swimming pool

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Fish Clean Up Mortgage Mess
 Fish Clean Up Mortgage Mess 

Fish Clean Up Mortgage Mess

Mosquito-eaters help keep abandoned pools from breeding disease

(Newser) - Stagnant pools bursting with mosquitoes have become a byproduct of the housing crisis, turning into breeding grounds for diseases like West Nile virus. But, the Wall Street Journal reports, there is a solution: Gambusia affinis, a natural predator, also known as the mosquito fish, that's hardy enough to police abandoned...

6-Year-Old Injured in Pool Accident Dies

Horrific injury led to new safety regs on swimming pool drains

(Newser) - The little girl whose injury from a swimming pool drain spurred new safety laws has lost her fight for life, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. Six-year-old Abigail Taylor died Thursday evening after transplant surgery failed to restore the part of her intestinal track that was ripped out by a powerful drain...

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