
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

Belgium Police Arrest 16, But Not Paris Fugitive

Salah Abdeslam not to be found

(Newser) - Belgian prosecutors announced early Monday that police had detained 16 people in 22 raids but that Paris fugitive Salah Abdeslam was not among them. Federal prosecutor Eric Van Der Sypt said no firearms or explosives were discovered in the raids—19 in Brussels and three in Charleroi in the country'...

Tourniquets in Every School? Many Now Say Yes

Obama and health care professionals say the simple devices could save many

(Newser) - The US military knows firsthand the effectiveness of a relatively simple tool in saving lives—the tourniquet. Consider the eye-opening stat in one military study that 90% of those who died from a potentially survivable wound did so specifically from "uncontrolled blood loss," notes the Atlantic . Its use...

Anonymous: ISIS Threatening Attacks in US, Elsewhere Sunday

The hacker group says a WWE event in Atlanta is at risk

(Newser) - According to hacking group Anonymous, the Islamic State has made credible threats against events in multiple countries—including the US—set to take place Sunday, the Hill reports. Anonymous issued a statement Saturday in which it identified "confirmed" risks or possible risks at events in the US, Paris, Indonesia,...

No Threats, Extra Security for Thanksgiving Travelers

It's expected to be the busiest Thanksgiving travel week since 2007

(Newser) - Officials say there are no specific threats to Americans over the Thanksgiving holiday, but travelers can expect heightened security and extra delays regardless. The Los Angeles Times cites two anonymous law enforcement officials, who say there are no additional security measures being put in place for holiday travelers to address...

Officials: ISIS Working Hard to Get Chemical Weapons

'The macabre imagination of the masterminds is limitless': French PM

(Newser) - French PM Manuel Valls issued a new warning in front of the lower house of France's Parliament Thursday, nearly a week after the Paris terror attacks . "Terrorism hit France not because of what it is doing in Iraq and Syria … but for what it is. We know...

ISIS Isn't the World's Deadliest Terrorist Group

Boko Haram killed more last year

(Newser) - The Islamic State might be the world's most notorious terrorist organization at the moment, but a new study reveals it is not the deadliest. According to the 2015 Global Terrorism Index , that grisly title belongs to Boko Haram , which was responsible for 6,644 deaths in Africa in 2014,...

Suspects in Paris Attack Owned Bar
Suspects in Paris Attack Owned Bar

Suspects in Paris Attack Owned Bar

It was closed over drug trafficking allegations this month

(Newser) - Before they were suspects in the deadliest attack on French soil since WWII, brothers Brahim and Salah Abdeslam owned a bar called Les Beguines in Brussels, the Wall Street Journal reports. "I used to go there every day after work," a neighbor tells the Telegraph . "We would...

ISIS: This Soda Can Bomb Downed Russian Plane

Group also claims to have executed 2 captives

(Newser) - The Islamic State says it took advantage of a gap in security when it smuggled a soda can bomb into the cabin of the Russian passenger jet that broke apart over Egypt . After militants discovered a "way to compromise the security" at Sharm al-Sheikh Airport, "a bomb was...

Report: Bomb on Russian Jet Was in Passenger Cabin

Russian newspaper says it wasn't hidden in cargo

(Newser) - Now that Moscow is on board with the thinking that a bomb brought down a Russian passenger jet over Egypt, a newspaper in Russia is reporting that the explosive was in a surprising place: the main passenger cabin. The Kommersant quotes an anonymous investigator who says the device was likely...

Bomb Threat Evacuates German Soccer Stadium

Police say there was a plan to detonate explosives inside

(Newser) - A soccer match between Germany and the Netherlands in the German city of Hannover was cancelled Tuesday because of plans to detonate explosives inside the stadium, the AP reports. Local police received a warning about a possible bomb threat shortly before the gates opened. According to the BBC , Hannover Stadium...

Another Suspect Is Being Sought in Paris Attacks

French officials believe one unidentified attacker is still unaccounted for

(Newser) - With 26-year-old Salah Abdeslam already wanted in connection with the Paris attacks that killed at least 129 people Friday, French officials revealed Tuesday they're looking for a second suspect, the AP reports. Seven attackers died in the attacks—six in suicide bombings, one killed by police—and Abdeslam escaped...

Why 'Containing' ISIS May Make It More Dangerous

Columnist explains why ISIS might be 'lashing out'

(Newser) - When President Obama said, just one day before the Paris terror attacks, that ISIS had been "contained," he wasn't wrong. On Vox , Zack Beauchamp lays out a solid case explaining that the terror group's "march across Syria and Iraq ... has in fact been stalled and...

CIA Chief Blasts 'Hand-Wringing' Over Surveillance

Debate renews over whether government spying is a necessary evil

(Newser) - Civil liberty advocates are worried that a spate of ISIS attacks will bring a renewed push for more-intense government surveillance, and comments by CIA chief John Brennan won't make them feel any better. Following the downing of Flight 9268 , last week's suicide bombings in Beirut , and Friday's...

ISIS Has 24-Hour &#39;Jihadi Help Desk&#39;
ISIS Has 24-Hour
'Jihadi Help Desk'

ISIS Has 24-Hour 'Jihadi Help Desk'

Tech support has been stepped up this year, analysts warn

(Newser) - ISIS followers around the world have the level of IT support that could be expected from any other large organization, analysts warn. The group has established a "Jihadi Help Desk" that's staffed by half-a-dozen senior militants and is active 24 hours a day, US counterterrorism analysts tell NBC...

Arrests Made In Connection With Paris Terrorist Attacks

And details about possible attackers leak out

(Newser) - "A number of arrests" were made in Brussels Saturday in connection with Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris , according to Belgium's justice minister. The Independent reports police raided three properties in the city, arresting at least one man. The raids came after a rental car with Belgian license...

At Least 1 American Dead, 2 Injured in Paris Attacks

US 'working closely with French authorities to identify American victims'

(Newser) - At least one American is dead and two injured following terrorist attacks in Paris Friday, CBS News reports. "The US government is working closely with French authorities to identify American victims," ABC News quotes a US State Department spokesperson. "We are aware there are Americans among the...

Primary Debate Will Tackle Terrorism After Paris Attack

'This is exactly what the president is going to have to face'

(Newser) - The second Democratic primary debate will go on as scheduled Saturday on CBS News, but the focus has changed dramatically in the wake of the attacks that left more than 100 dead in Paris, the Los Angeles Times reports. "You've got to get into how do you handle...

'90%' Chance That Bomb Hit Russian Plane

Investigators, officials are in agreement

(Newser) - Looks increasingly like last week's horrific Russian plane crash in Egypt—which killed all 224 passengers and crew—was caused by a bomb. An Egyptian investigator tells Reuters that his team is "90% sure it was a bomb" but refused to explain the uncertainty. "The indications and...

Confederate Flag Wavers Indicted on Terror Charges

They allegedly threatened guests, children at birthday party

(Newser) - Fifteen men and women were indicted on terror charges last Friday for allegedly driving by a largely black birthday party outside Atlanta in July while waving Confederate flags, brandishing weapons, using racial slurs, and threatening to kill the party's guests, CNN reports. The indicted—members of a group called...

27 Years After Lockerbie Bombing, 2 New Suspects IDed

Scotland, US want to interview Libyans they say worked with al-Megrahi

(Newser) - Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, the sole suspect convicted for the 1988 bombing that brought down Pan Am Flight 103, killing 270 people, died in 2012 —but now Scotland and the US say they've set their sights on two other Libyans they want to question in the attack, the BBC...

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