North Carolina

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>

Tape Released of Mother's 911 Call on Shaniya

Mom says she woke to find little girl gone

(Newser) - Shaniya Davis' apparently emotional mom tells a 911 dispatcher that she awoke to find her daughter missing, just days before the North Carolina kindergartner turned up dead. "I don't know if she walked out or I don't know what's going on, but she's not here," says Antoinette Davis...

Mother of Slain 5-Year-Old Is Pregnant

Antoinette Davis is accused of selling her daughter as a sex slave

(Newser) - The North Carolina woman accused of selling her 5-year-old girl into sexual slavery—the girl's body was found yesterday—is pregnant. Antoinette Davis, 25, is being isolated from other prisoners as a result, reports WTVD . She has not entered a plea to charges of human trafficking, prostitution, and child abuse....

NC Police Find Body of Missing Girl, 5

Mom was charged with trafficking after Shaniya Davis spotted with man

(Newser) - Searchers found the body of a missing 5-year-old off a road today, ending a weeklong search for the girl, whose mother stands accused of offering her for sex, police said. A Fayetteville Police spokeswoman says that searchers found Shaniya Davis' body southeast of Sanford in central North Carolina. Two people...

Neighbors Cool But Polite to 'Icky' John Edwards

Some North Carolinians would rather forget scandal

(Newser) - The national attitude toward John Edwards may be a mixture of mockery and fading recognition, but in his hometown of Chapel Hill, NC, the situation is more complex. Elizabeth Edwards is still a hit across the state, and the 2004 VP candidate is more than just a passing curiosity—he’...

Sleazy Middlemen Stiff Homeowners Trying to Refi
 Sleazy Middlemen 
 Stiff Homeowners 
 Trying to Refi 
mortgage meltdown

Sleazy Middlemen Stiff Homeowners Trying to Refi

Foot-dragging 'mortgage servicers' step into role of fox in henhouse

(Newser) - The federal mortgage modification program is mired in trouble, with just 12% of the 3 million eligible loans in the process of modification, the "servicers" that helped create the problem tasked with helping to untangle it, and the Treasury Department falling down on the oversight job. In one...

Elizabeth Edwards Cyber-Slags John's Mistress

(Newser) - An irate Elizabeth Edwards is taking borderline-anonymous shots at her husband's former mistress in blog comments. The disgraced ex-senator's wife lambastes Rielle Hunder using the pseudonym "Cherubim"—which makes it easy for insiders to guess her identity. "It's Elizabeth," a source tells Rush & Molloy...

In War on STDs, NC Tries New Weapon: Bribery

Syphilis outbreak sparks offer of gift card in exchange for test

(Newser) - The incidence of syphilis is spiking in the economically hard-hit South, and health officials have lit on a novel preventative measure, MSNBC reports: Wal-Mart gift cards. Syphilis tends to rebound in tough times, and a program in North Carolina induces patients to submit to a test in exchange for the...

Edwards Moves Former Mistress to NC: Enquirer

John wants to help raise love child; wife Elizabeth enraged

(Newser) - John Edwards is moving his former mistress and their 18-month-old daughter into his North Carolina neighborhood, the National Enquirer reports. Sources tell the tabloid that the former Democratic presidential candidate is determined to be involved in raising his child with Rielle Hunter. Edwards’ wife, Elizabeth, is said to have “...

America's Best National Parks
 America's Best National Parks 

America's Best National Parks

(Newser) - In the recession, international air travel is down and national park attendance is way up. Forbes runs down the crème de la crème of America’s national treasures, but be warned: “It's been incredibly hard to get camping space at most national parks,” one travel agent...

Terror Suspect Led Typical Suburban Life

But Boyd fought in Afghanistan, said 'good Muslims' waged jihad

(Newser) - The arrest of construction worker Daniel Boyd and his sons for conspiring to support terrorists came as a complete shock to their neighbors in North Carolina, who describe the 39-year-old father as a friendly gardener and fisherman. But Boyd has followed an uncommon path. After converting to Islam in the...

1 NC Jihadi Still at Large: Feds

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors said today that one member of a North Carolina group that sought to wage "violent jihad" is still at large. US Attorney George Holding says authorities hope to soon apprehend an eighth person described in an indictment unsealed yesterday. The person's name is redacted from court papers.

7 NC Men Charged With Plotting Foreign Terror Attacks

Suspects accused of conspiring to carry out jihad attacks on Israel

(Newser) - A North Carolina construction worker, his two sons and four other men in the state have been charged with plotting to carry out terror attacks abroad, the BBC reports. The men, all but one of whom are US citizens, conspired to carry out jihad attacks in countries including Jordan and...

5-Legged Puppy Has Amputation to Foil Suit

(Newser) - And you thought the story of the five-legged puppy and the Coney Island freak show couldn't get any stranger. The woman who swooped in at the last minute to save Lily from the fate of becoming a public spectacle says the dog has had her fifth leg amputated, the Charlotte ...

Madoff Arrives at Posh Prison
 Madoff Arrives at Posh Prison 

Madoff Arrives at Posh Prison

(Newser) - Bernie Madoff has reached his destination for the next 150 years or so. Clad in a blue jumpsuit, the fraudulent financier arrived at Butner Federal Correctional Complex in North Carolina just before noon today, ABC News reports. But the 71-year-old can take heart, because he “hit the inmate lottery,...

Ballistics Match Confirms Death of Serial Killer

NC cops shot suspect after 5 slayings in SC county in 6 days

(Newser) - The man shot to death by North Carolina police early today was the serial killer who had terrorized a rural South Carolina county, police say. Tests on his gun confirmed that it was the firearm used in the crime spree, which saw five people shot dead in less than a...

SC 'Serial Killer' May Be Dead: NC Cops

(Newser) - North Carolina police have shot and killed a man who may have been the shooter responsible for five deaths in a nearby South Carolina town, the Gaffney Ledger reports. Members of the 100-member task force combing through Cherokee County, SC, visited the crime scene in neighboring Gaston County, NC. “...

NC Cops Arrest 2nd Man in Craigslist Rape

Site helps track down attacker hired by victim's husband

(Newser) - North Carolina cops have charged a second man in the rape of a woman that authorities say was arranged by her husband on Craigslist, reports the Charlotte Observer. Rodney Liverman, 39, faces a first-degree rape charge, along with three other sex offenses, and was jailed on $250,000 bond. Craigslist...

Sex Query? Experts Help Teens Via Texting

Health professionals text teens answers to anonymous sex questions

(Newser) - Teenagers no longer need to reveal their angst over pregnancy or noisy sex in crowded classrooms, the New York Times reports. Public health officials, fretting over the state of sex ed in US schools, are now answering questions via text message. Some use multiple choice menus and automated responses, but...

Big Tobacco Suffers Big Setbacks in DC

Despite massive lobbying, regulation looks likely to pass

(Newser) - After years of winning its fights in Washington, Big Tobacco is steeling itself for a major defeat: Not only did Congress pass an excise tax hike of 62 cents a pack of cigarettes, which went into effect this week, but the House voted overwhelmingly to submit the industry to FDA...

NC Gunman's Wife Worked at Rampage Scene

(Newser) - The wife of the man charged with killing 8 yesterday worked at the North Carolina nursing home he chose for his murderous rampage, the New York Times reports. Local police said gunman Robert Stewart was likely separated from Wanda Luck, but declined to say if she was in the building...

Stories 761 - 780 | << Prev   Next >>