British tabloids

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Hugh Grant Got 'Enormous Sum' to Keep Suit Out of Court

Actor says he won't let windfall be 'hush money' after his snooping complaint against the UK tabloid

(Newser) - Hugh Grant received "an enormous sum of money" to settle a lawsuit accusing the Sun of unlawfully tapping his phone, bugging his car, and breaking into his home, the actor said Wednesday after the agreement was announced in court. Grant, who along with Prince Harry had sued News Group...

'Momentous Win' for Harry in Phone Hacking Case

Judge awards him $180K damages against Mirror Group Newspapers

(Newser) - Prince Harry has scored a partial—but important—victory in one of his legal battles against British tabloids. Justice Timothy Fancourt at the High Court in London ruled Friday that there had been "extensive" phone hacking at Mirror Group Newspapers and awarded Harry, the Duke of Sussex, $180,000...

Prince Harry Takes on Those Rumors About His Parentage

Calls the rumors about James Hewitt 'hurtful, mean, and cruel'

(Newser) - In a witness statement released Tuesday as Prince Harry testified in London's High Court , the Duke of Sussex addressed longstanding rumors that King Charles III is not his biological father. "Numerous newspapers had reported a rumor that my biological father was James Hewitt, a man my mother had...

At Trial, Harry Gets an Apology From an Old Nemesis

'Mirror' publisher acknowledges unlawful info-gathering at outset of trial, the first of 3

(Newser) - The publisher of the Daily Mirror British tabloid acknowledged and apologized Wednesday for unlawfully gathering information on Prince Harry, saying at the outset of a trial over one of his phone hacking lawsuits that the prince was due "appropriate compensation." The admission of snooping for a 2004 article...

Harry: I Didn't Know About Phone Tapping Till Years Later

Prince testifies in ANL trial that tabloid journalists are 'criminals'

(Newser) - Prince Harry is among the celebrities testifying this week in a lawsuit accusing a tabloid publisher of phone tapping and invasion of privacy, and in a written filing of his testimony, the British royal says he didn't learn about the phone tapping until 2019, but that his legal team...

British Tabloid Got Meghan Markle's SSN in 2016

Investigator says the 'Sun' paid him for info on Markle family from restricted database

(Newser) - Private investigators in the US are allowed to access databases of restricted information for certain reasons—but those reasons definitely don't include digging up dirt on the romantic partners of British royals. Retired Los Angeles-based private investigator Danno Hanks tells the BBC and the New York Times that Britain'...

How UK Tabloids Covered Harry and Meghan's Interview
UK Tabloids
Vent Anger at
Harry and Meghan

UK Tabloids Vent Anger at Harry and Meghan

British publications, pundits excoriate Sussexes, part of what the duchess calls a 'double standard'

(Newser) - While Americans seemed rather sympathetic to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after their bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey on Sunday those across the pond aren't being quite as kind. CNN notes the "tumultuous" relationship the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have long had with the UK tabloids, which...

Harry Sues Paper Over 'False, Defamatory' Story

'Mail on Sunday' claimed he had failed to stay in touch with Royal Marines

(Newser) - Prince Harry is now a California resident, but his battle against the British tabloids continues. The prince has filed a lawsuit against Associated Newspapers, publisher of the Mail on Sunday, over a story from October that claims he has failed to stay in touch with the Royal Marines after stepping...

Royal Family 'Silenced' Meghan Markle: Court Docs

More tidbits revealed from Duchess of Sussex's lawsuit against the 'Mail'

(Newser) - Meghan Markle's ongoing battle with the British Mail tabloid reveals that the Duchess of Sussex did not feel she was protected by the royal family while she was pregnant. Meghan is suing the newspaper group for privacy violation after it published parts of a letter she sent her estranged...

Prince Harry, Meghan Deliver Bad News to UK Tabloids

They will have 'zero engagement' with UK's tabloid press

(Newser) - Prince Harry and Megan Markle are putting more than an ocean between them and the UK's tabloid press. The couple sent a letter on Sunday night to the editors of the Sun, Mirror, Daily Mail, and Daily Express outlining their "new media relations policy": They are ending all...

Ruling Is Made on Woman in Love With Her Chandelier

Amanda Liberty says she's in a relationship with the light fixture

(Newser) - Most people like a nice chandelier, but Amanda Liberty? She's in love with one. And she just learned that British regulators will not consider her attraction to light fixtures a protected sexual orientation, the Guardian reports. The UK's biggest press regulator, known as Ipso, made the ruling after...

Former Markle Co-Star: I Was Offered $70K to Tell a Lie

Simon Rex tells his story on 'The Hollywood Raw' podcast

(Newser) - One of Meghan Markle's old co-stars says he was offered big bucks to lie about their relationship, E! Online reports. Simon Rex, her 2005 co-actor on Cuts, claims "a couple of British tabloids" put $70,000 on the table to say he'd "hooked up" with Markle....

Love Island Host's Unpublished Instagram Post Made Public

Family of late Caroline Flack releases her last words after reality-TV host's apparent suicide

(Newser) - It was the social media message that was never supposed to see the light of day. Now, the family of late Love Island host Caroline Flack, found dead Saturday of an apparent suicide, has revealed an unpublished Instagram post by the 40-year-old. The release of her words came just before...

Boyfriend of Reality TV Host Who Committed Suicide Speaks Out

Lewis Burton's 'heart is broken' over Caroline Flack's death

(Newser) - British former reality TV host Caroline Flack killed herself ahead of a trial for allegedly assaulting her boyfriend—and now that boyfriend is revealing his devastation over her death, the AP reports. Lewis Burton, 27, posted a picture of himself and Flack, 40, to Instagram on Sunday along with a...

Harry Slams British Tabloid as Meghan Sues

Duchess of Sussex is suing 'Mail on Sunday' for publishing her letter

(Newser) - The Duchess of Sussex—or, as she was known before she married Prince Harry, Meghan Markle—is suing a British tabloid over claims that it illegally published a personal letter she wrote, the AP reports. A spokesperson for the law firm handling the case says the Mail on Sunday's...

No More Topless Girls on Page 3 of the Sun

British tabloid drops controversial tradition, in print at least

(Newser) - For some 44 years, British tabloid the Sun has featured topless female models on its third page in a controversial tradition known as the "Page 3 girls." But no more: Though the Sun itself has not confirmed the change, another newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch, the Times , reports...

George Clooney: Shame on You, Daily Mail

Actor responds to fabricated article

(Newser) - The Daily Mail: so bad that George Clooney is actually responding to one of its articles. The story—which has since been taken down but is still excerpted on other sites including the New York Daily News —claimed that the mother of Clooney fiancée Amal Alamuddin objected to...

Murdoch Honchos' Trial Begins in Britain

Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson face phone hacking charges

(Newser) - Today marks the beginning of a phone-hacking trial centered on two former bosses at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp: Rebekah Brooks, once head of News International, and Andy Coulson, former editor of the now-shuttered News of the World. Brooks is accused of hacking mobile phone messages, paying off public officials,...

UK Report Blasts Murdoch, Press for Wreaking 'Havoc'

Leveson report being watched with keen interest domestically

(Newser) - Lord Justice Brian Leveson's long-awaited report on the various scandals surrounding News of the World and other British tabloids finally hit today, and it absolutely savages Rupert Murdoch's newspapers and the British press in general. The press, Leveson writes, has "wreaked havoc in the lives of innocent...

Ex-Cameron Aide Detained Over Alleged Perjury

Andy Coulson detained in Scottish case with ties to phone hacking scandal

(Newser) - The former top media adviser to UK Prime Minister David Cameron was detained today on suspicion of perjury in the trial of a flamboyant ex-Scottish lawmaker—the latest case tied to allegations of wrongdoing by British tabloid newspapers. Andy Coulson, 44, was detained by Scottish police at his home in...

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