domestic terrorism

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Post-9/11, FBI Tracks Some Unlikely Terrorists

Without much 'real' terrorism, FBI targets government critics

(Newser) - The FBI has combed through Scott Crow's email, phone records, and garbage, installed a camera across the street from his home, and infiltrated his political meetings with at least five informants. His crimes? A few trespassing charges stemming from political demonstrations. But in the wake of 9/11 and the...

247 on Terror Watch List Bought Guns in 2010

They passed the background check and everything

(Newser) - Guns were legally sold to 247 people on the government's terror watch list last year—and that's after all of them passed a background check, according to FBI figures. That's because it's not illegal to sell guns to people on the terror watch list, the AP...

Bomb Found On MLK Parade Route

Spokane bomb was capable of causing multiple casualties

(Newser) - A backpack bomb capable of causing multiple casualties was found along the route of Monday's Martin Luther King Day parade in Spokane, the FBI says. City workers discovered the bomb before the parade and it was neutralized by the city's explosives disposal unit. Authorities say the bomb was placed on...

New al-Qaeda Terror Plot: Poison US Buffets

Homeland Security uncovers plans to spike food with ricin, cyanide

(Newser) - Homeland Security has uncovered a terrorist plot to spread ricin and cyanide into American salad bars and buffets, CBS reports. Select corporate security officers from the restaurant and hotel industries have already been briefed on the threat, which a major intelligence source described as “credible.” The terrorists appear...

US Agencies Link Up to Spy on ... You
US Agencies Link Up
to Spy on ... You

US Agencies Link Up to Spy on ... You

Thousands deemed 'suspicious' appear on giant database: WaPo probe

(Newser) - Aiming to fight home-grown terrorism, the US is linking local, state, FBI, and military resources to gather information about American citizens: It’s “the largest and most technologically sophisticated” domestic intelligence system the country has ever assembled, write Dana Priest and William Arkin after a Washington Post investigation that’...

Next Big Threat: Home-Grown Terrorists

Counterterror head speaks following Portland plot

(Newser) - The US is facing a major threat from inside: as home-grown terror plots abound, authorities may not be able to foil every plot, said a leading counterterrorism official in a Washington speech. Amid “a more complicated threat, a more diverse threat, and lower-scale attacks to include individuals who have...

US Having Tough Time Detecting Terror Threats
US Having Tough Time Detecting Terror Threats
new report

US Having Tough Time Detecting Terror Threats

Thanks to the rise of homegrown terrorists, says report

(Newser) - It has become far harder for the US government to detect upcoming terrorist threats in the years since 9/11, as terrorist networks spread and attract more Americans to their ranks, according to a new report from the former leaders of the 9/11 Commission. “It’s a much more complex...

Obama: 'We Will Not Cower'
 Obama: 'We Will Not Cower' 

Obama: 'We Will Not Cower'

Obama urges resolve in face of Times Square attack

(Newser) - President Obama commended New Yorkers today for not freaking out about the attempted Time Square bombing, and in a brief statement about the arrest of Faisal Shahzad, he promised to follow their example. Obama called the failed attack a “sobering reminder of the times in which we live” and...

Times Square Attack Proves Cheney Wrong

Treating terrorists like criminals works just fine

(Newser) - The foiled Times Square bombing proves yet again that Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, and the other conservatives who argue that terrorism is “an act of war” that can't be treated like a normal crime are dead wrong, writes Fred Kaplan for Slate . Police caught Faisal Shahzad the old-fashioned way:...

Cops Find Owner of Explosives-Laden SUV

But he's not considered a suspect in the bombing

(Newser) - Police have found the owner of the black Nissan SUV that was found filled with explosives in Time Square on Saturday, but after speaking with him, they have ruled him out as a suspect. Still, the discovery is considered a significant breakthrough, and authorities remain optimistic, the New York Times...

Feds Nab Militia Leader's Son
 Feds Nab Militia Leader's Son 

Feds Nab Militia Leader's Son

Stone's wife, adult sons among the indicted

(Newser) - Authorities have apprehended Joshua Matthew Stone, the last of the nine Hutaree militia members indicted yesterday for an alleged plot to kill law enforcement officials. Stone, son of Hutaree leader David Brian Stone, was found hiding in a home yesterday with five adults and a toddler. There was a standoff,...

Militia Planned to Kill Cops, Spark 'Uprising': Feds
Militia Planned to Kill Cops, Spark 'Uprising': Feds

Indicted today

Militia Planned to Kill Cops, Spark 'Uprising': Feds

Suspects accused of conspiring to 'levy war' on the US

(Newser) - Nine members of a Midwestern Christian militia group were charged with conspiring to kill police officers today, in what the indictment says was an attempt to “levy war” against the US government. According to prosecutors, they hoped to kill enough local law enforcement officials to draw other police from...

'Urban Terrorists' Target Calif. Cops With Booby Traps

In Riverside County, failed attempts include gas leak, gun

(Newser) - Cops in Hemet, California are the target of a potentially deadly booby trap campaign carried out by unknown assailants that attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown calls “urban terrorism.” Attempts have included flooding the offices of the local gang task force with gas, rigging a gun to...

Fringe Groups Hail Austin Suicide Pilot as Hero

Internet lights up with support for terrorist's anti-government stance

(Newser) - Not long after Joe Stack flew his plane into an Austin office building yesterday, the Internet began buzzing with newfound fans calling him a hero, inspired by the anti-government rant he left behind. “Finally, an American man took a stand against our tyrannical government,” posted the founder of...

FBI: 2 Bodies Found at Austin Site

One believed to be pilot; other may be missing employee

(Newser) - An FBI spokesman confirms tonight that two bodies have been found at the site of today’s plane crash in Austin, Texas, with one thought to be of the pilot, Joseph Andrew Stack. Officials can’t confirm that the other is that of the federal employee still missing, the American...

NJ Cops Arrest Man With Weapons, Map of Military Base

Grenade launcher, lots of ammo in motel room

(Newser) - A man arrested today by authorities in north-central New Jersey today had a stash of weapons in his motel room that included a grenade launcher and hundreds of rounds of ammunition—plus a map of an undisclosed US military facility, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. Lloyd Woodson, 43, was armed at...

Giuliani: 'I Do Remember Sept. 11'
 Giuliani: 'I Do 
 Remember Sept. 11' 

Giuliani: 'I Do Remember Sept. 11'

Usually notes 9/11, just forgot in earlier interview

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani backtracked this evening on his earlier statement that there had been no domestic terror attacks under President Bush, telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he indeed remembers the events of Sept. 11, 2001. “I usually say, ‘We had no major domestic attacks under President Bush since...

Obama Overstates Domestic Al-Qaeda Threat: Experts

President, Clinton cite US arrests, but link to Pakistan appears weak

(Newser) - The White House has been overstating the link between recent domestic terrorism arrests and al-Qaeda activities in Pakistan and Afghanistan, security experts say. In justifying the Afghanistan troop buildup, President Obama cited recent arrests within the US; Hillary Clinton cited some of the same incidents a few days later. But...

The New Terrorist: Homegrown in the USA

Pakistan arrests underscore growing threat from domestic extremists

(Newser) - The five Virginians busted on terror charges in Pakistan this week are only the latest example of the growing threat of homegrown terrorism. American Muslims, long thought to be less a threat because they tend to be better assimilated than European Muslims, have been implicated in three other investigations this...

Time to Crack Down on Jihad 2.0
 Time to 
 Crack Down 
 on Jihad 2.0 


Time to Crack Down on Jihad 2.0

Web indoctrination of terrorists on US soil poses major threat

(Newser) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has knocked Nidal Hasan out of the headlines but the Fort Hood suspect is the kind of threat America needs to focus on, warns Daniel Henninger. Home-grown terrorists, indoctrinated over the Internet, are now more of a danger than "old-school" jihadis abroad, and the ideology that...

Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>