
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

John Paul Gets His 2nd Miracle
 John Paul Gets His 2nd Miracle 

John Paul Gets His 2nd Miracle

Ill woman reportedly recovers, moving him closer to sainthood

(Newser) - Pope John Paul II continues to zip along toward sainthood. A Vatican official tells the Telegraph that a second miracle has been attributed to the late pontiff, reportedly of a gravely ill Costa Rican woman who prayed to his memory and recovered. Cardinals and Pope Francis are expected to sign...

Pope Blesses ... Harley Davidsons?

Thousands of bikers jam St. Peter's Square for Mass

(Newser) - It was a rougher-than-usual crowd in St. Peter's Square today, with the dull roar of Harley Davidsons drowning out the "Our Father" and Pope Francis himself doling out blessings to the thousands of bikers crowding into what the AP terms "a giant Harley parking lot." The...

Francis: 'It's True,' Vatican Has Gay Lobby

Stunning admission in reported comments to private audience

(Newser) - Pope Francis has stunned Vatican-watchers by acknowledging that a "gay lobby" exists high up in the church hierarchy. "It is true, it is there ... We need to see what we can do," the pontiff told a key Latin American church group on June 6, according to a...

Benedict Withering Away: Sources

Vatican agrees, but says former pope's condition is not critical

(Newser) - Pope Benedict has only recently begun his retirement , but he may not have much time left to enjoy it. Several sources say his health has deteriorated significantly since leaving his post, reports USA Today . "Benedict is in a very bad way" says a Vatican media correspondent who met with...

Pope: I Stay in Hotel for My 'Psychiatric' Health

Francis gets frank in talk with students

(Newser) - Pope Francis has revealed that he never wanted to be pope and that he's living in the Vatican hotel for his "psychiatric" health. Francis got very personal today as he met with thousands of children from Jesuit schools across Italy and Albania. Answering their questions one by one,...

Pope Thinks You're Stealing, Basically

'Throwing away food is stealing from... those who are poor and hungry'

(Newser) - If you've ever thrown out good food, Pope Francis says you're a thief. "Throwing away food is like stealing from the table of those who are poor and hungry," he said during an audience at the Vatican this week, in which he blamed a "culture...

Catholic Church Keeps a Secret 2nd Set of Records

But sex-abuse inquiry is exposing those files

(Newser) - For centuries, the Catholic Church has had two sets of books—one for routine matters, the other containing records of controversial matters ranging from clandestine weddings performed by priests to clergy alcohol abuse. That second set of records, the first mention of which appeared in the 1700s, has been kept...

Vatican Beatifies Mob-Fighting Priest

'Pino' Puglisi was gunned down while preaching against mafia in Italy

(Newser) - An Italian priest who stirred consciences with his anti-mafia preaching and was gunned down by mobsters has been honored by the Vatican as a martyr. The Rev. Giuseppe `'Pino" Puglisi was beatified in a ceremony today in Palermo, the Sicilian capital where he worked in a mobster-infested, poor neighborhood....

Vatican Denies Pope Performed Exorcism
 Vatican: This Is Not an Exorcism

Vatican: This Is Not an Exorcism

Exorcists insist pontiff cast out man's demons

(Newser) - Pope Francis was merely praying in a video that some claim shows him performing an exorcism on a Mexican pilgrim, the Vatican says. In the video—broadcast on a TV station owned by the Italian Bishops' Conference—the man convulses and then goes limp after the stern-faced pontiff places his...

Vatican Sends Disgraced UK Cardinal Away for 'Penance'

Keith O'Brien was felled in sex scandal

(Newser) - The Vatican yesterday ordered a disgraced Scottish cardinal to leave Scotland for several months to pray and atone for sexual misconduct , issuing a rare public sanction against a "prince of the church" and the first such punishment meted out by Pope Francis. The Vatican said Keith O'Brien , once...

A Look at Pope Francis' 1st Round of Saints

They include hundreds who refused to convert to Islam

(Newser) - Pope Francis has made hundreds of new saints at his first canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square. Here is a look at the people receiving the Church's highest honor:
  • Antonio Pezzulla and 812 fellow martyrs: In 1480, some 20,000 Turkish troops overran Italy's citadel of Otranto,

It Just Got Tougher to Launder Money in Vatican

Will exchange financial info with US under new deal

(Newser) - The Vatican is continuing efforts to scrub its financial reputation: It yesterday inked a deal with the US in which each will share information about financial transactions, the Wall Street Journal reports. The move is intended to help surface any money laundering. The Vatican Bank came under heavy scrutiny during...

The Vatican: Now With 100% More Pope

Benedict, Francis are new neighbors

(Newser) - Former Pope Benedict XVI is lugging his suitcases back to the Vatican today—marking the first time two popes have ever simultaneously lived behind Vatican walls. Benedict has been staying at the pontifical summer residence since abdicating in February, but will fly via official papal helicopter to his new home,...

19th-Century German Nun Performed Miracle: Vatican
19th-Century German Nun 
Performed Miracle: Vatican
in case you missed it

19th-Century German Nun Performed Miracle: Vatican

Affirmed Mother Theresia Bonzel healed Colorado Springs boy in 1999

(Newser) - For anyone looking for a miracle amidst the gloomy news, the Vatican provides: The Denver Post reports that Pope Francis has set a 19th-century German nun on a journey toward sainthood after verifying she was responsible for healing a Colorado Springs boy in 1999. In the first days of his...

Frugal Pope: No 'New Pope' Bonus for Vatican Workers

They typically receive extra during papal succession

(Newser) - The global economic crisis is hitting Vatican employees in their cassock pockets. The Vatican said yesterday that Pope Francis, known for his frugal ways, decided Vatican employees won't be getting the bonus that traditionally comes with the election of a new pope. In the past, the Vatican's 4,...

Pope May Radically Shake Up Vatican Bank

Francis may even close scandal-plagued institution

(Newser) - Pope Francis intends to take a critical look at the scandal-plagued Vatican Bank , with an eye toward restructuring it or even closing it entirely, Vatican sources tell Reuters . While the changes will likely be a while in coming—the pope's first order of business will be shaking up the...

Pope Shuns Palace Dwelling
 Pope Shuns Palace Apartment 

Pope Shuns Palace Apartment

He opts for hotel room over 12-room papal dwelling

(Newser) - Pope Francis, much like his saintly namesake, is keeping things simple. He has shunned the fancy robes favored by his predecessor, and now he's broken with a tradition more than a century old by declining to move into the grand papal apartment in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, Reuters...

Pope Phones Home, Cancels Newspaper

Seems the former cardinal forgot to end his subscription

(Newser) - The guy who started the first day of his papacy by settling his hotel bill is running more errands: This time it was an Argentine newspaper vendor left with his mouth hanging open when someone named "Cardinal Jorge" called up to cancel his longtime subscription, reports the BBC . "...

2 Popes Meet: 'We Are Brothers'

Pope Francis prays with Pope emeritus Benedict

(Newser) - It's a Catholic first: A sitting pope met with his predecessor today. Pope Francis traveled to Castel Gandalfo outside Rome to visit with Pope emeritus Benedict, reports the BBC . The AP says both men paid deference to other other. When they entered a chapel, for instance, Benedict directed Francis...

Pope Reaches Out to Islam, China, Atheists

Pope Francis' first foreign policy address concentrates on bridge building

(Newser) - In his first foreign policy address as pope, Francis today called for more dialogue with Islam and offered an olive branch to China and other countries that don't have diplomatic relations with the Holy See. The occasion was an audience with ambassadors from the 180 countries that have diplomatic...

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