Vaclav Klaus

4 Stories

Czech President Is Shot—With a Pellet Gun

Vaclav Klaus recoiled when Communist sympathizer opened fire

(Newser) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus was opening a bridge in the northern town of Chrastava Friday when a man shot him at close range—with a pellet gun. The president recoiled a little but seemed unhurt, Radio Prague reports. The real damage may be to his security detail, whose chief bodyguard,...

Vaclav Klaus: Pen-Stealing Czech President Might Have Purloined in the Past
Why Mr. President,
'You Have Taken My Gloves!' 

Why Mr. President, 'You Have Taken My Gloves!'

Pen-swiping might not have been Czech prez's first time

(Newser) - When Czech President Vaclav Klaus got caught not-so-subtly purloining a fancy pen from Sebastian Pinera, it looks like it wasn't an isolated incident. Klaus dismissed the thievery, saying, "All I have to say is, it is not a pen but just a stylus," and added that he swipes...

Czech Prez Pilfers Pen, Becomes YouTube Hit

Crafty Klaus pockets pen on Chilean visit

(Newser) - Guests of the Chilean president are free to take ceremonial pens, a spokesman says, although you wouldn't know it from Czech President Vaclav Klaus' behavior in a video that has become a YouTube sensation. As President Sebastian Pinera speaks, Klaus craftily removes the pen from its case, moves his hands...

Merkel Will Skip Olympics
Merkel Will
Skip Olympics

Merkel Will Skip Olympics

German chancellor says she's not protesting, but Czech and Polish leaders are

(Newser) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other top German officials won't be going to the Beijing Olympics, the Guardian reports, joining Polish and Czech leaders who have pledged to stay away. But while Polish PM Donald Tusk and Czech President Vaclav Klaus said they'll be boycotting the opening ceremony to protest...

4 Stories
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