
Stories 1781 - 1800 | << Prev   Next >>

This Guy's Getting $60K to Tweet About Wine

Winner will live in California, Tweet about wine

(Newser) - Hardy Wallace recently lost his job—but he’ll soon be making $10,000 a month promoting Murphy-Goode winery on the Web, as the winner of the much-touted “Really Goode Job,” the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The Atlantan, who has a wine blog and has taken sommelier education...

Palin's Twitter Gems Take Forever, Still Incoherent

Thank goodness for Twitter time stamps

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s original thoughts take a while to produce. Five of yesterday's Twitter posts—caught in a screen grab and posted by Gawker—“are all conjoined, all part of the same dipshit-y thought, which was another one of her maniacal rants about the endless stream of ethics complaints...

Twitter Grabs $48M in Press Over Month

(Newser) - Media darling Twitter has tweeted its way to news coverage over the last 30 days that's worth the equivalent of $48 million in advertising and public relations, reports Advertising Age. Twitter trounced coverage of even giant Microsoft's biggest product launch of the year, Bing. Microsoft's advertising budget for Bing is...

Palin Plans 'Less PC' Tweets

(Newser) - Sarah Palin plans to unburden herself on Twitter more freely after she leaves office next week, the AP reports. “Elected is replaceable; Ak WILL progress! + side benefits10 dys til less politically correct twitters fly frm my fingertps outside State site,” she Tweeted today. And, she promises, “...

Twitter Talks Alliance With Google, Plans World Takeover

(Newser) - Twitter executives are dreaming big, holding talks with seemingly every tech company on the planet, including Google and Microsoft, say confidential e-mails a hacker sent to TechCrunch. Among the revelations: Twitter was working on a reality TV pitch, has been in serious talks with Google, and aims to ultimately rack...

On Twitter, Palin Sings Praises of Grizzly Moms

'Mama bear doesn't look 2 anyone else 2 hand her anything'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin Tweeted her immense respect for—or perhaps envy of—the adult female grizzly bear yesterday after meeting Alaskan biologists, Politico reports. The soon-to-be ex-governor praised “mama bears’ gutteral raw instinct to protect & provide for her young” and described the animal in action. “She sees danger?...

Bathroom Is for Texting, Not Talking: Pitt
 Bathroom Is 
 for Texting, 
 Not Talking: Pitt 
celebrity advice

Bathroom Is for Texting, Not Talking: Pitt

Brad doles out etiquette tips for the Internet age

(Newser) - The times, they are a-changin’—and that calls for new rules of etiquette. To help out, Brad Pitt addresses issues ranging from inter-Rock Band dynamics to texting in the bathroom for Wired:
  • Problem: Your Rock Band bassist sucks. Solution: “Fire his ass. Bonus: It'll put the others on

Hacker Sends Confidential Twitter Files to Blogs

Cyber-scoundrel also hacks Twitter CEO's Gmail, Paypal accounts

(Newser) - A hacker who gained access to a Twitter administrative account two months ago has been sending confidential files to bloggers, InformationWeek reports. Most of the documents sent to blogs such as TechCrunch have been only mildly embarrassing internal correspondence, but some contain security passwords. The hacker, who goes by “...

Got 250 Twitter Followers? Best Buy May Have Opening

It may be the first time social-networking popularity has been a job requirement

(Newser) - For possibly the first time, an active Twitter following is a job requirement, the Telegraph reports. Best Buy asked that candidates for a senior marketing position at the company’s Minnesota headquarters have at least 250 followers for their Twitter pages. The posting also lists “1 year of active...

McCain Tops 1M Twitter Followers

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain, often ridiculed during last year’s campaign after admitting he was a tech “illiterate,” has passed 1 million followers on Twitter, USA Today reports. “Not too bad for an old guy,” the Republican, 72, said in a statement released by his office. He’...

Twitter Makes Brüno a 1-Day Wonder

(Newser) - Brüno came out on top at the box office this weekend, but the way he did it didn’t inspire confidence. The shockumentary did spectacular business on Friday, only to plummet on Saturday, Time reports, leading some to wonder if it’s the first victim of the “Twitter...

Young Media Doomsayer Rivets Industry

News is finished, Twitter is pointless, says teenage sage

(Newser) - A report on teen views of media written by a 15-year-old Morgan Stanley intern has become the talk of Wall Street and Sun Valley, with CEOs and fund managers old enough to be his grandparents jumping on its conclusions. Londoner Matthew Robson claims that his generation has no use for...

Ocho Cinco: NFL Can't Stop Me Tweeting

(Newser) - A defiant Chad Ocho Cinco has vowed to do an end-run around NFL regulations and go ahead with plans to give fans in-game Twitter updates, reports the Cincinnati Enquirer. "Damn NFL and these rules. I am going by my own set of rules," the Bengals receiver tweeted after...

Sam to Tour Guide: Shut the F*** Up!

LiLo's girlfriend looks to move to gated community

(Newser) - As if it’s not enough to endure the odd screaming match with on-off love Lindsay Lohan, now Samantha Ronson is the butt of Hollywood tour guide jokes, reports the Sun. She recently Twittered about hearing a bus tour driver “insult me over a loud speaker-thing.” The next...

Dad on Facebook? There's a Support Group for That

(Newser) - Facebook is graying, and the Web has already produced an outlet for youngsters fleeing the site to escape friend requests from—gasp!—their parents, Time reports. collects horror stories of parental incursion into the once uniformly young realm of social networking. “No matter how embarrassing your...

Swindlers Are Trying to Tweet You

Scamsters use site to get rich from phony cash-for-tweets schemes

(Newser) - The world's lowlifes are taking full advantage of Twitter's high profile, the Los Angeles Times reports. The Better Business Bureau warns that there has been a surge in scamsters luring people into phony work-from-home schemes. They urge users to be extremely wary of any "cash-for-tweets" scheme offering easy...

Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize
 Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize 

Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize

(Newser) - Twitter’s been so instrumental in giving Iranians a voice that it, and its creators, deserve Nobel Prize consideration, writes Mark Pfeifle for the Christian Science Monitor. Scoff all you want at the 140-character “time waster.” “In the past month, 140 characters were enough to shine a...

New Site Targets Chattering (and Now Tweeting) Classes

(Newser) - There's been lots of media chatter about, the website Dan Abrams rolled out this morning, most of it sight-unseen, challenging the former MSNBC host's intention to continue to run a media strategy firm alongside the site. Howard Kurtz, one of those critics, now takes a look at the...

Web Beats TV to Jackson Fatigue
 Web Beats TV 
 to Jackson Fatigue 

Web Beats TV to Jackson Fatigue

(Newser) - Television is still churning out Michael Jackson-related content, but Web surfers quickly lost interest after his death, Jeff Jarvis writes for BuzzMachine. “We had consuming interest in Jackson when the news came out but that quickly faded,” Jarvis writes, citing Blogpulse and Google Trends data on Jackson traffic....

Twitter a Delicious Marketing Tool, Restaurants Find

Microblogging website allows for quick communication with customers

(Newser) - Restaurants are finding Twitter a highly useful marketing tool, allowing for direct communication with customers other forms of advertising can’t provide, the Boston Globe reports. Boston’s Tupelo (@tupelo02139), for example, used a Twitter feed to post updates as the restaurant passed inspections, set the décor and decided...

Stories 1781 - 1800 | << Prev   Next >>