television news

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Sawyer Nabbed Anchor Job by 'Waiting Around'

Passage of time has 'smoothed bumps on her resumé'

(Newser) - What Diane Sawyer has achieved as the second female solo news anchor is “more subtle” than Katie Couric’s ascendancy, writes Alessandra Stanley in the New York Times. Sawyer “is a gorgeous, glamorous television personality who got to the top job by waiting around,” Stanley notes. It...

60 Minutes Creator Don Hewitt, 86, Dies
 60 Minutes Creator 
 Don Hewitt, 86, Dies 

60 Minutes Creator Don Hewitt, 86, Dies

TV legend directed Cronkite, Murrow in nearly 60 years at CBS

(Newser) - Don Hewitt, one of the pioneers of TV news, died today at 86 of pancreatic cancer, CBS reports. Hewitt all but invented television news over the course of his more than 60-year career, directing legends Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite. He was behind the 1968 launch of 60 Minutes,...

What Truce? O'Reilly, Olbermann Back in the Ring

Olbermann calls O'Reilly 'worst'; O'Reilly attacks GE

(Newser) - The feud between Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann continues, despite word of a peace deal: On Monday Olbermann said there was no truce and awarded O’Reilly the silver medal for “World’s Worst Person.” Then he gave the gold to Fox News honcho Rupert Murdoch. O’...

Clinton Visits N. Korea to Push for Journos' Release

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is in North Korea, where he will attempt to secure the freedom of two American journalists imprisoned since March, Reuters reports, citing South and North Korean news agencies. "As soon as he arrives, he will be entering negotiations," said a source. The White House and State...

Networks Complain About Obama Hour
Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Networks Complain About Obama Hour

Broadcasters say 'overexposed' prez wastes valuable time

(Newser) - Networks are not happy about the primetime hour that President Obama's July 22 news conference took up, reports Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post. Rahm Emanuel called the top brass at all three networks to ensure they carried the event. The networks both resent the pressure and complain that they’...

Andy Rooney at Cronkite Funeral: 'I Can't Get Over It'

Memorial service honors legendary TV news anchor

(Newser) - Family and friends of Walter Cronkite remembered the venerable television news anchor today at a memorial at St. Bartholomew’s Church in Manhattan, CBS News reports. Speakers at the service remembered Cronkite’s sense of humor, his love of sailing, and the strong emotions that lay beneath his calm, collected...

CBS: Cronkite Will Keep Introducing Evening News

Late newscaster's voice was to be dropped from broadcast

(Newser) - The voice of the late Walter Cronkite will continue to introduce the CBS Evening News, the New York Times reports. The network’s decision marks a reversal after talks with Cronkite family members, who were “very clear that if we continued to use his voice, they would consider it...

Fox News On Track for Most-Watched Year Ever

Network stays strong as rivals suffer post-election blues

(Newser) - Fox News has avoided the post-election ratings drop that hit other networks and is on course to have it best year ever, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The network, helped by programming changes like shifting Glenn Beck to 5pm, has shown a steady rise in ratings and now has as...

Obama Misses His Old Life
 Obama Misses His Old Life 

Obama Misses His Old Life

Brian Williams gets backstage look at White House

(Newser) - President Obama misses the “rhythm” of the days before he entered the White House, the New York Post reports. Looking back, he told NBC of the old days: “It’s Saturday morning. I’m gonna run some errands, I'm gonna do some things that'll make my wife happy,...

LA Mayor Moves On to Another Anchor Gal Pal

Girlfriend filed story on Villaraigosa as recently as this weekend

(Newser) - Two years after Antonio Villaraigosa had the affair with a local newscaster that led to the breakup of his 20-year marriage, the LA mayor has a new flame—yet another TV news anchor. Lu Parker, a former Miss USA contestant who reports for television station KTLA, has been dating Villaraigosa...

CNN Loses Ground in Primetime
CNN Loses Ground in Primetime

CNN Loses Ground in Primetime

Fox, MSNBC are pushing longtime rival into 3rd place

(Newser) - The oldest cable news network is starting to lag behind both of its main rivals in primetime, Variety reports. In the first quarter of this year, CNN saw a 23% drop in the key 25-54 demographic and a 10% drop overall from 8 to 11pm. In particular, Campbell Brown's show...

Mom's Spicy Book May Make Anderson Cooper Do a 360

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper’s mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, is a published author with a romantic novel to her credit, sure, but her new book could give the CNN anchor pause, the New York Daily News reports. Obsession, an erotic tale, hits stores in June. “Master, I whisper as you surrender to...

ABC's Donaldson to Retire Next Week

Bellowing newscaster is 'sweetheart underneath'

(Newser) - Sam Donaldson is calling it quits after a 41-year career distinguished by a booming voice and tough demeanor, Howard Kurtz reports in the Washington Post. “I guess it’ll be on my tombstone,” Donaldson muses. “He yelled at Ronald Reagan.” Donaldson became famous for shouting questions...

Networks Prep for Mega Inaugural

Exhuastive coverage of historic inauguration planned

(Newser) - TV networks are gearing up to cover what could be the most-watched presidential inauguration in history, the New York Times reports. The major networks are planning exhaustive coverage. Channels not known for political coverage like MTV, BET, and Nickelodeon plan to send reporters, and even the Home Shopping Network is...

TV Networks Scale Back Iraq War Coverage

Afghanistan becomes focus as US deaths fall, budgets drop

(Newser) - Violence is down drastically in Iraq, but so is coverage of the conflict by ABC, NBC, and CBS, who no longer have full-time correspondents in the country, the New York Times reports. Instead, the networks are shifting their focus to Pakistan and Afghanistan. “Afghanistan was the forgotten war,”...

Web Overtakes Papers for News
 Web Overtakes Papers for News 

Web Overtakes Papers for News

Record number of Americans ditch print to get their news from the net

(Newser) - For the first time ever, more people are getting their news from the Internet than from newspapers, the Los Angeles Times reports. A Pew Research poll found that 40% of people cited the Internet as a main news source, compared to 35% for print. At 70%, television remains the country's...

Colmes Ditches Hannity, Will Remain at Fox News

Liberal half of talk-show equation gets weekend gig

(Newser) - After 12 years as co-host of Hannity & Colmes, the liberal half of the Fox News standby, Alan Colmes, will leave the show at the end of the year. He's working on a weekend show for the network, which will keep him on as a commentator, Broadcasting & ...

Amanpour Gets Own Show, Finally

CNN honchos give in after correspondent raises stink over Zakaria's program

(Newser) - CNN honchos will “soon” announce that dedicated globetrotter Christiane Amanpour will be getting her own show. “She’s getting her own hour. She was furious after CNN gave Fareed Zakaria his own show on Sunday—especially since it’s all about international affairs, which is her specialty,”...

Fey Waves Goodbye to Playing Palin

30 Rock creator vows to get back to day job

(Newser) - To the list of political figures out of a job after Election Day, add one: Sarah Palin impersonator Tina Fey. "I have to retire just because I have to do my day job," the creator and star of 30 Rock tells Entertainment Weekly.

Talking Heads Vow Restraint ... Sort of

Networks vow some restraint

(Newser) - Television news executives have vowed they won't jump the gun and project a president-elect until one man has 270 electoral votes. And they won't count electoral votes until polls are closed, reports the Los Angeles Times. But if key states in the East and Midwest back Obama, viewers will likely...

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