
Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>

Iran Protesters Launch Twitter Revolution

(Newser) - Erupting protests over Iranian elections may be the first political upheaval tweeted from beginning to end, as demonstrators keep up a running account of what's happening, reports CNN. "My friend saying more than 100 students arrested. Bastards just attacked us for no reason. I lost count of how much...

CNN Fiddled While Tehran Burned
CNN Fiddled While Tehran Burned

CNN Fiddled While Tehran Burned

Twitter users blast network's paltry coverage during riots

(Newser) - Twitter has already become a go-to place for breaking news, but the micro-blogging site assumed the role of media watchdog over the weekend, reports the New York Times. As riots protesting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s victory began to heat up in Tehran—and CNN aired a Larry King repeat about American ...

Sorry Folks, No 'Twitpocalypse' Tonight
Sorry Folks, No 'Twitpocalypse' Tonight

Sorry Folks, No 'Twitpocalypse' Tonight

(Newser) - Rumors of a Y2K-style Twitter bug crashing the microblogging site tonight are mere tweeter-tattle, Ryan Paul writes on Ars Technica. True, Twitter assigns each missive with a numerical ID, and their total will soon exceed 2,147,483,647—the most a 32-bit assigned interger can fit. But the site,...

'Pregnancy' Blog Was Anti-Abortion Hoax

Blogger had thousands of followers

(Newser) - A popular anti-abortion blog that told the story of a woman who gave birth to a terminally ill baby was a hoax, the Chicago Tribune reports. For months, thousands of readers logged on daily to follow "April's Mom." They rallied around her, sending photos, gifts, and prayers. On...

'Idiots' Have Driven Me Off Twitter: Reznor

I tried to show the real me, he says

(Newser) - Twitter’s negative users appear to have scared away a celebrity tweeter, Rolling Stone reports. Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor delighted some fans by using his 140 characters to announce collaborations, diss Chris Cornell, and raise money for charity. But the social network is “now doing more harm than...

Army Lifts Ban on Social Media
 Army Lifts Ban on Social Media 

Army Lifts Ban on Social Media

Soldiers can use Twitter, Facebook from bases

(Newser) - The US Army has lifted a years-long ban on online social networks, commanding bases to let soldiers access sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr so they can “tell the Army story,” Wired reports. The change doesn’t apply to all overseas bases or other armed forces, and it...

Tiananmen Sweeps Twitter as Chinese Thwart Ban

'Tiananmen' becomes one of site's most-discussed topics as users turn to proxies

(Newser) - China's blocking of Twitter ahead of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre last week didn't foil the country's computer-savvy youth for very long, the BBC reports. Users swiftly shared information about visiting the site through proxies or software applications, and the subsequent twittering made Tiananmen one of Twitter's most-discussed...

Twitter Growth Stalls, Study Shows Just 10% Tweet

(Newser) - Just last week, Twitter was on the cover of Time; today, everyone’s crowing about its demise, writes Om Malik for GigaOm. According to, Twitter’s unique visitor growth stalled in May after months of sensational gains, up a mere 1.47% compared to Facebook’s 8%. The...

GOP Senator Blasts Obama on Twitter

Grassley angered by health care comment

(Newser) - Sen. Chuck Grassley slammed the president in angry Twitter messages yesterday, saying Barack Obama has "nerve" for declaring "it's time to deliver" on health care while vacationing in Paris. Grassley is a crucial Republican ally on health care reform, which Obama has said needs bipartisan support. But Obama's...

Twitter Scores With Jocks, Fans

Site has drawbacks but allows fans to spy and athletes to vent

(Newser) - Sports fans may not have their favorite athletes on speed dial, but they do have the next best thing: Twitter, Sports Illustrated reports. Fans are obsessed with the microblogging site, which allows them to keep up on the errands, eating habits, and allergy medication needs of players. Laid-back Atlanta golfer...

Twitter: 'Verified Accounts' Will Stop Imposters

But co-founder slams La Russa suit, vows to battle in court

(Newser) - Twitter came out swinging today against St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa, calling his lawsuit against the company "an unnecessary waste of judicial resources bordering on frivolous," CNET reports. Co-founder Biz Stone also denied reports that Twitter had settled the suit, in which La Russa claimed...

It's a Boy, Twitters Lance
 It's a Boy, 
 Twitters Lance 

It's a Boy, Twitters Lance

Baby is cyclist's fourth

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong is a dad for the fourth time, Us Weekly reports. Girlfriend Anna Hansen gave birth to a son in Colorado, Armstrong told fans via Twitter. "Wassup,world? My name is Max Armstrong and I just arrived. My mommy is healthy and so am I," he wrote....

'Bratty' McCain on the Twitter Warpath Again

Someone, please, delete her account

(Newser) - Meghan McCain is “too undisciplined and impulsive” to handle Twitter, writes the Cajun Boy on Gawker following yet another of McCain's 140-character tirades. The enemy this time? Brian Williams, who “had the audacity to lower his head ever so slightly in a blatant act of deference” at the...

Cards' La Russa Sues Twitter
 Cards' La Russa Sues Twitter 

Cards' La Russa Sues Twitter

(Newser) - Twitter's in trouble again for another celebrity impersonator. St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa is suing the site after someone tweeted off-color remarks under his name and likeness, reports Mashable. His lawsuit charges trademark infringement and says La Russa suffered "emotional distress" and damage to his reputation. Two...

Jilted Guy Hides Ring in Twitter Treasure Hunt

Will tweet clues as searchers scour his New Zealand city

(Newser) - What to do when "Em, no" greets your question from bended knee? A New Zealand man who finds himself with a “spare ring” is going to hide it somewhere in the capital city Saturday—and post clues as to its location on a Twitter treasure hunt, the Dominion ...

To Entice Burglars, Just Tweet About Vacation

Even robbery doesn't stop microblogging fanatics from self-promotion

(Newser) - Going on vacation? Post a 140-character update on Twitter and you can tell all your friends—plus burglars who now know you're not at home. One prolific Twitterer returned home to Phoenix to find his house broken into, and rather proudly insisted that the criminals must have read his microblog,...

China Blocks Twitter Ahead of Tiananmen Anniversary

Flickr, Hotmail, Bing get shut down

(Newser) - As Thursday's 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre approaches, China has blocked access to Twitter, Flickr, and Hotmail, among other sites, TechCrunch reports. “The lead-up to any date like this is usually a time when the Firewall is tightened,” notes Mike Butcher, who was told by a...

Tweeting on the Run Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

Jogger runs smack into low-hanging branch

(Newser) - A multi-tasking British jogger has become the first known victim of a jolting "twinjury"—an injury sustained while using Twitter. A 23-year-old office worker was attempting to Tweet an update on his Blackberry while running to work and cracked his head on a low-lying branch. His response? "...

Twitter and Facebook Come to Xbox 360

Microsoft console gets motion-sensor camera, Spielberg to show it

(Newser) - In a bid to make its Xbox 360 more interactive, Microsoft is bringing Twitter, Facebook,, a lightning-speed video service, and—brace yourself—a motion-sensing camera that knows who you are just by reading your face to the console, Ars Technica reports. The company even brought in Steven Spielberg...

Twitter Trial to Test 'Remote Viewing'

UK prof asks people to try out psychic skills online

(Newser) - A British psychologist plans to test the theory of "remote viewing" by asking Twitterers to identify far-off locations, the Telegraph reports. Professor Richard Wiseman, a psychic phenomena specialist, will show volunteers five photographs and ask which one a researcher has visited. If voters nail it in three of four...

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>