
Stories 21 - 34 | << Prev 

High Heat, Smoke, Storms Move to East Coast

Winds carry pollutant-filled wildfire smoke across the nation

(Newser) - Storms, high heat, and wildfire smoke are spreading from the Midwest to the East Coast this weekend as extreme weather grips more of the country. MSNBC gives us a weather rundown:
  • New York City, enveloped in muggy heat, is facing a likely thunderstorm this afternoon.
  • Storms are also heading for

More Than 1M Still Without Power

And temperatures are still sweltering

(Newser) - At least 1.4 million people from the Midwest to the mid-Atlantic are not having a very happy Fourth of July … because, four days after violent storms, that's how many homes and businesses are still without power today. And they're starting to get angry, CBS News and...

1.8M Still Without Power
 1.8M Still Without Power 

1.8M Still Without Power

And it could still be days away for some, utility companies warn

(Newser) - Three-and-a-half days after devastating thunderstorms tossed trees like twigs across a swath of the Mid-Atlantic, utility crews are still scrambling to restore power to some 1.8 million customers, reports the AP . Says a utility crewmember pulling 16-hour days in Washington, DC, "From here we've got another complaint....

3 Killed in Sudden NC Storm
 3 Killed in Sudden NC Storm 

3 Killed in Sudden NC Storm

Dozens of homes damaged, trees uprooted

(Newser) - Summer storms continue to take a toll on East Coast: In North Carolina, a sudden violent storm struck yesterday, uprooting trees and killing three people. One 77-year-old man was killed when a barn collapsed while he was inside, and a husband and wife died after a tree fell on their...

East Coast Outages Could Last Days

And the mercury is soaring

(Newser) - As the Mid-Atlantic states roast in sweltering temperatures, up to 3 million people remain without power after violent storms that killed 13—and it could be several more days to a week before electricity is restored, reports the AP . A glance around at the fallout from Friday's storms:
  • Emergencies

As East Broils, 2M Without Power After Violent Storm

Washington, DC, hit record high of 104 degrees yesterday

(Newser) - Violent evening storms following a day of triple-digit temperatures have wiped out power to more than 2 million people across the eastern United States and caused two fatalities in Virginia—including a 90-year-old woman asleep in bed when a tree slammed into her home. The storms that converged on Maryland,...

Violent Storms Kill 13 in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas
 13 Killed in Violent US Storms 

13 Killed in Violent US Storms

Death toll in Oklahoma reaches eight, including one child

(Newser) - The death toll in the violent storms slamming Oklahoma is up to eight. The state medical examiner’s office said this morning that one of the victims is a child. Other severe storms raked the central US last night and early today, ripping the roof off a fire station and...

US Braces for 'Historic' Storm

One-third of the population could be affected

(Newser) - The storms keep on coming —and the latest, expected to impact one-third of the US population, is being described as “potentially life-threatening” by the National Weather Service and “potentially historic” by the Weather Channel . It will begin today and last through Wednesday, reaching from the Colorado Rockies...

Thunderstorms Spawn Antimatter
Spawn Antimatter

Thunderstorms Spawn Antimatter

'This is a fundamental new discovery about how our planet works'

(Newser) - Scientists have been amazed to discover that thunderstorms on Earth send bursts of antimatter into space. The phenomenon was spotted by NASA researchers using the Fermi space telescope, the Los Angeles Times reports. Scientists at CERN have only been able to produce antimatter—the mirror image of matter, with the...

The Most Common Phobias
 The Most Common Phobias 
happy halloween

The Most Common Phobias

Don't like spiders and snakes? Join the club!

(Newser) - In honor of Halloween, LiveScience reveals the most common phobias. If you still need a costume, you'll scare the most people by playing on their evolutionarily sensible fear of creatures with venomous fangs. The top terrors:
  1. Snakes
  2. Spiders and other "creepy crawlies"
  3. Places that are difficult to escape, such

Discovery Delayed 2nd Time
 Discovery Delayed 2nd Time 

Discovery Delayed 2nd Time

(Newser) - NASA called off another launch attempt for the shuttle Discovery, scheduled for early tomorrow, due to a broken valve in the craft’s liquid propellant system, reports tonight. It’s the second time the mission has been postponed in less than 24 hours: Storms early this morning forced...

Weather Pushes Back Shuttle Launch Again

(Newser) - Lightning and thunderstorms in Florida today forced NASA to postpone the launch of the space shuttle Endeavour, reports, the fifth delay for the mission. Officials are now looking at approximately 6:25pm EDT tomorrow, though there’s a 60% chance of bad weather; the forecast looks better Wednesday,...

Storms Pummel Midwest, Scare Visitors

Kansas tornadoes smash homes, spook elephants

(Newser) - Severe weather lashed the Great Plains yesterday after forecasters warned of a possible tornado outbreak as bad as the 1974 one that spawned 39 twisters, AP reports. At least four tornadoes touched down in Kansas, causing widespread damage and spooking a pair of runaway circus elephants. Heavy rains caused rivers...

2 Dead on Second Day of Ga. Storms

State of emergency declared as storm watch continues

(Newser) - Waves of thunderstorms clobbered the stunned city of Atlanta today, killing two and wounding at least four others, CNN reports. The storms leveled more than 20 homes and downed power lines, leaving 40,000 people—including 10,000 in Atlanta—without power in northern Georgia. Authorities are warning people to...

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