poll numbers

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New Hampshire Poll Has Mitt Romney Winning in Landslide, Ron Paul 2nd
 Romney Poised for
Landslide Victory in NH
Poll Numbers

Romney Poised for Landslide Victory in NH

Ron Paul is a distant second in poll

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have only squeaked out a win in Iowa, but he's going to cruise to an overwhelming victory next week in New Hampshire, according to the latest Suffolk University/7News poll . Romney leads all candidates with a whopping 41%; his closest competitor, Ron Paul, has just 18%, and...

In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected
 In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected 
Nate Silver

In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected

...And a lot of spin afterward

(Newser) - History suggests that it doesn’t matter who actually wins tonight in Iowa—it matters who exceeds expectations, or fails to meet them. The media is always flabbergasted by strange Iowa finishes, but they shouldn’t be, writes Nate Silver of the New York Times , because thanks to unreliable polls...

Romney, Paul, Santorum 1-2-3 in Another Iowa Poll

And Santorum is surging

(Newser) - Yet another poll puts Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum 1-2-3 in Iowa two days before the state's caucuses. The poll, conducted by the Des Moines Register over four days last week, puts Romney at 24%, Paul at 22%, and Santorum at 15%. However, the pollster says, "...

Romney Takes Lead Over Obama
 Romney Takes 
 Lead Over Obama 
Poll Numbers

Romney Takes Lead Over Obama

And it's his biggest lead yet

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has taken his biggest lead yet against President Obama in the latest Rasmussen Reports poll , winning the hypothetical matchup 45% to 39%, with 10% backing another candidate and 6% undecided. Last week, Rasmussen had Obama leading 44% to 41%. Neither candidate’s number is far afield from how...

Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa
 Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa 

Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa

And people believe he could actually win

(Newser) - Public Policy Polling caused a stir with last week’s poll showing Ron Paul leading in Iowa, and it looks like the result wasn’t a fluke. PPP’s numbers barely budged this week, with Paul leading Romney 24% to 20% and both comfortably ahead of the rest of the...

Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose
 Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose 
Nate Silver

Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose

Nate Silver doesn't think it's especially likely, but it's possible

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has crowned Mitt Romney the inevitable Republican nominee. His stock on Intrade shot up to 72% last night, and one of his strategists recently boasted that he couldn’t “see any scenario where we’re not the nominee." But calm down guys, writes Nate Silver in...

Ron Paul Takes Lead in Iowa Poll
 No. 1 in Iowa: Ron Paul 
new poll

No. 1 in Iowa: Ron Paul

As Newt Gingrich plummets

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but the frontrunner in Iowa might be ... Ron Paul?! According to the latest Public Policy Polling survey , the oft-dismissed libertarian is leading the field with 23% compared to Mitt Romney’s 20%. Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, is sinking fast, down to 14%, just ahead of Michele Bachmann,...

Gingrich on Top in New Poll
 Gingrich on Top in New Poll 

Gingrich on Top in New Poll

He's in a dead heat with Romney, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is getting his turn on the merry-go-round that has been the top spot in Republican primary polling. A new USA Today / Gallup poll has Gingrich on top among registered Republican voters with 22%, though that’s just a hair ahead of Mitt Romney’s 21% and within...

Newt Gingrich Catches Up to Mitt Romney in Latest New Hampshire Poll
 Newt Surges  
 in Romney Land: 
 New Hampshire 
Poll Numbers

Newt Surges in Romney Land: New Hampshire

Gingrich is statistically tied for first in new poll

(Newser) - The Newt Gingrich comeback train just keeps on rolling: He’s now just 2 points behind Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, with 27% to Romney’s 29%, according to the latest poll from the New Hampshire Journal . That's within the poll’s margin of error, and well ahead of...

Cain's Poll Numbers Head South

Meanwhile, Gingrich surging, Ron Paul suddenly strong

(Newser) - For the most part, people who liked Herman Cain before his sexual harassment scandal still like him—but they’re pretty much the only ones. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, Cain’s unfavorability rating has shot up 17 points, with 44% of the public viewing him negatively...

Election 2012: New Poll Shows Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney Tied for Second Behind a Damaged Herman Cain
 Gingrich, Romney 
 Tied for Second 
new poll

Gingrich, Romney Tied for Second

Behind a damaged Herman Cain, according to new poll

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but Newt Gingrich appears to have crawled his way into the top tier of the GOP presidential field. A new CBS News poll has Gingrich tied with Mitt Romney for second place, at 15% each. Ahead of both is Herman Cain with 18%, but the poll...

Herman Cain Beating Rick Perry—in Texas
 Cain Beating Perry—in Texas 
Poll Numbers

Cain Beating Perry—in Texas

Governor's approval rating stands at 39%

(Newser) - How bad are things for Rick Perry? This bad: He’s not even leading in the polls in his home state. Herman Cain holds a razor-thin 27% to 26% lead over Perry in the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll , and while that’s within the margin of error, the...

Herman Cain, Mitt Romney Lead in South Carolina, Florida Polls
 Cain, Romney Lead 
 Pack in SC, Florida 
polls say

Cain, Romney Lead Pack in SC, Florida

Rick Perry in single digits in both places

(Newser) - The GOP primary is a two-horse race at the moment in pivotal South Carolina and Florida—just not between the two horses you thought it would be last month. Herman Cain has taken the lead in both states, topping Romney 30% to 26% in South Carolina and by a slim...

Gallup Poll Shows Herman Cain Passing Rick Perry, Nearly Tying Mitt Romney for October
 Cain Leaps Past 
 Perry, Nearly 
 Ties Romney 
Poll Numbers

Cain Leaps Past Perry, Nearly Ties Romney

Gallup poll shows Romney at 20%, Cain at 18%, Perry at 15%

(Newser) - It’s not a hoax or a dream: Herman Cain really has surged to the upper echelon in GOP primary polls. Cain more than tripled his support in Gallup’s October poll , jumping from 5% in September to 18%, just a hair behind Mitt Romney’s 20%. Rick Perry, meanwhile,...

Elizabeth Warren Nearly Ties Scott Brown

 Elizabeth Warren 
 Nearly Ties 
 Scott Brown 
Poll Numbers

Elizabeth Warren Nearly Ties Scott Brown

And 37% of voters still don't know who she is

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is within striking distance of Scott Brown, even though many voters have never heard of her, according to a new Boston Herald/UMass Lowell poll . While Brown came out ahead 41% to 38% in the poll, that’s essentially a tie given the poll’s 3.8% margin of...

In 2 Key Swing States, Bad News for Obama

He's statistically tied with Romney, Perry in Ohio, and close to it in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Barack Obama is in for a fight in a pair of major swing states that he carried handily in 2008, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll. In both Ohio and Pennsylvania, 51% say the president doesn’t deserve another term, and 53% and 54% respectively disapprove of the job...

One in Four Would Trade Rights for Security: Poll

And that's down big time since 9/11

(Newser) - Only about 25% of Americans now say they would give up their “basic civil liberties” in exchange for security—a huge decrease from the days after the September 11 attacks, according to a new USA Today/Gallup Poll . In January of 2002, close to half of respondents (47%) were willing...

Muslim Americans Happier With US Than Everyone Else

Much more so than everyone else

(Newser) - If you thought things like Peter King’s hearings or the “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy would leave Muslim Americans feeling disgruntled, think again. Muslims are actually much happier with the country than everyone else, according to Pew poll released today, with 56% saying they’re satisfied with the way...

Americans Fed Up With Obama, GOP on Economy

GOP scores lower, but Obama's numbers plummeting

(Newser) - When it comes to the economy, the public is getting increasingly fed up with pretty much everyone in Washington. Roughly equal numbers blame President Obama and the Republicans for the state of the economy, according to a new Washington Post poll. And though Obama scores slightly higher than Republicans when...

Bachmann's Iowa Lead Bigger Than It Looks

But race could still be upended by Rick Perry

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann’s 4-point lead over Mitt Romney in the latest Iowa poll might be even bigger than it looked at first. Dig deeper into the poll, and you’ll find that among the voters labeled “most attentive,” Bachmann is leading by a whopping 32% to 18%, Aaron...

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