
Stories 81 - 90 | << Prev 

Not Gen X or a Millennial? Hello, 'Generation Catalano'

'This micro-generation is hard to pin down': Doree Shafrir

(Newser) - Perhaps last week’s Generation X screed didn’t quite ring true to you—but neither did the article about the Millennial Generation that prompted it. If so, you might be a member of “Generation Catalano,” born during the Carter administration and forever stuck between two groups that...

Welcome to the Real World; It Stinks
 Welcome to the 
 Real World; 
 It Stinks 
joe queenan

Welcome to the Real World; It Stinks

Class of 2010 has dim prospects and unrealistic expectations

(Newser) - A meeting with a childhood friend of his twentysomething son—an Ivy League grad making $250 a week as an intern with a street fair—got Joe Queenan thinking. His inescapable conclusion: the millennials are screwed. "With the obvious exception of youngsters born during the Great Depression," Queenan...

10% of Under-25s OK With Texting During Sex
 10% of Under-25s OK 
 With Texting During Sex 
in case you missed it

10% of Under-25s OK With Texting During Sex

Millennials also more likely to send SMS while eating, in bathroom

(Newser) - "Sexting" might need a new definition, notes Mashable : 10% of people under age 25 think it's OK to text during sex. Consumer electronics site Retrevo asked a number of millennials about the limits of multitasking. Besides the stunning revelation that even the most intimate activity possible isn't safe from...

The Millennial: Tech-Savvy, Still Living With Mom

Peter Pan lurks among underemployed 20somethings

(Newser) - Maybe it's the crap economy, or maybe they're just sensitive, but 20-something millennials are proving you can go home again—in fact, you can never leave. Long lauded for their tech savvy, the Washington Post notes that 20-somethings are not only not flying the coop later than previous generations, they're...

Politics Driving Young Away From Religion
Politics Driving Young Away From Religion

Politics Driving Young Away From Religion

Millennials less likely to belong to a faith; conservatives blamed

(Newser) - Young people are turning their backs on religion, with a whopping one in four 18- to 29-year-olds unaffiliated with any particular faith, according to a recent Pew study of the so-called “Millennial” generation. Yet the number who say they believe in god or pray frequently is similar to past...

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?
 Why Are Democrats 
 Ignoring the Young? 
EJ Dionne

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?

Millennials hold the future of the party

(Newser) - Democrats aren’t paying attention to the demographic that ought to be the foundation of a new progressive era of politics: Young people. Millennials, those born in 1981 or after, are the most liberal and democratic demographic out there, argues EJ Dionne of the Washington Post . They’re not only...

Why Millenials Are Quitting Teaching
 Why Millenials Are 
 Quitting Teaching 

Why Millenials Are Quitting Teaching

(Newser) - Sarah Fine arrived to teach at an inner-city school 4 years ago, ready to “‘give back’ after spending 22 years in a suburban, Ivy League bubble,” she writes in the Washington Post. Now, like so many other young teachers, she’s leaving—not just because she’s...

Climate Change May Usher GOP Into Ice Age
Climate Change May Usher GOP Into Ice Age

Climate Change May Usher GOP Into Ice Age

Republican Party ignores young voters' top concern—at its peril

(Newser) - By steadfastly opposing action on climate change, the GOP is signing its own death warrant, writes David S. Bernstein in the Boston Phoenix. The so-called “Millennial” generation—those born in 1980-2000—is 100 million strong, and doesn’t share Republicans' blasé attitude toward the environment. Says a Harvard analyst,...

Tough Times Force Gen Y to Buckle Down
 Tough Times Force 
 Gen Y to Buckle Down 

Tough Times Force Gen Y to Buckle Down

Young talent may have to stay put, but Managers need to keep them engaged

(Newser) - They're just out of school, but Millennials—the Gen Y techies who expect jobs-a-plenty and accommodating bosses—are hitting career walls in a plunging economy, the Economist reports. These Internet-savvy job-hoppers are cringing as managers get tough and autonomy withers. “The recession is creating lower turnover, but also higher...

Author Just Talking 'Bout X Generation
Author Just Talking 'Bout
X Generation
new release

Author Just Talking 'Bout X Generation

'Ignored' demographic keeps 'everything from sucking,' book argues

(Newser) - Between the stuck-in-the-'60s boomers and their blog-happy offspring is a mighty yet forgotten generation, Jeff Gordinier writes in his new book, X Saves the World: How Generation X Got the Shaft But Can Still Keep Everything From Sucking. From less Dylan to more Cobain, the author wants the "dark-horse...

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