
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Octopus Breaks Out of National Aquarium

So long, suckers

(Newser) - At New Zealand's National Aquarium, workers thought Inky the octopus had settled in nicely after he was brought in by a fisherman who found him in a lobster pot in 2014. Turns out he was just biding his time. Staff at the Napier aquarium believe that after the lid...

2-Year-Old Found With Octopus Stuck in Throat

Mom's boyfriend is arrested

(Newser) - Doctors must have been shocked when they pulled a small octopus from the throat of a 2-year-old boy who arrived at the hospital not breathing. The boy's 21-year-old mother arrived home from work Tuesday night to find her 36-year-old boyfriend, Matthew Gallagher, giving CPR to her son, according to...

Ghostlike Octopus From the Deep Shocks Scientists

It's likely the deepest finless octopus ever seen and a brand new species

(Newser) - NOAA scientists exploring the ocean depths off the coast of Hawaii may have just discovered a new species of octopus, and boy is it adorable. Gizmodo describes the tiny creature as something out of Pixar or Pokemon, while a NOAA blog post calls it ghostlike. But a scientist overheard on...

Fearing Cannibalism, Aquarium Cancels Octopus Sex Show

No love for Kong this year

(Newser) - For visitors to the Seattle Aquarium, Valentine's Day just wasn't the same this year, after the annual giant Pacific octopus sex exhibition was canceled. But it's not because aquarium staff came to the conclusion that it's weird to invite a bunch of people to come watch...

New 'Romantic' Octopus Wows Scientists

Larger Pacific Striped Octopus shares some human habits

(Newser) - The octopus already is an oddball of the ocean. Now biologists have rediscovered a species of that eight-armed sea creature that's even stranger and shares some of our social and mating habits. Biologist Rich Ross and colleagues studying a batch of octopuses from Central America found the critters just...

Octopus' Cuteness May Decide Its Name

Meet the future Opisthoteuthis Adorabilis (maybe)

(Newser) - The Huffington Post thinks it looks like "a cross between a Pac-Man ghost and a Pokemon creature." But it will be a researcher at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institution who will get the honor of bestowing a name on the little octopus with huge eyes. (Or "...

Scientists Unlock Key of Octopus's Blue Blood

New research could explain why they'll thrive in warming Antarctic waters

(Newser) - Unlike human royalty, a species of octopus that thrives in frigid Antarctic waters has actual blue blood, and scientists think they've figured out its advantage: The key is a blue-hued protein called hemocyanin—which Phys.org notes is comparable to hemoglobin in vertebrates, and which distributes oxygen throughout the...

Someday, You May Change Color of Your Clothes Octopus-Style

Scientists develop material that mimics cephalopods' tricky feat

(Newser) - Scientists have taken the first rudimentary step toward developing a material that can do what octopuses and squid have mastered: change color on a whim. Researchers at the University of Houston and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign "developed a flexible pixellated sheet that can detect light falling upon...

Deep-Sea Octopus Guards Eggs for Years—Sans Food

4.5 years is the longest known brooding or gestation period of any animal

(Newser) - Talk about endurance. Elephants endure 20-month gestation periods, and some deep-sea sharks carry their embryos for even longer than that, but the deep-sea octopus takes the cake. Scientists say they've observed one in California guarding her eggs for 4.5 years, the longest known brooding or gestation period of...

Octopus Love Involves Strangulation, Cannibalism

Scientists observe one killing, eating her partner

(Newser) - Some guys fall asleep after a little love-making. But if you’re a male octopus, that nap can be more like eternal rest. Two scientists have detailed how carnal relations between a lady octopus and her lover can prove fatal for the male, especially if he’s not that well-endowed,...

Scientists Solve Nagging Octopus Question

Here's why the creatures don't get tangled

(Newser) - If you had eight arms, how would you avoid tripping and tangling yourself up—especially if the arms were covered in suckers? Somehow, octopuses manage, but scientists didn't know how. New research indicates, however, that the suckers on the arms are able to identify other arms and avoid sticking...

Debunking the Myth of the 'Oklahoma Octopus'

Freshwater octopus would need physiological changes, river navigation

(Newser) - Thanks to unexplained drowning deaths in Oklahoma lakes over the past few years, a strange theory has begun spreading its tentacles. According to some, what's to blame is... a killer freshwater octopus. It's true the octopus is an adaptive wonder, capable of living just about anywhere in the...

After Diver Kills Octopus, New Rules in Puget Sound

Washington state restricts hunting at 7 spots

(Newser) - A wildlife panel in Washington state has stepped in to protect the octopuses of Puget Sound, reports the Seattle Times . The state's Fish and Wildlife Commission yesterday banned the hunting of the giant Pacific octopus at seven popular diving sites. The move comes after a gruesome scene last fall...

How to Survive in the Wild: Be a Good Mimic

Just ask the dancing spider, the jawfish, and the octopus

(Newser) - If you're a fan of animal mimicry stories, today's just like your birthday:
  • Spider dance: Biologists have discovered that a male wolf spider who sees another male doing a little spider dance to attract a mate will not only mimic the moves but try to improve upon them

Occupy's Rose Parade Float: Giant Octopus

It symbolizes the greedy clutches of Wall Street

(Newser) - Occupy Los Angeles activists are staging a protest at Monday's Rose Parade in Pasadena with their very own float: a 70-by-40-foot octopus made of recycled plastic bags. More than 1,000 Occupiers are expected to join the demonstration, reports the Los Angeles Times , and organizers promise to keep it...

RIP, Paul the Octopus
 RIP, Paul the Octopus 

RIP, Paul the Octopus

It was natural causes, German officials swear

(Newser) - Maybe he saw it coming: Paul the octopus, the unlikely hero of the 2010 World Cup, has been found dead in his German aquarium, reports Der Spiegel. Officials cite natural causes rather than angry German soccer fans, and say that the beloved psychic cephalopod will be cremated, not turned into...

Iran Prez Slams 'Decadent' Octopus

Pampered Paul Nonplussed

(Newser) - Paul the "psychic" octopus has already ticked off nations whose World Cup defeats he predicted, but now he's got a new enemy: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Iranian leader has denounced the octopus in several recent speeches, accusing him of being a symbol of decadence and of "western propaganda...

Seer Octopus Gets Agent
 Seer Octopus Gets Agent 

Seer Octopus Gets Agent

Paul raising funds for endangered Greek turtles

(Newser) - The world's most famous octopus has retired from predicting soccer outcomes but he'll be staying in the public eye. Paul the octopus—who correctly predicted eight of eight World Cup games—now has an agent, according to his German aquarium home. The octopus is believed to be worth millions in...

Germany to Spain: No Way You're Getting Paul

Psychic octopus transfer bid rejected

(Newser) - Paul the octopus' German hosts are less than impressed by the Madrid Zoo's offer to trade some coral or small sharks for the world-famous cephalopod oracle. Spain is eager to get its hands on the octopus that predicted its World Cup win, and has offered money if the Germans aren't...

Vengeful TV Host Throws Octopus Into Blender
 Vengeful TV Host 
 Throws Octopus 
 Into Blender  
world cup fallout

Vengeful TV Host Throws Octopus Into Blender

Relative of Paul the psychic cephalopod meets grisly end

(Newser) - And you thought the run on octopus recipes was bad—a relative of Paul the newly retired World Cup psychic wound up in a blender on Argentine TV, reports the UK Sun . "Adios," Roberto Pettinato croons to the "pulpo Nazi" as he takes shooting the messenger to...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>