International Court of Justice

20 Stories

4 Countries Are Taking the Taliban to Court

They plan to pursue gender discrimination case in International Court of Justice

(Newser) - The Taliban's oppression of Afghanistan's women is going to be challenged in the International Court of Justice. The foreign ministers of Australia, Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands announced at the United Nations General Assembly Wednesday that they plan to pursue a gender discrimination case against Afghanistan's government...

7th Nation Wants In on Genocide Case Against Israel

Turkey had previously suspended trade with Israel, deemed Hamas a liberation movement

(Newser) - Turkey on Wednesday filed a request with a UN court to join South Africa's lawsuit accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, the foreign minister said. Turkey's ambassador to the Netherlands, accompanied by a group of Turkish legislators, submitted a declaration of intervention to the International Court of Justice...

ICJ to Israel: Cease Your Incursion in Rafah

However, Israel isn't likely to comply with mandate from UN's top court on Gaza

(Newser) - The top United Nations court has ordered Israel to halt its military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Israel insists it has the right to defend itself from Hamas militants and is unlikely to comply with the ruling. The order by the International Court of Justice further ratchets...

Families of Israeli Soldiers: Rafah Is a 'Death Trap'
Families of Israeli Soldiers:
Rafah Is a 'Death Trap'

Families of Israeli Soldiers: Rafah Is a 'Death Trap'

Israel looks poised to launch full-scale offensive despite lack of support

(Newser) - Israel continues to face pressure to call off its offensive into Rafah, the southern Gaza city host to one million sheltering Palestinians—now from the parents of more than 900 of its own soldiers.
  • 'Deadly trap': With forewarned "forces on the other side actively preparing to strike,"

Germany Rebuts Genocide Claim, Cites the Holocaust

Nicaragua brought case before the UN's top court over Germany's arms sales to Israel

(Newser) - In an appearance before the UN's highest court on Tuesday, Germany responded to Nicaragua's accusations that it has been facilitating genocide in Gaza by providing weapons to Israel. The Guardian reports lawyer Tania von Uslar-Gleichen cited the Holocaust, saying, "Germany has learned from its past, a past...

South Africa Makes the Case for Genocide in Gaza

Netanyahu defends military campaign as being 'in full compliance with international law'

(Newser) - A continent away from the fighting between Israel and Hamas, South Africa told judges at the United Nations' top court on Thursday that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and pleaded with the court to urgently order Israel to halt its military operation, per the AP . "Genocides are never...

From World Court, a 'Triumph of International Justice'

International Court of Justice orders Myanmar to protect the Rohingya

(Newser) - It's only the first step to address a lawsuit filed by Gambia accusing Myanmar of genocide, but an International Court of Justice decision this week is being applauded by the former as "a triumph of international justice." Per Reuters , a 17-member panel from the court at the...

Suu Kyi: We Weren't Perfect, but No 'Genocidal Intent'

Myanmar leader describes Rohingya exodus as 'tragic'

(Newser) - Once touted as a human rights champion, Aung San Suu Kyi defended Myanmar against a claim of genocide on Wednesday, arguing the exodus of 700,000 Muslim Rohingya was an unfortunate consequence of a legitimate response to terrorist violence. Myanmar's security forces launched "counter-insurgency operations" following attacks by...

Nobel Winner in Court, Accused of Genocide

Aung San Suu Kyi is defending her country, Myanmar, at the Hague

(Newser) - A genocide hearing got underway at the Hague Tuesday, and it's prompting news outlets such as the BBC , Deutsche Welle , and the Guardian to use the same phrase: "fall from grace." The reference is to Aung San Suu Kyi, who once won the Nobel Peace Prize and...

Myanmar Readies for a Genocide Case. A Big Name Leads the Way

Country leader Aung San Suu Kyi will head legal team in Rohingya case

(Newser) - Myanmar said Wednesday its leader Aung San Suu Kyi will head the legal team contesting a genocide case filed against it in the International Court of Justice over the crackdown on Rohingya Muslims two years ago that set off their exodus to Bangladesh. Myanmar’s military has been accused of...

Gambia's Big Move Against Myanmar a 'Clear Message'

Nation files case at ICJ to 'stop Myanmar's genocidal conduct' against Rohingya Muslims

(Newser) - Gambia filed a case Monday at the United Nations' highest court accusing Myanmar of genocide in its campaign against its Rohingya Muslim minority and asking the International Court of Justice to urgently order measures "to stop Myanmar's genocidal conduct immediately." Gambia filed the case on behalf of...

Iran Took Its US Gripes to UN Court, Scored Victory

A preliminary one, at least

(Newser) - The United Nations' highest court on Wednesday ordered the United States to lift specific sanctions on Iran. The ruling by the International Court of Justice is legally binding, but it remains to be seen if the Trump administration will comply. President Trump moved to restore tough US sanctions in May...

Iran Wants UN's Highest Court to Reverse Trump Move

Country wants US sanctions lifted, is citing the Treaty of Amity

(Newser) - Iran went to the United Nations' highest court Monday in a bid to have US sanctions lifted following President Trump's decision earlier this year to re-impose them, calling the move "naked economic aggression." Iran filed the case with the International Court of Justice in July, claiming that...

Japan to Begin 3-Month Antarctic Whale Hunt

Critics say whales don't need to be killed for conservation research

(Newser) - Japan is wasting little time in resuming its "scientific" whale hunte : Its whaling fleet will leave Tuesday for the Antarctic for a three-month, scaled-down hunt, the government says, despite protests. Monday's announcement comes days after Japan submitted its final plan to the International Whaling Commission after the...

UN Court Puts Kibosh on Japan's Whale Hunt

Finds JARPA II is 'not scientific'

(Newser) - Australia 1, Japan 0: The UN's International Court of Justice today ruled that Japan's whaling program, which it has long claimed is for scientific purposes, is just a cloak for commercial whaling, the BBC reports, in a case that Australia brought about back in 2010. The 16-judge panel...

Australia, Japan Take Whaling Brawl to the Hague

Legal battle in UN court could end annual hunt for good

(Newser) - Japan and Australia have begun battling it out in the UN's International Court of Justice over the former's annual whale hunt. Commercial whaling was banned in 1986, but Japan continues to kill minke and fin whales for what it argues is legitimate scientific research, reports the AP . "...

Bolivia to World Court: Fix Our Landlock

Country wants Chile to return coastal territory

(Newser) - Unlike most other landlocked countries, Bolivia was once a maritime nation and the loss of its access to the Pacific after a war with Chile more than a century ago still stings, NPR finds. The country—which still has a navy and holds a "Day of the Sea" celebration...

Iran's Alleged Assassination Plot Violated UN Treaty

US or Saudis could seek Security Council action

(Newser) - If Iran did indeed plot to assassinate Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the US, it would be a violation of a treaty it signed in 1978 forbidding “Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons,” which could escalate the incident to a UN matter, Reuters reports. “This is one of...

UN Orders Thai, Cambodian Troops Out of Temple Area

Court tries to end clashes around the Preah Vihear temple

(Newser) - The UN's highest court created a demilitarized zone around a 1,000-year-old temple today on the disputed border between Cambodia and Thailand, and ordered the armed forces from both countries to withdraw. Both countries claimed they were satisfied with the ruling by the International Court of Justice, meant to...

Bush Can't Force US Courts to Obey World Body: Justices

Ruling by international court not binding, nor was president's order for US to follow

(Newser) - The Supreme Court ruled today for states, and against President Bush in a quarrel over international law, finding that a foreign death-row inmate did not have a right to further review—though the world's top court said he did. Ernesto Medellin was not provided counsel from his native Mexico, violating...

20 Stories