Joseph Lieberman

11 Stories

Lieberman: Yes, I'm Leaving; My Politics Never Changed
Lieberman: Yes, I'm Leaving; My Politics Never Changed

Lieberman: Yes, I'm Leaving; My Politics Never Changed

John McCain hopes he becomes defense secretary

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman today confirmed what everybody knew: He's not running for Senate re-election in 2012. Some quotes from the Connecticut independent's news conference, as collected by the Washington Post :
  • "Along the way, I have not always fit comfortably into conventional political boxes—maybe you've noticed that—Democrat or Republican,

Dems' Supermajority: Be Careful What You Wish For

Sixty-senator caucus makes Reid hostage to any naysayer

(Newser) - The convergence of events that led to the Democrats getting 60 senators in their caucus must have felt like fate to Harry Reid, a sign that health care reform was meant to be. But as negotiations drag on, lucky No. 60 feels more like unlucky 13, because Reid must do...

White House to Reid: Get Lieberman on Board

Senate leader unwilling to cut Medicare buy-in just for Joe

(Newser) - The Obama administration is urging Harry Reid to do what he has to to secure the support of Joe Lieberman. Lieberman has gummed up the Democrats' plans for the health care reform bill by announcing his firm opposition to the expansion of Medicare to Americans 55 to 64, and Reid...

Lieberman to Baldwin: 'Make My Day'

Conn. sen. defiant after actor threatens run

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin has "no use" for Joe Lieberman and is kicking around a move to Connecticut to run for his Senate seat in 2012—to which Lieberman tells CNN, "Make my day." The independent says he respects Baldwin as an actor and comedian, and "if he...

Slimmed-Down Stimulus Bill Headed for Tuesday Vote

Senate moderates lower price tag; Obama 'pleased'

(Newser) - After hammering out a bipartisan reworking of President Obama’s stimulus package, senators began debating the measure last night, will continue today, and will likely vote on it Tuesday, CNN reports. Moderates from both parties worked on the compromise in days of private meetings, shaving down a plan that had...

GOP Plays What-If Game With Lieberman, Romney, Ridge

Picking Palin locked in base, but others might've drawn voters McCain really needs

(Newser) - Given the damage Sarah Palin has done to John McCain’s chances, Steve Kornacki, in the New York Observer, joins Republicans in wondering about the also-rans. Tom Ridge, Joe Lieberman, and Mitt Romney were unpalatable, either personally to the candidate or politically to the party. The first two would have...

Rove to Lieberman: Drop the VP Run

GOP honcho wants Mitt Romney in No.2 slot

(Newser) - Preaching to the GOP from his Fox News seat isn't enough for Karl Rove, Politico reports. The ex-Bush strategist called Joe Lieberman last week to convince him to withdraw his name from VP consideration; Lieberman laughed off the call and hasn't called it quits just yet. Rove's guy is Mitt...

Lieberman a Sore Subject With Dems

Stumping for McCain moves onetime veep nominee further from former party

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman, long at odds with his party over his outspoken support for the war in Iraq, has become so estranged from his Democratic colleagues since he began campaigning for John McCain that the New York Times wonders if the strained relationship is heading for a divorce. While, for example,...

As Prices Soar, Congress Aims at Speculators

Out-of-control traders may be driving up oil, food costs, pols say

(Newser) - Congress is blaming rampant commodity speculation for rocketing gas and food prices, and berating regulators for letting it happen, the New York Times reports. Unless watchdog groups like the Commodities Futures Trading Commision crack down, Carl Levin says, "we don’t have a cop on the beat.." Joe...

Lieberman Calls on Google to Cut Terrorist Clips

Says YouTube gives al-Qaeda platform to recruit, teach

(Newser) - Sen. Joseph Lieberman yesterday urged Google to crack down on YouTube videos aimed at spreading terrorist messages, AP reports. The Connecticut senator cited al-Qaeda-produced clips that “show attacks on US forces in which American soldiers are injured and, in some cases, killed.” Google relies heavily on users to...

Bush Climate Plan 'Too Bad'
 Bush Climate Plan 'Too Bad' 

Bush Climate Plan 'Too Bad'

Only carbon caps will turn industry green

(Newser) - President Bush's new climate change policy announced yesterday is "too little, too slow, too late," writes Bryan Walsh of Time. Bush outlined a plan to gradually rein in the growth of US greenhouse gas emissions by 2025—but rejected mandatory international carbon emissions caps unless they also bind...

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