
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

New Fear for Katrina Victims: Collectors

Company claims it overpaid on some rebuilding grants

(Newser) - A contractor responsible for doling out federal rebuilding money to Katrina victims is seeking another company to collect what may amount to hundreds of millions of dollars from Katrina victims. ICF International claims it overpaid some applicants in a rush to get $11 billion out the door; meanwhile, a third...

Police Issue Pics in UNC Probe
Police Issue Pics in UNC Probe

Police Issue Pics in UNC Probe

ATM surveillance photos show man who used Eve Carson's bank card

(Newser) - Police issued photos today of a "person of interest" in the killing of UNC-Chapel Hill student president Eve Carson, the News and Observer reports. The ATM camera shots show a black man, about 20, who used Carson's bank card and may have been driving her Toyota Highlander. "This...

Merrill Probed for 'Front Running' Trades

SEC looks at insider information sharing on Wall Street

(Newser) - Wall Street’s tarnished image is taking another hit as the SEC takes a look at whether Merrill Lynch put its own trades ahead of those from clients, specifically mutual-fund operator Fidelity Investments, a practice known as front-running, reports the Wall Street Journal. The probe is the newest development in...

Judge Refuses to Step Into CIA Tape Case

Justice Department's investigation sufficient for now, justice rules

(Newser) - A federal judge today denied a request by a lawyer representing terrorism suspects that he open hearings into the CIA's destruction of interrogation videotapes, the AP reports. Judge Henry H. Kennedy said that he had no evidence that the Bush administration had defied court orders and that the Justice Department's...

FCC to Test 'Net Neutrality' in Comcast Case

Service provider faces investigation over claims of traffic-blocking

(Newser) - The Federal Communications Commission will investigate allegations Comcast hinders file sharing by blocking internet traffic for some users, the AP reports. Reports last year showed Comcast interfered with popular BitTorrent file-transfer protocol. Comcast has denied blocking data, rather claiming it delays such transfers to maximize network efficiency for all users....

McCann Friends Questioned as Maddy Hunt Starts Over

New detectives review case from ground up

(Newser) - Portuguese police hope to question two close friends of the McCann family as new detectives attempt to make up for early bungling of the Madeleine McCann search. One of the two, who were with Maddy's parents when she disappeared, reported seeing a man carry a child from the McCanns' apartment,...

Brit Tourists' DNA Sought in Maddy Case

Investigators aim to match evidence to possible kidnapper

(Newser) - British tourists staying at the same resort where toddler Madeleine McCann disappeared have been told to provide fingerprints and DNA samples to aid the ongoing investigation by Portuguese police, reports the London Times. The move is an attempt to help investigators identify evidence found in the McCann's Portugal apartment that...

Blackwater Guard Kept Blasting 'After Call to Stop'

First details emerge in probe of Iraq shooting

(Newser) - At least one Blackwater security guard continued firing at Iraqis, despite colleagues' call to stop during the incendiary incident earlier this month that killed at least eight civilians, witnesses have told investigators. Another guard for the private security firm is said to have pointed his gun at a fellow employee...

McCann Prosecutor: No Body, No Case
McCann Prosecutor:
No Body, No Case

McCann Prosecutor: No Body, No Case

'Extremely complicated' to move forward, says prosecutor

(Newser) - A Portuguese prosecutor has announced that unless the body of Madeleine McCann is found, it would be nearly impossible to convict her parents of her murder. Suspects Kate and Gerry McCann vowed to continue to search for their daughter, who disappeared on vacation from her bedroom while her parents were...

Justice Dept. Will Investigate Whether Gonzales Lied

US attorney firings probe will expand

(Newser) - The Justice Department will investigate whether Alberto Gonzales gave misleading testimony to Congress, including whether he lied about the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program and the US attorney firings. Inspector General Glenn Fine has alerted Congress to an expanded internal probe into the actions of the lame-luck AG, the Washington Post ...

SPCA Calls Off the Dogs on Britney
SPCA Calls Off the Dogs on Britney

SPCA Calls Off the Dogs on Britney

Society drops investigation into star's pooch's broken leg

(Newser) - Britney Spears is out of the doghouse with the SPCA. The society's LA chapter has dropped its investigation into her dog's broken leg, People reports. The investigation followed reports that the Yorkie wasn't being treated for the injury. But the dog's vet reported that everything was just fine.

Idaho Paper Spills Years of Dirt on Craig

Some question why story wasn't released earlier

(Newser) - The Idaho Statesman today released the results of a five-month investigation into charges of sexual improprieties against Sen. Larry Craig—including an encounter in a Washington, D.C., train station described to the paper by the other man. The paper held the story for months after Craig denied the allegations....

Criminal Probes Launched Into Iraqi Arms Deals

One of scores of investigations focus on aide to Gen. Petraeus

(Newser) - Scores of investigations are under way into fraud, bribery and other criminal activity relating to billions of dollars worth of arms and other war materiel supplied to forces in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait, the New York Times reports. The focus of the investigations range from the misappropriation of a few...

Thompson Balanced in Probes
Thompson Balanced in Probes

Thompson Balanced in Probes

Thompson split difference between partisanship and truth

(Newser) - With a critical role in several high-profile congressional investigations over three decades, Fred Thompson struggled to balance investigating targets and defending them. In its effort to illuminate the presidential hopeful’s political biography, the Times looks at Thompson’s role in the Watergate hearings, the probe into Reagan’s CIA...

Bush Loses Brain

Bush Loses Brain

Top strategist Rove says he'll step down at end of month

(Newser) - President Bush's most controversial political strategist, Karl Rove, will leave his White House deputy chief of staff position at the end of the month, the Wall Street Journal reports. "I just think it's time," said Rove, who has worked with Bush since 1993. "As much as I'd...

Va. Tech Shooter May Have Practiced
Va. Tech Shooter May Have Practiced

Va. Tech Shooter May Have Practiced

Investigators reveal new details of deadly April rampage

(Newser) - The Virginia Tech killer may have rehearsed his rampage 2 days before the massacre of 32 people on April 16, police investigators said today. One witness reported spotted a suspicious-looking hooded male near doors inside the academic building where the shootings took place on April 14, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports;...

Investigators Plan Bridge Reassembly

Jigsaw parts to be examined; search for victims continues

(Newser) - NTSB investigators will rebuild the wreckage of the I-35W bridge downriver, the Star Tribune reports. Safety officials will examine the twisted rubble piece by piece in an attempt to figure out what caused last week's devastating collapse. Investigators also hope to recover bodies still trapped in the debris.

Bridge Still a Threat Days After Collapse

Price tag for removing wreckage likely to approach $15M

(Newser) - A final report on the specifics of the Minneapolis bridge collapse will be delayed because of the continuing danger the wreckage poses to investigators, a federal official says, and local authorities project that the cleanup will cost as much as $15 million. The report will examine claims the bridge had...

Bridge Collapse Still a Mystery
Bridge Collapse Still a Mystery

Bridge Collapse Still a Mystery

Investigators examine site, computer models in quest to explain structural failure

(Newser) - State and private experts are investigating the wreckage of the I-35W bridge in search of a structural explanation for Wednesday's collapse, and sophisticated computer modeling is testing stress points. Time looks at bridges, seemingly indestructible structures that carry enormous volumes of traffic and can succumb to anything from corrosion to...

Rove Won't Testify, Citing Privilege

Counsel orders adviser to keep mum; Gonzales stands pat on testimony

(Newser) - The White House has ordered Karl Rove to keep quiet—despite a subpoena by congressional Dems probing the US Attorney firings. In a political fait accompli, counsel Fred Fielding told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the adviser is "immune from compelled congressional testimony" about White House machinations.

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>