Robin Williams

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Robin Williams' Family Feuding Over Estate

3 children are in legal dispute with widow

(Newser) - In a sad but all-too-common postscript to someone's life cut short, Robin Williams' children and wife are locked in a bitter dispute over his estate. In court papers filed in December and January, the comedian's three adult children say they are "heartbroken" that widow Susan Williams is...

Google Reveals Top Search of 2014

Search requests for information about Robin Williams top the list

(Newser) - Google has revealed the topic of the year's fastest-rising search request: Robin Williams' suicide. Reaction to his death tops this year's list, the AP reports. Some notable examples: In the first few days after, the number of searches for "carpe diem," a phrase Williams popularized in...

Dementia-Linked Hallucinations Drove Robin Williams' Suicide

According to TMZ's sources

(Newser) - TMZ says it has uncovered what was behind Robin Williams' suicide: a disease called Lewy Body Dementia, which can cause hallucinations. Lewy Body Dementia is commonly associated with Parkinson's, which Williams had , and Radar Online reported last week that Williams' autopsy report revealed that he suffered from it....

Coroner: No Booze, Drugs in Suicide of Robin Williams

Report confirms suicide by hanging

(Newser) - The coroner in Marin County, Calif., today confirmed that Robin Williams' death was indeed caused by suicide , reports CNN . The 63-year-old had no alcohol in his system when he hanged himself at his home, and the only drugs found were from prescribed medication in "therapeutic concentrations." The coroner...

Robin Williams' Kids Pay Tribute at World Series

Zak throws first pitch at AT&T Park, Billy Crystal catches

(Newser) - For a few minutes last night, one of the San Francisco Giants' most famous fans loomed large in the stadium again. Before Game 5 of the World Series, Robin Williams' children paid him tribute by throwing the first pitch, US Magazine reports. Eldest son Zak did the honors with Williams'...

7 Pairs of Celeb Roommates
 7 Pairs of Celeb Roommates 

7 Pairs of Celeb Roommates

You may not have known these stars lived together

(Newser) - Want to live with a celebrity? Try being a celebrity yourself. The Stir rounds up celebrity pairs you probably didn't know lived together:
  • John Cusack and Jeremy Piven: They were childhood friends in Evanston, Illinois, and lived together in Chicago. But when asked later what happened when Cusack became

Emmys: Billy Crystal Honors Robin Williams
 Billy Crystal 
 Robin Williams 
emmy awards 2014

Emmys: Billy Crystal Honors Robin Williams

During 'in memoriam' segment of Emmy Awards

(Newser) - Billy Crystal paid tribute to Robin Williams, his longtime friend and fellow comedian, at the Emmy Awards on NBC tonight. Crystal honored Williams as part of the traditional "in memoriam" segment for industry members who died during the past year, which included a performance from Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter Sara Bareilles....

Robin Williams' Donated Bike Raises $20K for Charity

Still had mud on tires from actor riding it

(Newser) - Robin Williams loved cycling—he even once gave Conan O'Brien a "ridiculous" bike to cheer him up—and a few weeks before his death, he donated his custom-made Pegoretti bicycle to a charity auction, Page Six reports. At Saturday night's Hotbed Benefit, which raised funds for 10,...

Robin Williams' Ashes Scattered in San Francisco Bay

He was cremated the day after his death

(Newser) - Robin Williams' ashes were scattered in San Francisco Bay on August 12, the day after his death, Radar reports. The information was listed on his official death certificate, TMZ reports, noting that the certificate doesn't list cause of death yet; it simply says "pending investigation." The coroner...

Mara Wilson: Robin Williams Was Like a Dad

Mrs. Doubtfire actress reflects on her costar

(Newser) - Mara Wilson —aka Mrs. Doubtfire's youngest kid—is offering a heartfelt remembrance of a man who, to her and many others, felt a bit like a father. "Robin Williams, as I knew him, was warm, gentle, expressive, nurturing, and brilliant," she writes on her blog...

Robin Williams 'Engaged' in Work Hours Before Death

Confidante says suicide was likely not premeditated

(Newser) - The day before he was found hanged, Robin Williams was "completely engaged" in a conversation about work, a confidante tells TMZ . The source speculates that Williams' suicide was spontaneous, because during their discussion, Williams was asking quite a few questions about deals that were in the works. Williams was,...

Westboro to Picket Robin Williams’ Funeral

So Planting Peace is organizing a benefit for charity dear to Williams

(Newser) - Back in 1996, Robin Williams made a movie called The Birdcage, in which he played a gay father. That's apparently a little too tolerant for the folks of the Westboro Baptist Church , who the Telegraph reports have now announced plans to picket the comedian's funeral, apparently "To...

Gene Simmons: Sorry About That Depression Screed

'I deeply regret any offhand remarks'

(Newser) - Remember that time when Gene Simmons not-so-charmingly said depressed people should just kill themselves ? Well, after Robin Williams— a depressed person — really did kill himself , people took exception to Simmons' screed, a #BanGene hashtag got going, and some radio stations stopped playing KISS' music. Now, as E! Online...

Behind Robin Williams' Suicide: Canceled TV Show?

Sources say cancellation of 'The Crazy Ones' hit him hard

(Newser) - Robin Williams was struggling with his Parkinson's diagnosis , which he reportedly received five months before his death—but multiple sources tell TMZ that the diagnosis wasn't the reason for his suicide, though it did "exacerbate" the chronic depression he'd lived with for so long. Parkinson's...

Michael J. Fox 'Stunned' Williams Had Parkinson's

He praises 'famously kind' actor for support

(Newser) - Michael J. Fox says he was "stunned" to discover that his friend, supporter, and former prime-time rival Robin Williams also suffered from Parkinson's Disease . "Stunned to learn Robin had PD. Pretty sure his support for our Fdn predated his diagnosis. A true friend; I wish him peace,...

Twitter to 'Improve Policies' After Zelda Williams Bullied

Family members to get more support, site says

(Newser) - Twitter has promised to take a look at its policies after some sickening abuse over her father's death forced Zelda Williams off the site . After she tweeted a touching tribute to her father, the grieving daughter received messages on Twitter and Instagram blaming her for her father's death,...

Robin Williams Had Parkinson's: Wife

Susan Schneider reveals he was in early stages of the disease

(Newser) - A bombshell from Robin Williams' wife: The actor had been diagnosed with Parkinson's before his death. "Robin’s sobriety was intact and he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression, anxiety, as well as early stages of Parkinson’s Disease, which he was not...

Broadway Will Turn Down Lights for Lauren Bacall

And did so last night for Robin Williams

(Newser) - Broadway will turn down the lights for a minute tomorrow night in homage to one of its own, Lauren Bacall. Saluting the actress's "distinct presence on stage and screen during a career that spanned decades," the Broadway League's executive director said that "along with her...

Inside the Final Days of Robin Williams

Actor was clearly struggling, friends say

(Newser) - In the days before his death, Robin Williams "would often sleep a majority of the day and night," a source tells Radar . He was so depressed, "he wasn't eating and was just having problems getting out of bed," the source continues. "He would often...

Robin Williams Performed The Godfather at AA Meeting

Founder of NYC organization says he attended meetings there in 2008

(Newser) - Apparently what goes on at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting only stays anonymous while the attendee in question is still alive. Eddie Baca, screenwriter and founder of New York's 46th Street Club House , tells Page Six the Robin Williams attended AA meetings at the Club House a few times a...

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