US military

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US Carrier Arrives in Philippines Amid Logistics Nightmare

Volunteer surgeons working by flashlight in disaster zone

(Newser) - Help is finally beginning to reach hundreds of thousands of people struggling to survive in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan. The USS George Washington and two US cruisers have arrived in the Philippines and will distribute food, water, and medicine, as well as assist search and rescue operations in what...

4 Marines Dead in Accident at Camp Pendleton

Unexploded ordnance reportedly detonated

(Newser) - Four Marines at California's Camp Pendleton were killed today in a training accident, reports Reuters . It's not clear exactly what happened, but NBC News reports that they were killed when an unexploded ordnance blew up. The Marines, who haven't been identified, had reportedly finished their drills and...

US Military: Suicides Are Down 22%

But it doesn't know why

(Newser) - Suicides across the US military have dropped by more than 22% this year, defense officials report. The news comes amid an array of new programs targeting an epidemic that took more service members' lives last year than the war in Afghanistan did during that same period. Military officials, however, are...

Navy's 'Fat Leonard' Bribe Scandal Gets a Lot Worse

Now two admirals are under investigation

(Newser) - News that two admirals have been implicated in an ever-growing bribery case makes it the worst scandal to hit the Navy since the infamous Tailhook debauchery of 1991, says the Washington Post . The service last night announced that Vice Adm. Ted Branch and Rear Adm. Bruce Loveless have been put...

Northwestern: No, Our Special Uniforms Aren't Blood-Stained

It's supposed to look like an old flag, but some see it differently

(Newser) - Northwestern football players will don flag-inspired uniforms for their Nov. 16 game to honor wounded vets—but they're already apologizing for the gear. That's because it appears to be bloodstained, the AP reports via the Washington Post . In fact, it's a "distressed pattern on both the...

Commander Gave Up Navy Secrets for Gaga Tix
Commander Gave Up
Navy Secrets for Gaga Tix
say prosecutors

Commander Gave Up Navy Secrets for Gaga Tix

Federal case takes on Malaysia's 'Fat Leonard'

(Newser) - It has the makings of a Hollywood movie: secrets, bribes, and a Malaysian businessman dubbed "Fat Leonard." A Navy scandal involving prostitutes and Lady Gaga tickets continues to unfold, with the AP reporting it's not just a corruption case, but involves "serious national security breaches."...

'God' Now Optional in Air Force Oath

Cadets can skip it if they'd like

(Newser) - An oath of honor uttered by Air Force cadets might be a little less godly from here on out. The service says cadets now have the option to skip the last phrase, "So help me God," reports the Air Force Times . The move comes in response to a...

Defense Chief Apologizes to Medal of Honor Soldier

We lost your paperwork, says Chuck Hagel

(Newser) - Yesterday, Former Army Capt. William Swenson got the Medal of Honor for bravery from President Obama. Today, Swenson got a personal apology from the secretary of defense for taking so long to recognize his actions, reports the AP . Defense chief Chuck Hagel said Swenson's paperwork got lost in the...

Vietnam Vet Returns Wounded Buddy's Knife

Loyd Cates kept it sharp after friend hospitalized

(Newser) - When Sgt. Frank Cybulski was wounded by a mine in Vietnam in 1970, he was hospitalized and finally sent home, but his hunting knife remained behind. A friend who was beside him when he was injured collected the tool—and has held onto it ever since, sharpening it periodically. "...

Air Force Fires General in Charge of ICBMs

Michael Carey out for unspecified behavior

(Newser) - The Air Force said today it fired the two-star general from command of its nuclear missiles in response to an investigation into alleged personal misbehavior. It was the second sacking this week of a senior commander of nuclear forces. Maj. Gen. Michael Carey was removed from command of the 20th...

Army Envisions 'Iron Man' Suit for Special Ops

OK, it won't look like the comic-book version, but it has similarities

(Newser) - If you've ever dreamed of being a superhero, there may soon be reason to join the Army. It's developing a "revolutionary" armor that "promises to provide superhuman strength with greater ballistic protection," LiveScience reports. The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit would include a bulletproof exoskeleton...

Obama, House Order Fix for Fallen Troops' Families

Shutdown blocked $100K death benefit; remedy in the works

(Newser) - It looks like one unfortunate side effect of the showdown will be quickly fixed: The House voted unanimously today to restore the $100,000 death benefit paid to soldiers' families, reports the Hill . The Senate may not need to follow suit, however, because the White House has ordered an administrative...

Full Withdrawal From Afghanistan Grows More Likely

As US prepares to suspend failing negotiations

(Newser) - The US is getting nowhere in its negotiations with Afghanistan over the future of America's military presence in the country, rendering the prospect of a total troop withdrawal in 2014 ever more likely. Officials say they're getting ready to suspend talks unless there's a breakthrough in the...

Number of Furloughed Workers Just Got Cut in Half

Pentagon ordering about 400K back to work

(Newser) - About half of the 800,000 federal workers furloughed this week because of the government shutdown were civilians who worked for the Defense Department. And now the Pentagon is ordering most of them back to work on Monday, reports the AP . Defense chief Chuck Hagel says he can make the...

Don&#39;t Pay Our Troops
 Don't Pay Our Troops 

Don't Pay Our Troops

It's only fair that the military gets shut down, too, David Dayen argues

(Newser) - President Obama says GOP bills that would end the shutdown for select parts of the government are "not serious" and "no way to fund a government." But on Monday he signed a bill just like that, ensuring that the military keeps getting paid. "How can I...

Army Cracks Down on Tattoos
 Army Cracks Down on Tattoos 

Army Cracks Down on Tattoos

Nothing below the elbow, soldier

(Newser) - Army soldiers looking to get tattoos will soon have some stricter rules to obey: No ink above the neckline, below the elbows, or below the knees, reports Stars and Stripes . The rules are expected to go into place in another month or two, but there's no use for soldiers...

Djibouti Kicks US Drones Out of Main Airport

Move follows several accidents, could hurt hunt for al-Shabab

(Newser) - It might have just gotten a little tougher for the US military to keep an eye on al-Shabab, the terrorist group behind the mall attack in Nairobi . The African nation of Djibouti has forced the US to remove a fleet of drones from a major military camp in the country,...

Looks Like Syria Will Miss First Arms-Deal Deadline

Plus: Pentagon says US could train some rebels

(Newser) - Syria probably won't get a full inventory of its chemical weapons to international authorities by Saturday, as proposed—but the US, it seems, isn't panicking. "Our goal is to see forward momentum," rather than the whole inventory, by Saturday, says a State Department rep. "We'...

Cost-Cutting Navy Yard Was Poorly Protected: Report

Aaron Alexis worked for Navy subcontractor

(Newser) - The Navy Yard attacked yesterday hadn't adequately guarded itself when it came to contractor access, an upcoming report finds. Seeking "to reduce access-control costs," the Navy "did not effectively mitigate access-control risks associated with contractor-installation access," says the report, begun in August 2012 by the...

Could Life Insurance Be a Factor in Military Suicides?

Suicide numbers have spiked since life insurance coverage went up

(Newser) - It's a depressing proposition to consider, but it's one the LA Times tackles anyway: Could life insurance play a role in the recent increase in military suicides ? It's not a question that has been studied specifically, and no expert the paper spoke to suggested it was...

Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>