weight loss

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Now There's an 'Imaginary Meal' —in a Pill

Fexaramine tricks body into burning fat, increasing metabolism—on 'no calories'

(Newser) - Overweight? There may be a pill for that, and if successful trials done on obese mice translate to humans, that pill could be more than just a passing fad. So write researchers in the journal Nature Medicine about the compound fexaramine, which has stopped weight gain, controlled blood sugar, lowered...

Where Our Lost Fat Goes: &#39;Into Thin Air&#39;

 Lost Weight Lately? 
 You Breathed It Out 
new study

Lost Weight Lately? You Breathed It Out

Most fat is exhaled as carbon dioxide, and a new study quantifies it

(Newser) - Where does your body fat go when you lose it? "Into thin air," quite literally, says Ruben Meerman. A new study out of Australia looks at how we shed pounds and the "surprising ignorance" around the process. Contrary to commonly assumed mechanisms—that excess fat is converted...

New Powder Supplement Can Make You Feel Full
New Powder Supplement
Can Make You Feel Full
study says

New Powder Supplement Can Make You Feel Full

Scientists think it could someday be added to a variety of foods

(Newser) - Scientists say they've concocted a chemical that can be added to food to make people feel full and thus eat less, reports the BBC . In two small but promising studies, researchers found that people who consumed food with the powder—called inulin-propionate ester, or IPE—gained less weight than...

Want to Lose Some Weight? Use a Clock

 Want to Lose 
 Some Weight? 
 Use a Clock 
study says

Want to Lose Some Weight? Use a Clock

Restricting eating to 8 or 12 hours per day can help: study

(Newser) - Instead of counting calories next time you want to lose weight, try keeping an eye on the clock. US researchers at the Salk Institute have found that restricting eating to an 8-to-12-hour window each day can help the body burn fat instead of storing it, the Telegraph reports. Mice whose...

Why We Weigh Less on Fridays

Weekend behavior often results in subtle weight gain by Mondays

(Newser) - For most of us, weekends are a time to relax and indulge—maybe through more sleep, more couch time, or more calories in the food and beverages we consume. The result is that we tend to weigh slightly more on Sunday and Monday, but then slightly less again by Friday,...

Couple Ties the Knot After Losing Almost 400 Pounds

Crysta Danaher and Bill Anderson take the leap from lap bands to wedding bands

(Newser) - Bill Anderson, 44, had bariatric surgery in May 2008 at Michigan's Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital to help him gain control of his weight. He eventually got down to about 250 pounds from 459 and has since run two full marathons and more than a dozen half-marathons, the Detroit Free ...

Dr. Oz's 'Magic' Diet Bean Loses Lone Study Backing It

Authors retract claims he cited after FTC alleged results 'hopelessly flawed'

(Newser) - In 2012, celebrity TV doctor Mehmet Oz endorsed green coffee bean extract as a "magic weight-loss cure" even though only one scientific study backed these claims—and it was funded by the extract manufacturer. This week Oz is backed further into a corner as the study's two writers...

Zach Galifianakis Looks ... Svelte?

He's lost a lot of weight

(Newser) - Zach Galifianakis hit the premiere of his new movie Birdman in New York on Saturday looking pretty svelte, leading him to joke to E! , "I'm dying," before adding that he was wearing a "ladies [size] 50." He started losing weight last year, telling Conan O'...

Scientist Unveils No-Diet Weight Loss Plan

Sample tip: Don't enter your home via the kitchen

(Newser) - Diets require serious willpower, and that makes them hard to stick with—but a Cornell psychologist says you can lose weight without having to work so hard. His plan sounds a lot like one of those online ads: Lose weight with this one trick. The idea, as the Los Angeles ...

'Fat-Shaming' Fork Zaps You While You Eat

HAPIfork flashes and vibrates when you eat too fast

(Newser) - Since you probably don't feel awful enough while eating chocolate cake, the HAPIfork is here to make you feel worse. At least that's the general consensus about the high-tech, bulky utensil that vibrates and flashes when you eat too fast, the Los Angeles Times reports. The weight-loss gadget...

To Treat Diabetes, Skip Dinner
 To Treat Diabetes, Skip Dinner 

To Treat Diabetes, Skip Dinner

2 big meals better than 6 small ones, researchers say

(Newser) - "We confirmed the ancient proverb 'eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper,'" says the leader of a team of researchers that found eating just two meals a day can be an effective way to manage type 2 diabetes. The...

Women Sue: 'Slimming' Underwear Doesn't Slim

They want class-action status for their false-advertising lawsuit

(Newser) - Undergarments made with seemingly magical fabric that can help you lose weight: sound too good to be true? Well, according to two Massachusetts women, it is. Annique Bellot and Tara Stefani are suing Maidenform Brands and Wacoal America over garments they sell with the claim that they'll help you...

Morning Light Could Be Key to Weight Loss

Light exposure kick-starts metabolism

(Newser) - Getting a good dose of early morning light on a regular basis appears to be a simple but remarkably effective way of maintaining a healthy weight, according to a groundbreaking new study. Researchers found that regardless of caloric intake, people who had more early light exposure were the most likely...

Whole Milk Linked to ... Skinny People?
 Whole Milk 
 Linked to ... 
 Skinny People? 
studies say

Whole Milk Linked to ... Skinny People?

Healthy dairy choices getting more complicated

(Newser) - Drinking fattier milk will make us fatter ourselves, right? Maybe not. New research reported by NPR suggests that whole milk is actually linked to lower weight. A study by Swedish experts found that, over a 12-year period, middle-aged men who used whole milk, cream, and butter had a lower risk...

Biggest Loser Takes Flak Over Winner's Huge Weight Loss

Rachel Frederickson lost about 60% of her body weight

(Newser) - The Biggest Loser crowned a new winner last night, but the general reaction seems to be concern that she did too well, reports the Los Angeles Times . Rachel Frederickson, 24, went from 260 pounds to 105 pounds over the course of the season, which amounts to a drop in body...

Actors Starving Themselves for Roles? 'Obscene'

Time for this disturbing trend to die: Lisa Schwarzbaum

(Newser) - Matthew McConaughey is the latest in a long line of actors to lose a frightening amount of weight for a role, in his case to portray a man dying of AIDS in Dallas Buyers Club. But this trend is "neither impressive, nor proof of a serious commitment to art,...

Man Loses 37 Pounds Eating Only McDonald's

John Cisna stuck to strict dietary guidelines for 3 months, walked each day

(Newser) - Want to lose some weight? Try eating nothing but McDonald's for 90 days. That's what science teacher John Cisna did, and he not only lost 37 pounds but also saw dramatic improvements in health markers like cholesterol. The Iowa man was inspired to try his experiment after watching...

New Anti-Obesity Weapon: Skinny People's Poo?

Study finds gut bacteria help determine weight

(Newser) - The size of many people's bellies may be determined by some of the billions of bacteria living in their guts, according to new research. Scientists took pairs of human twins—one twin obese, the other thin—and transplanted some of their gut bacteria into young mice that had been...

Dubai Offers Flabby Citizens Gold to Lose Weight

Skeptics think the stunt won't have much of an effect

(Newser) - Dubai is, generally speaking, a fat nation. It also happens to be a very rich nation, and those two factors have combined to create an unusual weight-loss offer from the government: It will give people gold based on how many pounds they drop, reports Emirates 24/7 . The month-long initiative got...

Are Americans Giving Up on Diet Pills?

First prescription obesity drug in more than a decade struggles to sell

(Newser) - Just a few years ago, a drug company CEO predicted anti-obesity pills could rival the sales of drugs like Lipitor. Instead, the first prescription diet pill to arrive in 13 years is barely selling, the New York Times reports. Qsymia maker Vivus spent $45 million to promote the drug in...

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