
Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev 

Scientists Discover Why Koalas Hug Trees

It helps them stay cool amid Australia's heat

(Newser) - Using thermal cameras, researchers in Australia uncovered the science behind a habit that seems, well, cute: Koala bears hug trees to cool themselves. It turns out that tree trunks can be up to 12 degrees cooler than the air, and with Australia's recent hot spells rising well above 100...

Baby Koala Fights for Life After Shooting

Little Frodo wins a following in Australia

(Newser) - A baby koala named Frodo has won hearts in Australia after being shot several times and gravely injured by a pellet gun. Rescuers found her next to her dead mother. After a week of surgeries, blood transfusions, and bleak progress reports, some good news today: "Frodo has made good...

Horny Lesbian Koalas Upstage Andy Roddick
 Horny Lesbian Koalas 
 Upstage Andy Roddick 
wild kingdom

Horny Lesbian Koalas Upstage Andy Roddick

Marsupial web sensations sneak into tennis star's TV appearance

(Newser) - The week's hot viral video is an interview with tennis star Andy Roddick in which the background activity becomes so compelling that it quickly turns into a video of the tennis star's left shoulder. Yes, those are koalas, getting busy in a tree. The video was a sensation—Roddick, not...

Koalas Face Extinction by Climate, Chlamydia?

Changing world strips diet-staple eucalyptus of nutrients

(Newser) - Australia's koalas face extinction as their population has been decimated by climate change and the loss of trees due to development and wildfires. Six years ago, they were thought to number more than 100,000; today, their count is as low as 43,000. Threats to their diet of eucalyptus...

Australia Grieves for Sam the Koala

Rescued animal was symbol of strength after devastating wildfires

(Newser) - The koala bear that became a symbol of hope after Australia's devastating wildfires earlier this year died before surgery today, the Melbourne Herald-Sun reports. Sam was saved by a firefighter who found her moving through the scorched landscape on badly burnt paws, and her image was broadcast around the world....

Healing Koalas Steal Hearts
 Healing Koalas Steal Hearts 

Healing Koalas Steal Hearts

She holds hands with her rescuer in moving video

(Newser) - The survival of two burned koalas is giving Aussies a lift amid the catastrophic wildfires that have killed 180 people and possibly millions of animals, MSNBC reports. The more famous of the two is Sam, who became a YouTube sensation when she took water and offered a singed paw to...

Koala Rescued After Aussie Wildfire

(Newser) - When firefighter David Tree noticed the koala, it was moving gingerly over the blackened landscape, its scorched paws clearly causing pain. "I could see she had sore feet and was in trouble, so I pulled over the fire truck," Tree told the Herald Sun. “It was amazing,...

Climate Change Imperils Koalas
 Climate Change Imperils Koalas 

Climate Change Imperils Koalas

Hotter weather makes eucalyptus less delicious

(Newser) - Koalas' fussy eating habits put them at special risk from global warming, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. Hotter weather makes eucalyptus leaves—the animals' only food source—lower in nutrients and higher in toxic chemicals than they once were. The change could force koalas out of areas of their already...

Greenhouse Gases Destroying Koalas' Food

Extinction threat as eucalyptus becomes inedible

(Newser) - The koala and its marsupial cousins are in serious danger of extinction because greenhouse gases are rendering the eucalyptus leaves they rely on nutritionally worthless, reports the Australian. "What we're seeing is that the staple diet of these animals is being turned to leather," a professor said. "...

Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev