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Here Are the Best (and Worst) Places to Kick Off Your Career

Atlanta tops WalletHub's list for those just starting off

(Newser) - With college commencement ceremonies currently taking place around the nation, lots of eyes are on where this latest slew of grads will end up working. WalletHub wanted to find out which US cities were the best places to kick off one's career, so it looked at more than 180...

People Are Happiest at Work Than Ever...Sort of

Conference Board's latest survey ranks job satisfaction higher than ever, but with a caveat

(Newser) - Morale is up for employees these days, at least according to Conference Board's latest report on US job satisfaction. Worker satisfaction hit an all-time high since the nonprofit research group began distributing the survey in 1987, with 62.7% of respondents reporting back that they're satisfied on the...

Consulting Giant Has Offer for So-So Employees

McKinsey will provide 9 months' pay, career counseling to get mediocre workers to leave

(Newser) - The bad news for underperforming employees at consulting giant McKinsey & Co. is that their days are numbered at the firm. The good news is that the company isn't exactly in a hurry to rush them out the door. The details:
  • An offer: Over the weekend, the UK Times

These 10 Companies Rank Best in Career Growth

A new list gives insights into how major companies rank in important career objectives

(Newser) - Looking to make a career switch? A new ranking system by the American Opportunity Index provides valuable data for job-seekers on how major companies add up on metrics that affect career trajectory and pay. The list provides details on their practices around salaries, hiring, promotion and parity, along with how...

Here Are the 10 Best, Worst US Cities to Start a Career

Atlanta takes the top spot on WalletHub's list, while the Big Apple comes in last

(Newser) - Not sure where to kick off that career you've dreamed about for years? Whether you're a new grad or kick-starting a second job path for yourself, some cities have better resources than others for making such moves. WalletHub looked at more than 180 of the nation's largest...

Here Are the 10 Best, Worst Places to Start a Career

Salt Lake City is where to head

(Newser) - It's graduation season, which means young adults are now earnestly seeking their first post-college jobs. WalletHub wanted to see which locations offer the best potential for jump-starting one's career, so the site looked at more than 180 of the most populated US cities, examining two dozen-plus metrics in...

The Average Truck Driver Is 54. Enter the Teens

California high school training program among the first of its kind

(Newser) - They have fewer years of experience on this planet than the number of wheels on the truck. But that's not stopping California high school students from learning how to drive an 18-wheeler—an opportunity that might help resolve a purported shortage of truck drivers . Patterson High School is one...

New Pandemic Buzz Phrase: the 'Great Resignation'
Resignations Are Up, and
a 'Massive Shift' Is Expected
in case you missed it

Resignations Are Up, and a 'Massive Shift' Is Expected

More people than usual are quitting their jobs as a result of the pandemic

(Newser) - The seismic shift caused by the pandemic in regard to the American workforce is only now beginning to be fully understood, and a succinct new phrase might help sum things up: "the great resignation." Referring to the idea that lots of people have been, or will be, quitting...

Here Are the Best, Worst US Cities to Start Your Career

Salt Lake City comes in at No. 1 in WalletHub ranking, while Newark, NJ, falls last

(Newser) - With the pandemic starting to slowly ease and businesses reopening, recent college grads or those about to graduate may find a better job market than the one that existed at this time last year. How well they'll do in their career of choice could depend on where they're...

He Heads a $23B Fashion Site. He's Walking Away for His Wife

Rubin Ritter, co-CEO of EU e-commerce giant Zalando, wants to prioritize his spouse's career

(Newser) - Rubin Ritter's contract with Europe's largest fashion site isn't set to expire for two-plus years. But a surprise announcement Sunday from the 38-year-old co-CEO of the Berlin-based Zalando indicates he has other plans for the near future—ones that include letting his spouse's career take center...

Amazon Says It Has 33K Jobs. Average Pay: $150K

Company is hosting an online 'Career Day'

(Newser) - Amazon says it wants to help Americans get back to work—and not just in its warehouses. The company is hosting an online Career Day on Sept. 16, and it says it's mobilizing "more than 1,000 experienced recruiters and HR professionals to help job seekers across the...

10 Best Places to Launch a Career
10 Best Cities to
Begin Your Career

10 Best Cities to Begin Your Career

WalletHub lists 182 from best to worst

(Newser) - Wondering where to start a long and fruitful career? Well, how about Salt Lake City. So says WalletHub in a list of cities where freshly scrubbed graduates can jump into the marketplace. And the moment appears ripe, with NACE reporting that employers are poised to hire almost 17% more new...

Looking to Start a Career? Look Here

Salt Lake City is the place to be: WalletHub

(Newser) - As intimidating as it might sound, starting a career doesn't have to be difficult, and in certain US cities, it isn't. That's according to WalletHub , which rates more than 180 US cities on a variety of factors, including the availability of entry-level jobs, quality of life, and...

These Are the Year's 5 Most Stressful Jobs

Don't want to be stressed? Don't enlist in the military

(Newser) - Looking for a low-stress job? We don't recommend any of the 10 careers ranked by as the most stressful of the year. The website looks at factors including work environment, travel required, physical demands, risk, and even how often a person must be in the public eye...

Be Wary of That 'Follow Your Dreams' Mantra

It's usually 'empty advice,' writes essayist

(Newser) - An untold number of college graduates are about to be told to go forth into the world with advice of the "follow your dreams" and "do what you love" variety. And even those who graduated long ago hear the mantra of "quit your day job" and "...

These 10 Jobs Pay the Best
 These 10 Jobs Pay the Best 

These 10 Jobs Pay the Best

Glassdoor's top US rankings all offer salaries in the six figures

(Newser) - Sure, money isn't everything, but that doesn't mean you're going to complain if your job comes with a fat paycheck. Glassdoor has published its 2016 list of the highest-paying jobs in America, courtesy of individuals who self-reported their salaries, and there's one caveat for cash-seekers: More...

No One Wants This $267K Job With 3 Months of Vacay
 No One Wants 
 This $267K Job 
 With 3 Months 
 of Vacation 
in case you missed it

No One Wants This $267K Job With 3 Months of Vacation

Maybe because it's a grueling gig in the middle of rural New Zealand

(Newser) - Dr. Alan Kenny is offering a fellow doctor a $267,000 annual salary, three months of vacation, and a half-share of his New Zealand practice, the Guardian reports. And with 6,000 patients, his business in rural Tokoroa is booming, to the point where Kenny can't take time off....

Best, Worst Graduate Degrees

Fortune magazine looks at which provide the best bang for the buck

(Newser) - With graduation time here, Fortune asked Payscale to determine the best and worst graduate degrees. Salaries aren't the only factor; the survey also took into account things such as job growth, stress, and satisfaction. The top five winners and losers, along with the median salary for each: Best Graduate ...

What It's Like to Be an Adjunct Prof With a Grocery Job

Matt Debenham spends his mornings at the store before heading to campuses

(Newser) - Being an adjunct professor isn't an easy job , nor is it a steady one—and it's certainly not lucrative. "Sometimes I think I did everything wrong" in leaving work in PR to focus on teaching, writes Matt Debenham at Buzzfeed . But while "there are a lot...

What You Earn for Life Likely Set Before You're 30: Report

Federal Reserve Bank of NY says bulk of earnings growth happens in one's 20s

(Newser) - Those who like predicting how much they'll have by the time they retire may want to peruse the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's latest research. The bank's report , which analyzed the careers of 5 million workers over four decades, found that it's the first 10...

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