Air France

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Human Error Took Down Air France Flight
  Human Error 
 Took Down 
 Air France Flight 

final report

Human Error Took Down Air France Flight

Pilots never realized plane was in stall, says final report

(Newser) - Today hasn't been the most praiseworthy day for mankind. On the heels of a report that Fukushima was a man-made disaster comes the final report on Air France's 2009 crash, and it cites human error as well. Investigators list a combination of "human and technical factors" as...

Lack of Training Blamed for Deadly Air France Crash
'Autopilot Addiction'
Doomed Air France Flight
in case you missed it

'Autopilot Addiction' Doomed Air France Flight

Startling lack of training endangers passengers, experts say

(Newser) - Airbus likes to boast that its A330 jet is "pilot-proof," but that sentiment may have helped trigger one of the worst airline disasters in recent years, experts tell ABC . They say that the co-pilots on Air France Flight 447 depended too heavily on the plane's autopilot system,...

Air France Pilots Didn't Know What Was Happening

Neither co-pilot had been trained for sensor malfunctions, new report says

(Newser) - The crew piloting a doomed Air France jet over the Atlantic did not appear to know that the plane was in a stall, despite repeated warning signals, and never informed the passengers that anything was wrong before the jet plunged into the sea, according to new findings released today. Based...

Air France Searchers Recover 75 Bodies

Crash victims pulled from wreckage could be preserved by icy depths

(Newser) - A French search team has pulled another 75 victims of the Air France Flight 447 crash out of the briny depths in recent days, a spokesman for the French military police said today. He would not say what condition the bodies were in, but Reuters notes that the first two...

Air France Plane Stalled, Entered 3.5-Minute Plunge

Autopilot shut off hours into flight; captain was resting

(Newser) - Air France Flight 447 slowed, stalled, then began a 3.5-minute plunge into the Atlantic, the investigation into the 2009 crash has found. The autopilot system on the Airbus 330 cut off just after pilots told the cabin crew of coming turbulence; the younger of the two co-pilots then aimed...

Air France Black Box: Pilot Wasn't in the Cockpit

Marc Dubois rushed back in while the plane was in trouble

(Newser) - Investigators have made a shocking discovery while analyzing the data from Air France Flight 447’s flight recorder: Pilot Marc Dubois was not in the cockpit when the incident that caused the flight to crash began. In the recordings, Dubois, 58, can be heard rushing into the cockpit after the...

Recordings Recovered From Crashed Air France Jet

Investigation among most complex and expensive in history

(Newser) - French investigators have recovered all the flight data and cockpit voice recordings from the recorders of an Air France jet found in the Atlantic nearly two years after it crashed, they said today. The recorders were located by underwater robots and hoisted from depths of some 13,000 feet earlier...

Body Recovered From 2009 Air France Crash

But it may not be possible to recover all the bodies found

(Newser) - Following the recovery of the black box and cockpit recorder from the 2009 Air France crash, officials have pulled a passenger's body from the ocean. The French Gendarmerie says the remains, which were still attached to a plane seat, were pulled up this morning. The first search effort after...

Air France Recorder Pulled From Atlantic

Investigators hope for clues in 2009 plane crash

(Newser) - On the heels of recovering the black box from the doomed Air France flight that fell out of the sky off the Brazilian coast nearly two years ago, French investigators have pulled the cockpit recorder from the depths of the Atlantic, reports the AP. It's not yet certain whether...

Jumbo Jet Clips Plane at JFK
 Jumbo Jet Clips Plane at JFK 

Jumbo Jet Clips Plane at JFK

Air France A380 nicks, spins Delta aircraft on runway

(Newser) - All passengers escaped without injury after two planes collided on the ground at New York's JFK airport last night. A wing of an Air France Airbus A380—the world's biggest passenger jet—clipped the tail of a commuter Delta Connection plane while taxiing to the runway for takeoff, AP reports....

Bodies Found in Underwater Air France Wreckage

Robots find cabin and engines of crashed jet

(Newser) - Underwater robots have located the bodies of some of those who died in the Air France flight 447 crash two years ago, France’s Ecology Minister revealed on the radio today. “We have bodies… there are bodies that are still in the parts that have been found,” the...

Wreckage Found From 2009 Air France Crash

It could shed light on what brought down jet, killing 228

(Newser) - Investigators might finally get a better idea of why an Air France flight crashed into the Atlantic nearly two years ago and killed all 228 aboard. A fourth deep-sea search led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has yielded plane parts believed to be from the Airbus 330, reports the...

Continental Guilty in 2000 Concorde Crash: Court

Airline, mechanic fined for manslaughter

(Newser) - A French court found Continental Airlines and one of its mechanics guilty of manslaughter today in the crash of a supersonic Concorde jet outside Paris a decade ago that killed 113 people. The court ruled the Houston-based airline must pay a $265,000 fine; the mechanic, John Taylor, must pay...

Families Mark 10th Anniversary of Concorde Crash

Verdict of trial expected in December

(Newser) - Some 100 family members, witnesses, and Air France officials today marked 10 years since a Concorde jet crashed shortly after takeoff from Charles de Gaulle Airport, plowing into a hotel. Air France flew in family members from Germany, where most of the victims were from, and gave them flowers to...

Stewardess Stole $5K From Passengers: Cops

Air France worker allegedly nabbed cash as they slept

(Newser) - Flying Air France recently cost some passengers a lot more than the ticket price. A flight attendant for the airline has been arrested in Paris on charges of stealing cash, credit cards, and jewelry from sleeping passengers. The woman police identify as Lucie R. was busted after Japanese passengers complained...

Grounded Airlines Want Ban Lifted

After test flights, carriers push for reevaluation; UK hold extended

(Newser) - Some airlines have conducted their own test flights and want the ban on most flights over Europe ended, but UK airspace will remain closed until tomorrow evening at the earliest. Air Berlin, Air France/KLM, and Lufthansa have sent aircraft through the cloud of volcanic ash that's crippled air travel for...

Paris Wants James Bond to Brawl in Versailles

French dream up grand canal duel, helicopter rescue

(Newser) - A rowing duel in a canal and rooftop escape by helicopter—sounds like James Bond, but does it sound like Louis XIV? A team of French civil servants is pushing to bring Britain's most famous spy to Paris, and have written a storyline that puts .007 inside the Palace of...

Continental on Trial for Concorde Crash, 10 Years on

(Newser) - It's been 10 years since an Air France Concorde, once the pride of passenger aviation, took off from a Paris airport in flames before crashing into a nearby hotel. Investigations in the years that followed found that the accident was caused by a piece of titanium that had fallen off...

Air France Flight Hit Water Intact

(Newser) - A French investigator says Air France Flight 447 did not break up in flight but plunged vertically into the Atlantic Ocean. Alain Bouillard, leading the investigation into the June 1 crash for the French accident investigation agency BEA, also says life vests found among the wreckage of the plane were...

Air France Pilot's Body Found
 Air France Pilot's Body Found 

Air France Pilot's Body Found

(Newser) - The body of the pilot of the Air France plane that crashed into the Atlantic on June 1 has been recovered, Reuters reports. A pilots union identified him as Marc Dubois, a 58-year-old Frenchman who had 21 years of experience at the airline. A male steward also was identified. More...

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