
9 Stories

HSBC Just Got Itself Blacklisted in Texas

Lone Star State isn't happy with bank's new gas and oil financing policy

(Newser) - In the view of state Comptroller Glenn Hegar, HSBC has just messed with Texas. His beef: The European banking giant took a stand in December against providing "new finance, or new advisory services" for new oil or gas fields, as well as any infrastructure "whose primary use is...

NYC on Every Single Hurricane Ida Claim: Sorry, Nope

City says it's not liable for damage from excessive rain, leaving residents with huge bills

(Newser) - New Yorkers filed 4,703 claims against the city for home damage caused by flooding during Hurricane Ida, citing negligence in sewer maintenance, and every single one was denied. Nearly a year on from the storm, the comptroller's office issued denial letters citing precedent set by a 1907 case...

Weiner, Spitzer Leading Polls

New poll finds scandal-plagued candidates are leading primary races

(Newser) - Perhaps any publicity really is good publicity. Despite their high-profile sex scandals—or maybe because of them—both Anthony Weiner and Eliot Spitzer are leading their respective Democratic primary races, according to a new poll by Quinnipiac University. The poll of 738 Democratic voters found 25% supported Weiner for mayor...

NJ Sent $24M in Benefits— to Prisoners

Agencies didn't check databases to see if recipients were in prison

(Newser) - New Jersey sent nearly $24 million in taxpayer money to prisoners in the form of unemployment, welfare, pension, and other benefits, reports the New York Times . An audit released yesterday uncovered 20,000 prisoners who received benefit money between July 2009 and April 2011, including tales such as one man...

As Strapped Town Closed Pool, Treasurer Stole $30M

Trusted comptroller was champion embezzler, say investigators

(Newser) - The people of Dixon in Illinois thought comptroller Rita Crundwell funded her lavish lifestyle through her successful horse-breeding operation. But investigators say she did it by robbing the small city blind. Crundwell, Dixon's finance chief since the early '80s, has been arrested and accused of embezzling more than...

New Jersey's Next Union Fight: Clothing Allowances

State spends $3.1B on outfits for white-collar workers

(Newser) - New Jersey is dropping $3.1 million on clothing for state workers who don’t need special outfits on the job, the state comptroller says. Mail clerks and teaching assistants are among the 4,500 white-collar employees getting up to $700 as a clothing allowance, the Wall Street Journal reports....

States Asked for Foreclosure Probe—3 Years Ago

Federal regulators turned down request, put off matter

(Newser) - State regulators suspected that there was something fishy about banks' foreclosure procedures as far back as three years ago, but federal regulators forbid them to take action, the Washington Post reports. The federal comptroller told the states his office was already planning an investigation, and that banks should only respond...

Ex-Madam: If Spitzer Runs, So Do I
 If Spitzer Runs, 
 So Do I 

Ex-Madam: If Spitzer Runs, So Do I

Eliot Spitzer's competition for comptroller could be Kristin Davis

(Newser) - If Eliot Spitzer enters the New York comptroller race, he'll have more than voters to worry about: His former madam is gunning for him. Kristin Davis challenged Spitzer, aka Client 9, to a duel in the primaries via her blog . “It's ludicrous that Spitzer would even consider running for...

Long Island Talks Secession From New York

County official irked over getting stiffed by Albany on funding

(Newser) - Officials on Long Island have initiated a study on the economic feasibility of its secession from New York state, Newsday reports. While acknowledging the difficulties of establishing a 51st state, Suffolk County Comptroller Joseph Sawicki said the proposal is really about examining what Long Island contributes to greater New York,...

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