
Stories 1321 - 1340 | << Prev   Next >>

Twitter Proves Everyone Gets Afternoon Blues

Sociologists analyze 500M tweets in global study

(Newser) - Do you frequently find yourself in a late-afternoon funk? You’re in good company: It’s a worldwide phenomenon, and Twitter proves it, researchers say. Despite different cultures, “we found a very similar pattern in India, Africa, Europe, the UK, Canada, North America, Australia,” says a sociology professor....

Twitter Fights for 'Tweet' Trademark

But at least two startups were quicker on the draw

(Newser) - The word "tweet" may be firmly established in the lexicon, but that doesn't mean Twitter owns the rights. In fact, the company has struck out twice trying to trademark the word because other web startups got there first, explains the Wall Street Journal . One, for example, is Twittad,...

Fired Twitter Ghostwriter Gets Hilarious Revenge

Ex-boss never changed account password

(Newser) - If you’re going to fire the guy who ghostwrites your tweets, it’s probably best to change your password. Otherwise, that fired employee might just log in to your account to take his revenge. That’s what appears to have happened to one Mark Davidson, an "Internet sales...

Whoops: Qwikster Tweets Definitely Not From Netflix

Tweets on weed, bench pressing, and boredom

(Newser) - Unless Netflix has recently discovered a passion for pot, the @Qwikster Twitter account doesn’t belong to the company, and that's an unfortunate (and hilarious) oversight. Writing for TechCrunch , Alexis Tsotsis calls it an "immediate chink in the company’s rebranded armor, other than the fact that, like...

Right Mocks Obama's Ominous

(Newser) - President Obama’s campaign has set up a new take on its old “Fight the Smears” concept… only this time it’s a lot less friendly looking. Gone is the white-and-blue motif, replaced with an ominous red-and-black site called " Attack Watch "—and conservatives appear to find...

Yoko Ono Has a Most Unusual Twitter Strategy

...which seems to be: 'follow everyone'

(Newser) - If Yoko Ono is following you on Twitter, don’t feel too special: At the moment, she’s following 693,368 people, the most of any Twitter user. She took over the top spot sometime during the past six months—it used to be occupied by President Obama, notes Time...

Hackers Send Fake Terror Report on NBC Twitter Feed

FBI investigating prank by Script Kiddies

(Newser) - The Script Kiddies have struck again: Hackers with the group got into the NBC News Twitter account and sent a series of fake tweets about a terror attack in New York City, reports the Naked Security blog. The FBI is investigating. The first tweet went up yesterday evening: "Breaking...

Alec Baldwin Bashes Lowly Starbucks Barista

...who may not exist

(Newser) - Alec Baldwin is not a man known for his cool temper, which makes it only slightly surprising that he went on a Twitter rant on Wednesday. The weird twist? It was directed at a possibly non-existent Starbucks employee. "Starbucks on 93 and B’way. Uptight Queen barrista [sic] named...

Vanity Fair Unveils 'New Establishment' List

Mark Zuckerberg tops it, along with other tech execs

(Newser) - Vanity Fair put another feather in Mark Zuckerberg’s cap today, naming him to the top spot in its “ New Establishment ” list for the second year in a row. What’s the “New Establishment” you ask? Well, in the magazine’s words, it’s “an innovative...

Internet Service Hurt Revolutions: Yale Graduate Essay
 Facebook, Twitter 
 Hinder Revolutions 

Facebook, Twitter Hinder Revolutions

Deprived of the Internet, people get off their tushes and fight

(Newser) - Turns out Facebook and Twitter might actually be hurting revolutions. A political science grad student at Yale argues in a new essay that Egypt's former government quickened its downfall by cutting Internet and cell phone service in January. Instead of scrolling through messages and tweets about Lady Gaga, Egyptians...

Inside the Army's Rules for Twitter, Facebook

Guess what? A lot of them should be followed by the general public

(Newser) - The US Army has some rules for social media use—but even if you’re not a soldier, you might do well to adhere to some of those rules. From the Atlantic Wire :
  • On Facebook: DO “spell check every post prior to posting; the Army’s reputation is at

Restaurant Boots Woman Over 'Twerp' Tweet

Comment about bartender prompts owner to send her packing

(Newser) - Watch what you tweet: A diner was kicked out of a Houston restaurant for calling the bartender a “twerp” on her Twitter feed, the establishment’s owner tells KPRC Houston . When a manager with the night off saw the comment, he called the restaurant and asked the woman to...

The Game Tweets Cops' Number, Jams Phones

LA sheriff's department is investigating

(Newser) - Someone tweeted an LA sheriff station's phone number on the Game's Twitter account last night, encouraging all 580,000 of his followers to call for an internship—and incidentally jamming emergency lines for two hours. The rapper appears to be backtracking, notes the LA Times, suggesting that, ahem,...

Cameron Weighs Social Media Ban to Quell Violence

'We need to stop' use of such outlets to organize mayhem: Prime Minister

(Newser) - British Prime Minister David Cameron is calling some unusual characters on the carpet for the violence that rocked England this week: Twitter, Facebook, and Blackberry. In fact, social media played such a key role in the unrest that Cameron is considering blocking users from the systems to prevent violence in...

Newt Bought His Twitter Following: Ex-Staffer

Most of Gingrich's 1.3M followers are fake, former staffer says

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich might be way behind in the GOP polls, but he's kicking butt on Twitter—with 1.3 million followers to the fewer than 70,000 Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann each claim. A former staffer says the reason for the discrepancy is simple: The Gingrich campaign has...

Anonymous Says It Hacked Breivik's Twitter Account

Oslo killer had surgery for Aryan look: reports

(Newser) - Anders Behring Breivik’s Twitter account has been hacked, and hacker group Anonymous is taking credit for it, the Village Voice reports: “This Twitter account has been seized by #NORIA. @AnonymousNorway,” one tweet read. The account has since been wiped clean of tweets. Among the others that had...

37K Followers Ditch Obama After Twitter Bomb

@BarackObama tweets handles of GOP legislators, state by state

(Newser) - President Obama's crack campaign staff, normally oh-so-tech-savvy, got a little crazy with Twitter yesterday—and @BarackObama is down about 37,000 followers as a result. The president again used his account yesterday to keep up the pressure on Congress to reach a debt ceiling deal, tweeting, "The time...

White House Rickrolls Twitter Followers

Links to Rick Astley feed in official tweet

(Newser) - OK, so they may be a year or two (or three) late from the peak of the trend, but the White House Twitter feed got in a little "rickrolling" action today. In response to this tweet from someone complaining that the press briefing was a little dull, the White...

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Tweets During Cancer Recovery
 Chavez Governs via Twitter 

Chavez Governs via Twitter

Chavez takes to Twitter for international relations, soccer talk

(Newser) - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is using Twitter as a tool to govern remotely while he undergoes cancer treatment in Cuba. In more than 40 messages this week on his @chavezcandanga account, he has approved money for a Caracas trash collection project, praised plans for a new park, and cheered on...

Farhad Manjoo: Twitter Should Allow Tweets to Reach 280 Characters
 Why Tweets 
 Should Be 
 Twice as Long 

Why Tweets Should Be Twice as Long

You can't have 'meaningful interaction' in 140 characters

(Newser) - Call him a rebel, but Farhad Manjoo wants Twitter to double the number of characters allowed in a tweet. To many users, that’s sacrilege. But on Twitter’s fifth anniversary, “the 140-character limit feels less like a feature than a big, obvious bug,” Manjoo writes on Slate...

Stories 1321 - 1340 | << Prev   Next >>