Ehud Barak

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In Sealed Deposition, Epstein Accuser Names Ex-Israel PM

Victoria Giuffre said she was trafficked to Ehud Barak

(Newser) - Jeffrey Epstein accuser Victoria Giuffre named former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak as one of the men the financier forced her to have sex with, a court heard Tuesday. Lawyers for Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz, another Epstein associate accused by Giuffre, said she had named Barak and billionaire Les...

Israeli Strike Hit Syrian Chemical Weapons Facility

Meanwhile, Iran says Israel 'will regret' attack

(Newser) - Israel's airstrike inside Syria just happens to have damaged the country's top chemical and biological research center, though it wasn't the primary target of the attack, US officials tell the New York Times . A senior military official said Israel's actual targets were trucks carrying missiles and...

Assad: Syria Can Handle 'Any Aggression'

As Ehud Barak confirms Israel was behind Wednesday's aggression

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says his military is capable of confronting any "aggression" that targets the country. The comments by Assad are the first since an Israeli airstrike on Wednesday that US officials say was targeting a convoy of anti-aircraft weapons inside Syria bound for Hezbollah. Assad's remarks...

Israel's Barak Quits in a Stunner

Centrist's abrupt exit comes at key crossroads ahead of election

(Newser) - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak abruptly threw in the towel today, quitting politics in a stunning resignation that cleaves Israel from one of its key moderate voices at a critical crossroads for the nation. The decorated general and former PM will complete his current term, but his resignation comes ahead...

21 Dead in Gaza Clashes

 Collapses in 
 Gaza Clash 

Ceasefire Collapses in Gaza Clash

Palestinians aim rockets at Tel Aviv for first time

(Newser) - A brief, planned ceasefire failed to materialize in Gaza today, as death continued to rain down on the strip. Israel had offered to hold its offensive to accommodate a visit from Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil, provided Hamas held its fire as well. But Hamas said it would keep firing,...

The World Reacts to Obama's Win
 The World 
 Reacts to 
 Obama's Win 

election 2012

The World Reacts to Obama's Win

Netanyahu and the Dalai Lama among those sounding out

(Newser) - The world reacted to President Obama's reelection this morning with a mix of optimism, skepticism, and a healthy dose of blah, the AP reports. Among the murmurs from abroad:
  • British Prime Minister David Cameron: "One of the first things I want to talk to Barack about is how

Netanyahu Made 2010 Request to Prep Iran Attack
Netanyahu Made 2010 Request to Prep Iran Attack
TV report

Netanyahu Made 2010 Request to Prep Iran Attack

Procedural questions halted order: TV report

(Newser) - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak in 2010 requested that the military position itself to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, according to an Israeli TV report. But the order was dropped over questions of officials' authority to call for such an action—and the military's ability...

Netanyahu, Barak Feud Over US

Defense minister using Netanyahu's prickly relations with Obama against him

(Newser) - Mitt Romney isn't the only one making political hay out of the rift between Barack Obama and Israel. People loyal to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu say his defense minister—and longtime political rival—Ehud Barak intentionally exacerbated that rift during their recent trip to New York to make...

Israel PM 'Blew Up' at US Ambassador Over Iran

Netanyahu furious at US lack of clarity, congressman says

(Newser) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clashed angrily with the American ambassador to Israel over US policy on Iran, according to a lawmaker who was present at the late August meeting. "It was very, very clear that the Israelis had lost their patience with the administration" over its failure to...

Iran: Israel Won't Actually Launch 'Stupid' Attack

Officials dismiss threats as baseless

(Newser) - Israel keeps talking about attacking Iran, but Iran says it's not exactly sweating it, AFP reports. "Even if some officials in the illegitimate regime [Israel] want to carry out such a stupid action, there are those inside (the Israeli government) who won't allow it because they know...

Panetta: Iran Attack Is On the Table

He touts ties to Israel in visit with Ehud Barak

(Newser) - "All options" are on the table when it comes to preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon—including military force, Leon Panetta said today during a trip to Israel. Panetta said force was a last resort, but that if Iran persisted in its quest, "we have options that...

Ultra-Orthodox Israelis Lose Draft Exemption

Leader warns of 'civil war' if devout conscripted

(Newser) - The draft exemption that ultra-Orthodox Jewish men have enjoyed since Israel's founding ended last night, and defense minister Ehud Barak has given the military a month to prepare for the change, reports AP . A law granting exemptions to religious scholars has expired and Israel's Supreme Court has ruled...

Israel Returns Decades-Old Remains of Suicide Bombers

Defense minister suggests imposing Palestine border

(Newser) - Israel has given Palestinian authorities the remains of 91 militants, including suicide bombers, in what it says is an effort to restart peace talks. The militants, who killed hundreds of Israelis in attacks as far back as 1975, had been buried in an Israeli cemetery for "enemy combatants,"...

Israel: We Will Attack Iran Without Warning US

US officials trying hard to convince them not to strike

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak have been quietly telling every American official who visits Israel the same thing: When Israel strikes Iran, it won't warn the US first, a US intelligence official tells the AP . In part, that's a courtesy; Israel believes keeping the US in the dark...

US Fears Israel Will Hit Iran Without Warning

Ehud Barak warns, 'Later will be too late'

(Newser) - The Obama administration is worried that Israel is on the verge of launching a military strike against Iran—and that Israel plans to give the US little to no warning or say in the matter, sources tell the Washington Post . Ehud Barak certainly reinforced that idea yesterday. "Whoever says...

Israel: Decision on Iran Attack 'Very Far Off'

Meanwhile, Russia says it won't support sanctions

(Newser) - Iran got some good news today, as Israel moved to defuse tensions and Russia indicated it likely would not support more sanctions against the rogue nation. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said a decision on whether to attack Iran to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons was "very far...

Panetta to Israel: 'Just Get to the Damn Table'

Defense Secretary says military action should be 'last resort, not the first'

(Newser) - Leon Panetta delivered a harsh rebuke to Israel yesterday, saying that it needed to take steps to end its increasing isolation in the Middle East—starting with reviving peace talks with the Palestinians. “Just get to the damn table,” Panetta said at a pro-Israel forum in Washington, according...

Israel: We're Not Sorry
 Israel: We're Not Sorry 

Israel: We're Not Sorry

New flotilla en route to Gaza

(Newser) - Amid harsh international criticism of its deadly raid on a humanitarian aid ship headed to Gaza, Israel took a hard line yesterday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the raid and said Israel will continue its Gaza blockade. Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon declared: "We do not need to apologize...

UN Calls for Probe Into Israeli Raid on Aid Ship

Israel releases video baring confrontation

(Newser) - The UN Security Council has called for an immediate investigation into the deadly Israeli raid on an aid ship headed to Gaza, and is demanding the release of all civilian activists arrested on board. At least 10 pro-Palestinian protesters, most of them Turkish, were killed when troops stormed a ship...

Israel Willing to Freeze Settlements

(Newser) - The Israeli government approved the construction of 50 new West Bank homes today, seemingly defying President Obama’s call for a freeze on new settlements. But Defense Minister Ehud Barak plans to offer a temporarily halt on some construction, officials tell the New York Times, if Palestinians agree to negotiate...

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