Sarah Palin

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Editor Who Threatened McGinniss Is Fired

He loses job after joke gone wrong

(Newser) - The editor at Sarah Palin's hometown paper who reminded Joe McGinniss that Alaskans can use "deadly force" to protect their property is now looking for a job. The publisher of the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman sent Tom Mitchell packing after his line set off a media firestorm of its own,...

Palin: Pot Smokin's No Biggie
 Palin: Pot Smokin's No Biggie 

Palin: Pot Smokin's No Biggie

Better if cops spend time on serious crimes

(Newser) - Sarah Palin sounded so relaxed in a recent interview about blowing a joint in the privacy of one's own home that it almost sounded like pot could be the conservative Alaskan's cup of tea. She definitely does not support legalizing the drug, but added, "If somebody's gonna smoke a...

'Palin Hater' Pushing Mercede to Blog
 'Palin Hater' 
 to Blog 
says palin's camp

'Palin Hater' Pushing Mercede to Blog

This is all Jesse Griffin's fault, Palin camp says

(Newser) - The Palins can’t be happy about Mercede Johnston’s Palin-bashing blog …and now a source from their camp is insisting it’s all part of an anti-Palin conspiracy. “Mercede was put up by Jesse Griffin to do this blog. He is a Palin hater,” a source...

Levi's Blogging Sis Takes On Palins

Mercede promises to spill the beans

(Newser) - If you can't get enough of those wacky Wasillans, good news: Levi Johnston has a sister. Mercede Johnston has a blog— —in which she answers reader questions. Most of them, predictably, are about the Palin-Johnston saga, and Mercede makes it deliciously plain that she's no fan of...

Bristol, Levi 'Together Again'
 Bristol, Levi 'Together Again' 

Bristol, Levi 'Together Again'

He's even spending nights, says source

(Newser) - Now that Sarah Palin is out of the way speechifying around the nation, things are re-heating up between Bristol and her baby-daddy. "Levi even stays overnight," a source close to Bristol tells Us . "I think they are back together." They're "still very close," the...

Palin to Visit Margaret Thatcher

Former Alaska gov wants to meet 'political heroine'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin will visit Margaret Thatcher in England, the former Alaska governor announced in a Facebook post. Palin calls Thatcher "one of my political heroines" and says the former UK leader's "life and career serve as a blueprint for overcoming the odds and challenging the ‘status quo....

Sarah Palin: 'No, I Have Not Had Implants'

She lays rumor to rest on Fox News

(Newser) - Sarah Palin herself has denied the rumors: "No, I have not had implants," she tells Greta Van Susteren on Fox News . "A report like that is about as real and truthful as reports that (my husband) Todd and I are divorcing or that I bought a place...

Palin Running 'Brilliant' Campaign for President

Her endorsements prove she's a real player

(Newser) - Pat Buchanan takes a look at Sarah Palin's winning endorsements and political calculations and doesn't mince words: "Though the media have painted Palin as a ditz, no politician in memory has conducted a more brilliant pre-presidential campaign," he writes at RealClearPolitics . He adds the qualifier "if that...

Palin Pal: Implants? What Implants?

Friend denies boob job rumor

(Newser) - In the first public reaction to the red-hot rumor that Sarah Palin had a boob job , an unidentified friend of the former Alaska governor has opened up to Us Weekly . "It's absolutely ridiculous," the source says. Notes Ken Layne of Wonkette , who ignited the speculation and has been...

George W. Bush Makes Facebook Debut

He's 'done with politics, but not with policy'

(Newser) - Look out, Sarah Palin: You have competition on Facebook . George W. Bush posted what he called his “inaugural address” on the site today, telling his fans and friends he’s “done with politics” but “not done with policy.” The former president gives a boilerplate rundown of...

Sarah Palin Endorsements Are Winners

She got 3 of 4 yesterday, is 8-3 overall

(Newser) - It could be a whole different ballgame in the general election, but one thing has become clear in the primaries: Candidates endorsed by Sarah Palin tend to win. Three of the four she backed yesterday won or advanced to a runoff, bringing her overall record to 8-3 in this year's...

Feminists Should Embrace Palin

Feminists Should Embrace Palin

Conservatives shouldn't be shunned from the cause

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is taking heat from the left for daring to adopt the label of feminist, writes Cathy Young. Palin clearly isn't a great spokesperson for the cause—she's big on slogans but not so much on substantive ideas—but Young thinks feminists are making a mistake by automatically rejecting...

Palin: Give Me a Call, Obama
 Palin: Give Me a Call, Obama 

Palin: Give Me a Call, Obama

Prez needs to talk to someone who can 'play hardball with Big Oil'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says President Obama's handling of the Gulf spill shows the value of executive experience and suggests he talk to somebody who has some—somebody like Sarah Palin. "For the sake of the Gulf residents, reach out to experts who have experience holding oil companies accountable," Palin...

Did Sarah Palin Get a Boob Job?
 Did Sarah Palin 
 Get a Boob Job? 

Did Sarah Palin Get a Boob Job?

Tipster reports former Alaskan governor sporting 'instant boobage!'

(Newser) - The rumor comes from Wonkette's Facebook page , but it never had a chance of staying there: Sarah Palin may or may not have gotten breast implants. The tipster is a woman, and "women seem to keep very careful mental records about such things," Ken Layne writes . "And...

10 Best Fake Twitter Feeds
 10 Best Fake Twitter Feeds 

10 Best Fake Twitter Feeds

You don't have to be the real McCoy to be hilarious

(Newser) - If only @BPGlobalPR were the real deal: The spoof account is far more entertaining than BP's actual one (find a clear demonstration of that here ). Time's Newsfeed shares 9 more spectacular, satirical Twitter feeds, with sample tweets:
  1. @FakeAP Stylebook : "'horrible tragedy'—use this phrasing to differentiate the described

Palin Endorses Tea Partier Over Alaska Senator

Even though she donated to Murkowski's reelection campaign

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thumbed her nose at Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski last night, with a Facebook endorsement of her tea party-backed primary opponent Joe Miller—a guy who recently failed to win a state Senate seat. Palin called Miller a “true Commonsense Constitutional Conservative,” willing to take on the...

Todd Palin: 'Creepy' Neighbor Has Ruined Summer

Family thinking of moving to escape Joe McGinniss

(Newser) - The Palin family summer has been spoiled, thanks to author Joe McGinniss moving in next door, and Todd Palin called Kathleen Parker to talk about it. Parker writes in a Washington Post blog that the Palins are considering moving the family elsewhere rather than live with "big brother" watching...

Sarah Palin: See, We Need to Drill in Alaska

She bashes 'extreme greenies' who criticized 'drill, baby, drill'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is using the Gulf oil spill to push the idea of drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife National Refuge, reports CNN . "Extreme Greenies: see now why we push 'drill,baby,drill' of known reserves & promising finds in safe onshore places like ANWR? Now do you get it?"...

Sarah Palin: Let Israel Know We Stand With 'Em

Media's full of it: 'Islamist' Turkey backs 'pro-terror convoy'

(Newser) - Israel has at least one international supporter of its attack on a Gaza aid flotilla: Sarah Palin posted a message on her Facebook page saying that "We need to let Israelis know we stand with them in their fight against terrorists." Calling the flotilla a "pro-terror convoy,...

Watch It, McGinniss: Palins Could Shoot You
 Watch It, McGinniss: 
 Palins Could Shoot You 

Wasilla newspaper editorial

Watch It, McGinniss: Palins Could Shoot You

It's not a crime in Alaska to use deadly force to protect your property

(Newser) - In case you were were wondering, some Wasilla locals are amused by the fuss the national news media—from what they call Outside—is making over Todd and Sarah Palin's new fence. The town paper, the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman, has gotten breathless calls from news organizations, including the Today show,...

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