her medical bills. US couples—including Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt—have adopted more...

8 Stories
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