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Human Rights Official on Morsi Death: 'Entirely Predictable'

Family, other critics: Mohamed Morsi's demise hastened by harsh treatment in prison

(Newser) - The cause of death of former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, who died Monday after collapsing in court during his espionage trial: perhaps a heart attack or stroke, the Washington Post reports, citing local media and Egyptian authorities. The take of a Human Rights Watch official, however: "entirely predictable."...

Egypt's Former President Dies in Court

Mohamed Morsi was 67

(Newser) - Mohamed Morsi, the former Islamist president of Egypt who took office after the country's first free elections in 2012 and was later sentenced to death , has died in court, according to Egypt's state TV. He was 67. Al Jazeera reports Morsi was in court Monday in connection with...

Christie's Thinks This Is Worth $5M. Egypt Thinks It's Stolen

A tussle over a Tutankhamun statue

(Newser) - Last Monday Christie's let the world know that it planned to auction an Egyptian brown quartzite head of King Tut as the god of sun and air, Amun. It expected it to go for more than $5 million in the July 4 sale. Egyptian officials are now trying to...

Explosion Injures Tourists Near Giza Pyramids

South Africans were hurt on their way from airport

(Newser) - An explosion injured at least 12 people on a tourist bus in Egypt on Sunday. The bus was taking 25 South Africans from the airport to the Giza pyramids area, Reuters reports; four Egyptians in a car were injured by broken glass. Three of the injured were treated at a...

Tens of Thousands Rally in Gaza
Tens of Thousands
Rally in Gaza

Tens of Thousands Rally in Gaza

But demonstrators are most kept away from the Israeli border

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of Palestinians rallied in the Gaza Strip on Saturday to mark the first anniversary of their mass protests along the Israeli border, as the territory's Hamas leaders largely restrained the crowds ahead of a hoped-for cease-fire deal, the AP reports. Demonstrators largely kept their distance from...

She Knocked Her Country on Free Speech. Now She's Banned There

Sherine Abdel-Wahab made comments in Bahrain, now can't perform in Egypt

(Newser) - An Egyptian singer has been banned from performing in her home country after suggesting that it doesn't respect free speech. A video clip circulated online shows Sherine Abdel-Wahab, during a performance in Bahrain, saying: "Here I can say whatever I want. In Egypt, anyone who talks gets imprisoned....

Museum: Here's Your $4M Coffin. Sorry About That

New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art returns the antiquity to Egypt

(Newser) - New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art says it's returning a prized artifact to Egypt after learning it was stolen from the country in 2011, the AP reports. The Met said Friday that the Manhattan District Attorney's office found evidence that the museum was given a false ownership...

Hidden in Rock Chambers, Egypt's First Big Find of 2019

40 mummies, including 10 that were children, unearthed at Tuna El-Gebel necropolis in Minya

(Newser) - Egypt says it just made what Ahram Online calls its "first antiquities discovery of 2019," and it's a big one: a number of ancient burial chambers containing some 40 mummies at the Tuna El-Gebel necropolis in the desert province of Minya, south of Cairo, the AP reports....

TV Host Sentenced to a Year in Jail for Interviewing Gay Man

Egyptian TV presenter interviewed gay sex worker

(Newser) - An Egyptian TV presenter will do a year of hard labor because he interviewed a gay man. Mohamed al-Ghiety was jailed as well as fined the equivalent of $167 for "promoting homosexuality" after an interview with the sex worker, whose identity was hidden, aired last year on Ghiety's...

Pompeo: Obama Made a Mess of the Mideast

Says policies led to rise of ISIS, problems with Iran

(Newser) - Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a scathing rebuke of the Obama administration's Mideast policies Thursday, denouncing the former president for "misguided" and "wishful" thinking that diminished America's role in the region, harmed its longtime friends, and emboldened its main foe: Iran. In a speech to...

2-Year Streak of Tourists Safe in Egypt Has Ended

Roadside bomb hits tour bus near Giza pyramids, killing 2 and injuring 12

(Newser) - A roadside bomb hit a tourist bus on Friday in an area near the Giza pyramids, killing two Vietnamese tourists and wounding 12 other people, Egypt's Interior Ministry said in a statement. It said the bus was traveling in the Marioutiyah area near the pyramids when the crude roadside...

Egypt's President Accused of Fat-Shaming an Entire Country

Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi did ask his people to lose weight, but he says it's because they're 'family'

(Newser) - Egypt's president is denying that he fat-shamed his own people after his recent calls for Egyptians to lose weight prompted a torrent of jokes online. In televised comments Wednesday, President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said, "How can I shame my own family? Egyptians are my family. How can I watch...

Beneath Egypt's Big Find: 5 Hidden Shafts

Hope is that one holds a sarcophagus

(Newser) - Egypt on Saturday announced the discovery of a "one-of-a-kind [find] in the last decades": a private tomb belonging to a senior official from the 5th dynasty of the pharaohs, which ruled roughly 4,400 years ago. Antiquities Minister Khaled al-Anani announced the find at the site of the tomb...

Still Mad About Pyramid Climb, Egypt Arrests 2

But it's not the 2 who were in the nude photo shoot at the top of Giza's famous landmark

(Newser) - Egyptian authorities weren't happy last week when a viral video seemed to show a couple getting busy atop the Great Pyramid of Giza. They're still not happy this week, and they're making arrests to express their continued displeasure. The Guardian and Egypt Today report that two people...

Thanks, France: Egypt Curtails Sale of Yellow Vests

Sales of reflective 'gilets jaunes' are now banned as anniversary of 2011 Egyptian uprising looms

(Newser) - The violent protests in France are causing shockwaves throughout the world, including now in Egypt. Security authorities there are warily anticipating the eighth anniversary next month of the uprising that helped unseat President Hosni Mubarak, so to help tamp down tensions and keep "copycat" demonstrations at bay, per the...

Viral Vid Seems to Show Couple Getting Busy Atop Great Pyramid

Egyptian authorities aren't happy

(Newser) - It's one of the Seven Wonders of the World, but some aren't filled with wonder at a video that appears to show a salacious undertaking at the landmark. CNN reports that three minutes of nighttime footage , originally uploaded Wednesday by Danish photographer Andreas Hvid, have been making the...

Actor Faces Prison Time for Red Carpet Dress

Egyptian prosecutors file charges

(Newser) - Two Egyptian lawyers are taking an actress to court for the lacy, partly transparent outfit she wore on the red carpet in Cairo last week, the New York Times reports. Rania Youssef, who's in her forties, could get five years in prison for her garb. "It was the...

7 Pharaonic Age Tombs Uncovered in Egypt

Along with statues of cats and birds

(Newser) - A top Egyptian antiquities official says local archaeologists have discovered seven Pharaonic Age tombs near the capital Cairo containing dozens of cat mummies along with wooden statues depicting other animals and birds, the AP reports. Mostafa Waziri told reporters Saturday that the discovery at Saqqara also includes mummies of scarabs,...

Key to How Pyramids Were Built: A Ramp?
Quarry Discovery May Explain
How Pyramids Were Built
in case you missed it

Quarry Discovery May Explain How Pyramids Were Built

Researchers find ramp system in Egypt

(Newser) - Scientists have long theorized that Egyptians used a ramp of some kind in building the pyramids, and a new discovery in an ancient quarry might provide a tangible look at just such a system. Researchers say they found the remains of a system that dates back 4,500 years, to...

Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Sphinx Statue in Egypt Temple
Sphinx Uncovered
in Egyptian Temple

Sphinx Uncovered in Egyptian Temple

The discovery was made in the southern city of Aswan

(Newser) - Egypt says archaeologists have discovered a statue of a lion's body and a human head in the southern city of Aswan. Per the AP , the Antiquities Ministry says the sphinx made of sandstone was found in the Temple of Kom Ombo during work to protect the site from groundwater....

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