
Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>

'Broken' Mubarak Sons Now Inmates 23, 24

And dad might be joining them behind bars soon

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak's sons Gamal and Alaa are now behind bars in the same prison that held perceived enemies of their father's regime. Hosni himself remains in a military hospital but is expected to join his sons at the Tora Farm prison when he's physically able, reports the...

Hosni Mubarak, Sons Gamal and Alaa, Detained in Egypt
 Hosni Mubarak, Sons Detained 

Hosni Mubarak, Sons Detained

Mubarak expected to remain in hospital for the duration

(Newser) - Despite the "heart crisis" he suffered during questioning yesterday, Egypt's former president Hosni Mubarak was detained last night along with his two sons. The prosecutor general's office ordered Mubarak and sons Gamal and Alaa held for 15 days as authorities investigate charges of corruption and abuse. According to the...

Hosni Mubarak Hospitalized on Day He Was Due for Questioning About Corruption
Mubarak Has 'Heart Crisis' 
During Questioning

Mubarak Has 'Heart Crisis' During Questioning

Former Egyptian leader is hospitalized

(Newser) - Ousted Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak had some kind of "heart crisis" today while being questioned by prosecutors and had to be hospitalized, state media reported. But how serious it is remains unclear. Both AP and Reuters cite reports saying he continued to answer questions at the hospital. Prosecutors are...

Hosni Mubarak Denies Corruption; Protesters Killed in Egypt, Yemen, Syria

 I Am Not 
more protesters killed

Mubarak: I Am Not Corrupt

As former president speaks out, more protesters are killed

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak today gave his first public message since being ousted from the Egyptian presidency, defending himself and his family against “unjust” allegations of corruption. He agreed to cooperate with Egypt’s general prosecutor during the corruption investigation, but called the campaign against him “distortions, lies, and incitement,...

Millions of Puppy Mummies Unearthed in Egypt

They likely came from ancient puppy mills

(Newser) - When Egypt's ancient Dog Catacombs were fully excavated for the first time in 2010, scientists found about 8 million animal mummies. They're now examining the 2,500-year-old remains, and new research shows that most of the mummies are dogs—many just hours old when mummified. They were likely the product...

Egypt Protests: Thousands Throng Tahrir Square,Turn on Military
 Egyptians Now Turn on Army 

Egyptians Now Turn on Army

Thousands demand resignation of defense minister, see reform as too slow

(Newser) - Once the defenders of Egypt's revolution, the army is now squarely in the crosshairs of tens of thousands of protesters who again crowded Cairo's Tahrir Square yesterday. Bloggers have been jailed for "insulting the military," thousands have been arrested, and women in military custody have been subjected to...

'Egypt Is a Mess' &mdash;but It's a Good Mess
 'Egypt Is a Mess' 
 —but It's a Good Mess  
Nicholas Kristof

'Egypt Is a Mess' —but It's a Good Mess

Nicholas Kristof: Young democracies are always bumpy

(Newser) - Nicholas Kristof checks in on Egypt weeks after the fall of Hosni Mubarak and pronounces it "a mess." Protesters are still taking to the streets, the military-backed government is making noises about crackdowns, and army thugs are still beating up critics. "Yet for Americans, what is unfolding...

Egypt Detainees: They Gave Us 'Virginity Tests'

Amnesty International calls on government to investigate women's claims

(Newser) - A group of female protesters detained by Egyptian soldiers say they were beaten, stripped, given electric shocks, and humiliated with so-called "virginity tests" while male soldiers were allowed to watch and take photos, reports AOL News . The women complained to Amnesty International, which found the allegations credible and demanded...

Egyptian Voters Approve Constitution Changes

41% of 45M voters cast ballots yesterday

(Newser) - Egyptian voters overwhelmingly approved changes in the constitution, opening the way for parliamentary and presidential elections within months, according to final results from a landmark referendum announced today. The elections commission chief said 41% of 45 million eligible voters cast ballots in yesterday's referendum; more than 14 million, or 77....

Egypt Disbands Feared State Security Agency

Move comes as Hillary Clinton arrives for official visit

(Newser) - Egypt's military leaders today dissolved the nation's reviled state security agency, which had long been accused of torturing dissenters during Hosni Mubarak's long rule, reports AP . The move had been a major demand of protesters, who stormed agency headquarters earlier this month. It comes as Hillary Clinton arrives in the...

ElBaradei: I'm Running for President

But the constitution needs to change, Nobel laureate says

(Newser) - It's official: Mohamed ElBaradei will run for president of Egypt, he told a private television channel yesterday. "When the door of presidential nominations opens, I intend to nominate myself," the Nobel laureate said. But he also called on the military to scrap or rewrite the "superficial" constitutional...

Egyptian Army Evicts Protesters

Army moves in after clashes in Tahrir Square

(Newser) - The Egyptian military forcibly evicted hundreds of protesters from Cairo's Tahrir Square yesterday after dozens of thugs attacked pro-reform demonstrators. Activists seeking to keep up pressure for reform had continued to gather in the square after the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. "It is absolutely unacceptable that the army should...

Egyptian Protesters Leak Govt. Secrets on Facebook

After storming State Security, WikiLeaks-like page set up

(Newser) - Hundreds of Egyptians stormed the State Security headquarters this weekend, and now they’re posting the damning documents they found WikiLeaks-style on a Facebook page, Fast Company reports. Amn Dawla Leaks , or State Security Leaks, already has more than 13,000 fans. Egyptians have posted files there, and to other...

America's Young Should Be Mad, Too
 America's Young 
 Should Be Mad, Too 
Fareed Zakaria

America's Young Should Be Mad, Too

Our leaders aren't focused on investing in the future

(Newser) - Fareed Zakaria sees a lesson for America in the youth-driven revolts sweeping the Middle East. No, America’s democracy is nothing like a Middle Eastern dictatorship. “But if the troubles of Arab youth make us shine a light on the state of America’s youth, the picture that emerges...

Angry Protesters Storm Egypt's State Security

They ignore warning shots from military

(Newser) - Hundreds of Egyptian activists yesterday stormed the headquarters of the notorious State Security, long associated with human rights abuses against political prisoners, expressing frustration that the military has been slow to shut it down. The dismantling of the intelligence force was one of the protesters’ key demands, but it has...

Egypt Army Ousts PM on Facebook

Former transport minister Essam Sharaf to form new government

(Newser) - Egypt’s military has “decided to accept the resignation of Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq,” the Supreme Council of Armed Forces announced in a Facebook post today. A spokesman then confirmed the move for Al Jazeera . Shafiq, who was hand-picked by Hosni Mubarak just before his ouster, will be...

Egypt Bans Travel by Mubarak, Family

Prosecutor seizes ex-president's frozen assets

(Newser) - Egypt's top prosecutor seized all the funds of ousted leader Hosni Mubarak and his family today and banned them from travel abroad, the latest humiliation for the once-powerful family. The attorney general had already frozen the assets of the ousted president, his wife, two sons, and their wives. Mubarak is...

Clinton: We're Ready to Help Libya

Offers 'any type of assistance,' wants Gadhafi to leave

(Newser) - The Obama administration stands ready to offer "any type of assistance" to Libyans seeking to oust Moammar Gadhafi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said today, adding a warning to other African nations not to let mercenaries aid the longtime dictator. Clinton made no mention of any US military assistance....

Egyptian Youth to Clinton: Where Was the US?

They complain of sluggish response in online chat

(Newser) - Egyptian protesters got a chance to speak directly to Hillary Clinton for the first time, and they weren't exactly overcome with gratitude. Sample questions she fielded online via an Egyptian site:
  • "Does America really support democracy? If yes indeed, why the US was late in its support for the

Political Parties Spring Up in Egypt

But many say they don't have enough time before the fall elections

(Newser) - With elections looming in Egypt, a slew of new political parties—both secular and Islamist—are being created across the land, reports the Wall Street Journal . But many organizers fear there's not enough time for parties to solidify nationally before the September elections, which could result in a familiar scenario...

Stories 601 - 620 | << Prev   Next >>