
Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

Lebanese General Killed in Blast
Lebanese General Killed in Blast

Lebanese General Killed in Blast

Death of official about to head army could jeopardize presidential deal

(Newser) - An explosion outside of the Lebanese presidential palace near Beirut has killed at least four people, including a prominent general. Gen. Francois al-Hajj had been slated to become army chief if the current leader, Michel Suleiman, becomes president. The army believes that the bomb was a coordinated attack on Hajj,...

Ex-CIA Agent: Waterboarding Useful Torture

He saw a key prisoner break in 35 seconds; intel saved many lives

(Newser) - The highly controversial use of waterboarding in terrorist interrogations has "probably saved lives" but is torture, a former CIA officer told ABC News last night and the Today show this morning. John Kiriakou watched a prisoner break down under waterboarding in 35 seconds, he said, and "from that...

Bomb Explodes in Paris Office, Kills 1

Target was Sarkozy's law firm's building

(Newser) - A bomb exploded in a Paris office building today, killing a secretary and seriously injuring at least one other person, Bloomberg reports. The parcel was addressed to the fourth floor, which houses the Shoah Foundation, a Holocaust research group. The building is also home to Nicolas Sarkozy’s former law...

Bush to Cut Anti-Terror Funding
Bush to Cut Anti-Terror Funding

Bush to Cut Anti-Terror Funding

Proposal to ax port, transit security sparks bipartisan ire

(Newser) - Bush plans to cut counterterror funds in half next year, nixing port and transit security plans altogether, the AP reports. The drop from $3.2 billion to $1.4 billion would slash police, fire, and rescue budgets nationwide—and run counter to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's vow of less...

The T-Shirt as Terror Weapon
The T-Shirt as Terror Weapon

The T-Shirt as Terror Weapon

Danish T-shirt peddlers on trial in debate over free speech, fashion

(Newser) - Seven Danish entrepreneurs are on trial in Copenhagen for hawking T-shirts featuring the logos of two groups classified by the EU as terrorist organizations—PFLP, a Palestinian extremist group, and Farc, a group of Marxist guerrillas in Colombia. The shirts were sold by Freedom+Lovers, which calls itself "dedicated to...

UK Court OKs Radical Cleric's US Extradition

Al-Masri tried to build a terrorist training camp in Oregon, US says

(Newser) - Radical Islamic cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri could be extradited to the US, thanks to a British court ruling today. Hamza is serving a seven-year prison term for inciting his congregation to murder, but US charges, which include attempting to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon, could put the...

Obama Vows New Ties With Iran
Obama Vows New Ties With Iran

Obama Vows New Ties With Iran

He would reward 'changes in behavior' with economic incentives

(Newser) - Barack Obama says he would take a much different approach to Iran than the Bush administration, pushing high-level talks and economic incentives in exchange for cooperation on Iraq and nuclear issues. In an interview with the Times, the candidate said Iran's obstinance on those issues is caused in part by...

London Police Blasted in Subway Killing

'05 shooting of innocent mistaken for terrorist endangered public

(Newser) - London police were found guilty today of fatal misconduct in the 2005 subway killing of an innocent Brazilian. The force will have to pay roughly $1.17 million for breaking safety rules and endangering the public. Officers shot the victim seven times in the head after mistaking him for a...

21 Guilty in Madrid Train Blasts
21 Guilty in Madrid Train Blasts

21 Guilty in Madrid Train Blasts

But seven defendants cleared as tribunal concludes

(Newser) - A court in Madrid has convicted 21 defendants in the March 2004 commuter train bombings that killed 191 and injured thousands. The court delivered symbolic sentences of 38,976 years for the three lead defendants, although under Spanish law they will only serve 40 years. But, writes the Guardian, the...

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets
US Forces
Hunt Down
Iraqi Rackets

US Forces Hunt Down Iraqi Rackets

Illegal schemes funnel key money to insurgents

(Newser) - Iraq's mafia-style rackets are funneling big money to insurgents, making them key targets for US commanders. Corruption and kickbacks in real estate, soft drinks, cement—even the extortion of US contractors—are fueling what Maliki calls a “second war” in Iraq. "We have got to attack the insurgency...

Brutal Maldives Leader Clings to Long-Time Grip

Repression mixes with tourism as a new generation seeks power

(Newser) - Luxury resorts coexist in the Maldives with claims of a darker reality: Censorship, political repression, torture, and recent terrorist bombings. Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the longest-serving leader in Asia, is reneging on a promise to step down and instead will run for a seventh term. But now his own supporters are...

FBI Probes Terror Cases Muddied by CIA

Data culled by torture may be tossed out of court, feds fear

(Newser) - The FBI is probing Guantanamo Bay cases that the CIA has muddied by using torture, the Los Angeles Times reports. Up to 300 FBI agents are now interviewing Al Qaeda chiefs, including mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, seeking data that's admissable in court. Says one expert, "I think there's no...

UK Probes Charges That CIA Used Brit Prison for Torture

(Newser) - British officials will investigate persistent claims that the CIA secretly interrogated terrorism suspects at a UK prison in the Indian Ocean, the Guardian reports. Authorities have repeatedly questioned American officials, who deny the reports. But an organization representing detainees insists the claims are true, adding that the British may be...

Tests Confirm: Airport Security Isn't Working

Screeners missed up to ¾ of dummy bombs in TSA simulation

(Newser) - You might have hoped interminable lines and indignities of shoe removal might have contributed to safer airplanes, but a study by the Transportation Security Administration shows screeners missing fake bombs at an alarming rate. USA Today obtained a copy of the classified report, whose rate of failure stunned officials: at...

Justice Switched Focus to Sex, Terror & Immigrants

Feds back off from mob and white collar crime

(Newser) - As the Senate Judiciary Committee today considers the nomination of Michael Mukasey as attorney general, data shows a profound shift in focus by the Justice Department over the 7 years of the Bush administration. The prosecution of mobsters, white collar criminals, environmental crimes and civil rights violations have taken a...

European Militants Find Training in Pakistan

Fighters wary of Iraq are groomed for terror ops on Afghan border

(Newser) - Renewed Al-Qaeda strength on the Pakistan-Afghan border is wooing European militants to train in Pakistan, the Los Angeles Times reports. Fighters who are wary of Iraq—where they may have to strap on a bomb on short notice—can enjoy being groomed for missions in Pakistan. “Pakistan worries me...

Stressed Out at 7 Years Old
Stressed Out at 7 Years Old

Stressed Out at 7 Years Old

Kids fret about global warming, terrorism and friendships

(Newser) - Children as young as 7 years old are stressed out about issues such as global warming, violent crime and international terrorism, as well as personal problems, according to a new study in Britain. The research, based on 700 in-depth interviews with children aged 7 to 11, found that kids live...

Colombian Rebel Dodges Justice Again

Mistrial declared in US drug-trafficking case against FARC leader

(Newser) - The US Justice Department was unable to gain a conviction against Colombian rebel leader Ricardo Palmera, Reuters reports, with a judge declaring a mistrial yesterday after jurors deadlocked on a drug-trafficking charge. Palmera, captured in Colombia in 2004, was convicted in July in a 2003 kidnapping of American contractors, but...

'Bomber' Busted in Vienna Fleeing US Embassy

Explosives trigger alarm; 2nd man held

(Newser) - Austrian police yesterday arrested a man after his explosives-laden backpack set off alarms at the US embassy in Vienna. He fled when the bag, filled with grenade-like bombs and nails, triggered metal detectors. He was caught soon after nearby and told police that an acquaintance, who was also later detained,...

Maldives Blast Injures 12 Tourists
Maldives Blast Injures
12 Tourists

Maldives Blast Injures 12 Tourists

British, Japanese and Chinese visitors hurt by homemade device

(Newser) - Twelve tourists are in the hospital after a homemade bomb exploded in the Maldives capital of Male. The bomb, which was detonated with a cell phone, a gas cylinder and a washing machine motor, is a first for the Maldives, a tranquil country. “We are taking this very seriously...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>
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