
Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

Coach Quits After Facebook Flirting With 14-Year-Old

Cops eye 'inappropriate messages' to student

(Newser) - An Atlanta gym teacher is the subject of a criminal probe following allegations that he sent “inappropriate messages” via Facebook to a 14-year-old female student, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The girl’s sister reportedly found the offending messages and told her mother, who contacted police.

Student Sues Over Facebook Suspension

Constitutional case asks if school can limit online expression

(Newser) - With the help of the ACLU, a Florida high school grad is suing a former principal for violating her constitutional rights in suspending her for “cyber-bullying” a teacher, the Miami Herald reports. Katherine Evans created a Facebook page railing against her “worst teacher,” and asked classmates to...

To Groom Good Teachers, Look to Quarterbacks
To Groom Good Teachers, Look to Quarterbacks

To Groom Good Teachers, Look to Quarterbacks

Schools, NFL face surprisingly similar recruiting hurdles

(Newser) - Underperforming public schools can take a lesson from the NFL, but it's not an easy one, writes Malcolm Gladwell in the New Yorker. In much the same way that accurately evaluating a college quarterback is impossible, predicting a teacher's classroom success depends on countless intangibles. "No one knows what...

Brits Launch Classroom 'Terror Watch'

Teachers asked to watch out for extremist students

(Newser) - British teachers will be asked to monitor student behavior and report any suspected extremists to police under new government guidelines, the Guardian reports. A "tool kit" for teachers sets out how they should conduct classroom debates to smoke out any possible Islamic extremist  or far-right racist views across all...

42% Would Dump Job to Teach
 42% Would Dump Job to Teach 

42% Would Dump Job to Teach

But schools will have to show them the money

(Newser) - Almost half—42%—of college-educated adults would consider becoming teachers, the Christian Science Monitor reports.That's good news, since US schools will be on the hunt for 3 million to 5 million teachers by 2020, thanks to rising enrollment and baby boomers who are laying down the chalk. But to...

Dutch Teacher Discovers Green 'Space Ghost'

Accidental find is hot gas ball reflecting far-off galactic light

(Newser) - A Dutch schoolteacher earned her moment in the sun by discovering a cosmic ball of gas some have labeled a space “ghost,” NPR reports. Hanny van Arkel, 25, was working as a volunteer with a galaxy-classifying website when she came upon what “looked like a regular galaxy...

Teacher Who Branded Students Fired
Who Branded Students Fired

Teacher Who Branded Students Fired

He slammed evolution, burned crosses onto 8th-graders' arms

(Newser) - An Ohio school board has voted unanimously to fire a science teacher who used an electrostatic device to brand 8th-graders with a cross, the AP reports. Science teacher John Freshwater, who says the marks were simply Xs, had been in trouble with the board before for teaching creationism, slamming evolution...

YouTube Lets Ballerinas DIY
 YouTube Lets Ballerinas DIY 

YouTube Lets Ballerinas DIY

But teachers are 'horrified', cite potential for injury

(Newser) - Formal ballet is one of the most rigid education systems in art—dancers spend years doing exercises before they are even allowed to purchase pointe shoes. But some students are abandoning the hierarchy and turning to a less-stringent, modern master—YouTube. The Wall Street Journal takes a look at aspiring...

Young Teachers Finding Big Trouble Online

Facebook, MySpace pages test boundaries between public, private

(Newser) - Questionable postings and photos on social-networking web pages are becoming an issue with younger US teachers, the Washington Post reports, raising questions about where to draw a line between private expression and standards for public employees. A case in point is a substitute special-education teacher whose page includes a so-called...

Forget the Hype: Most Overrated Careers

Being a cop, lawyer or chef might seem glamorous—but don't be fooled

(Newser) - Cops might look cool on TV, but they do a lot of paperwork off screen. Most chefs churn out the same dishes nightly in assembly-line fashion. Before hopping onto the latest career fad, see US News & World Report's list of most overrated lines of work: 
  1. A great commercial

Forget It, Baldy, You're Not Disabled: Judge

Teacher complained of 'discriminatory' teasing by students

(Newser) - A Scottish schoolteacher constantly mocked by students because of his baldness has been told having a chrome dome does not count as a disability, the Scotsman reports. The judge at an employment tribunal said that had he found in the man's favor, then anyone with a "big nose or...

Third-Graders in Ga. Plotted to Kill Teacher

Students, angry over scolding, are too young to be charged

(Newser) - A group of third-graders in Georgia plotted to kill their teacher before another classmate told authorities, reports the Florida Times Union. Police confiscated a broken steak knife, handcuffs, and duct tape from the kids, who apparently were angry because the teacher scolded a girl for standing on a chair. The...

School Supers Draw Big Bucks, Bigger Perks

Turnaround experts find profitable niche in failing school districts

(Newser) - Teachers aren't living in luxury, but some school superintendents are, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Some are pulling in $325,000 a year, plus multi-million-dollar consulting budgets to restructure impoverished, underperforming public school systems. The Monitor calls them "central office rock stars," a product of the No Child...

UK Teachers Blame Parents for Bratty Kids

Pupils poor at behaving, good at manipulating adults

(Newser) - UK teachers complain that classrooms are getting tougher to control because kids throw more tantrums—and parents are to blame, the Daily Telegraph reports. A Cambridge University study says that parents are letting children indulge in video games, junk food, and TV. "Teachers described highly permissive parents who admitted...

Teachers Rip UK Iraq Lessons as 'Propaganda'

School proposal ignores casualties, 'rewrites history'

(Newser) - On the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, a row has erupted in Britain over a controversial school lesson plan about the conflict drawn up by the country's defense ministry. The National Union of Teachers is up in arms over the proposal and is threatening a boycott over what...

Court Sends Homeschoolers to Detention

Calif. says kids must be taught by teachers with credentials

(Newser) - California homeschoolers are breaking the law, an appeals court ruled yesterday, by not having certified teachers instructing their kids. California’s law has been clear since 1953, the court said: Kids must go to school full time or be tutored by a credentialed teacher. The decision puts the parents of...

Firefighting Is US' Sexiest Job
Firefighting Is US' Sexiest Job

Firefighting Is US' Sexiest Job

Personal trainer, CEO and cowboy also turn-ons, site finds

(Newser) - Americans may ogle the celebrities gracing the covers of gossip mags, but firefighter remains the sexiest job title on the books, the Boston Globe reports. Personal trainer comes in a close second, according to Salary.com's Valentine's Day survey. It's the site's first such survey in three years, and though...

Calif. Crunch May Force Drastic Cuts

State might slash education funds, free inmates early

(Newser) - California's dire financial straits may force the early release of 30,000 low-risk inmates and bring drastic cuts in education, the Los Angeles Times reports. Arnold Schwarzenegger will declare a fiscal emergency next month as the state wrestles with a $14.5 billion budget gap. The governor has ordered agencies...

'Muhammad' Teddy Bear Teacher Wins Pardon

Brit lords mediated; she'll be free today

(Newser) - A teacher who was sentenced to 15 days in jail in Sudan for allowing a classroom teddy bear to be named Muhammad has won a full pardon and will be freed today, the BBC reports. Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir granted the pardon to Gillian Gibbons, 54, after meeting with two...

French Rail Workers Strike
French Rail Workers Strike

French Rail Workers Strike

Utility workers, teachers, civil servants plan strikes too; Sarkozy vows to fight

(Newser) - French rail workers tested Sarkozy's mettle today by walking off the job in defense of their pensions, the BBC reports. Only 90 of France's 700 high-speed trains will run tomorrow and subway service in Paris will be dead, according to the metro operator. "Tomorrow is going to be a...

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