Bob Corker

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Obama Gives Lawmakers on Both Sides More Say

New prez wooing votes for economic plans

(Newser) - So far, Barack Obama’s line about disagreeing without being disagreeable isn’t just lip service. The Wall Street Journal reports that the president-elect and his team have been talking in good faith with members of Congress—including Republicans—about economic policy. Says one senator whom they unsuccessfully lobbied to...

Meet the GOP's Auto Bailout Busters

A union-busting, foreign-car loving crew is holding up Detroit's rescue

(Newser) - With Nissan, Toyota, Volkswagen and other foreign factories dotting the I-65 corridor stretching from Kentucky to Alabama, southern Republican senators relished this week's chance to take a swing at Detroit and the UAW simultaneously. The "bailout fell victim to a nasty confluence of home-state economic interests and anti-union sentiment,...

UAW, Republicans Blame Each Other on Bailout

Gettelfinger says he felt he was being 'set up'

(Newser) - The UAW and opponents of the failed Detroit bailout blamed each other today for the impasse, the New York Times reports. GOP Sen. Bob Corker says the rescue plan could have been salvaged if the UAW had listened to him. "I offered him a solution," he said of...

Petraeus Foils Senators Seeking Exit
 Petraeus Foils
 Senators Seeking Exit  

Petraeus Foils Senators Seeking Exit

General, Crocker continue testimony on Capitol Hill today

(Newser) - David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker head back to Capitol Hill this morning after a grueling day of testimony that was short on substance and clear goals, writes the Washington Post. Pressed repeatedly yesterday to describe what "conditions" they would like to see before recommending a troop withdrawal, the general...

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