Sarah Palin

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Tea Partier Poised to Topple Murkowski

But Alaska Senate race still too close to call

(Newser) - Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski probably won't know for a week whether she still has political life. The Republican is locked in a race with Tea Party favorite Joe Miller that remains too close to call, reports the Anchorage Daily News . Miller, expected to lose, actually leads by about 3,000...

Jon Stewart: Palin's a Hypocrite
 Jon Stewart: Palin's a Hypocrite 

Jon Stewart: Palin's a Hypocrite

Remember who wanted Rahm to quit over 'retard'?

(Newser) - Jon Stewart set his sights on the Dr. Laura controversy last night, but Schlessinger didn't get the worst of it. No, Stewart's best jab was at Sarah Palin. The ex-governor, you might recall, tweeted in tortured English that Dr. Laura should " reload " rather than resign after her N-word-laced...

Palin Loses Black Support Over Tweets on Dr. Laura

Black GOP'ers call her 'scary, 'unfit to lead'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s defense of Dr. Laura on Twitter may have badly damaged her among black Republicans. John Avlon of The Daily Beast spoke with several black conservative leaders, and they were not kind. “It says that a leading voice among conservatives has joined the ranks of the entertainers—...

Local Strippers Totally OK With Ground Zero Mosque

Dismiss 'hallowed ground' claims

(Newser) - Plans to build a mosque near the Ground Zero site in lower Manhattan have stirred outrage far and wide, but for many who work in the neighborhood, it's live and let live. "I don’t know what the big deal is," a stripper from the nearby New York...

Park Service Approves Glenn Beck's DC Rally

It's on the anniversary of MLK's 'I Have a Dream' speech

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's controversial DC rally is a go. The National Park Service has approved a permit to stage his "Restoring Honor" event at the National Mall on Aug. 28, the anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech at the same location, reports the Washington Post...

Sarah, Newt Don't Get the First Amendment
Sarah, Newt Don't Get
the First Amendment

Sarah, Newt Don't Get the First Amendment

Here's a little Constitution lesson for them both

(Newser) - What is up with politicians misrepresenting the First Amendment this week? First Newt Gingrich, arguing against the Ground Zero Mosque, claimed Nazis " don't have the right " to put a sign next to the Holocaust museum. Then Sarah Palin tweeted that N-word-spewing Dr. Laura’s “ 1st Amend.rights...

Sarah Palin to Dr. Laura: 'Don't Retreat ... Reload!'

"b thankful 4 her voice, America!'

(Newser) - Not content to sit on the sidelines, um, ever, Sarah Palin swooped in with some words of advice for Dr.Laura, the N-word dropping, former radio host . "Don't retreat ... reload!" she advised, via Twitter . Dr. Laura was forced to step down because her First Amendment rights "ceased...

Emily's List Turns Mama Grizzlies on Palin

Democratic group launches website, parody video

(Newser) - Emily's List has drummed up its own group of Mama Grizzlies to counter Sarah Palin. The pro-choice group launched a SarahDoesn'tSpeakforMe website and campaign with this parody video, reports the Hill . The group is hoping to raise funds for candidates it supports, citing three races in particular against Palin-backed opponents:...

Custody Deal: Bristol, Levi Can't Talk Trash

They're not allowed to badmouth each other in front of Tripp

(Newser) - Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston must talk nice about each other when in the presence of baby Tripp, reports TMZ , which got hold of their custody agreement. The two can't "speak badly about the other parent in front of the child" or allow anyone else to do so, it...

Tea Partiers Prefer Romney, Gingrich to Palin

Ex-governors, ex-speaker in statistical dead heat

(Newser) - Believe it or not, Sarah Palin is not the preferred 2012 presidential nominee of most Tea Partiers. Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich actually rated higher than the former Alaska governor among members of the fiscally conservative group in a recent CNN poll . Support for the three would-be candidates clustered within...

NH Rep Quits Over Palin Death Remark

Horrigan apologizes for saying Palin would be more dangerous dead than alive

(Newser) - One New Hampshire Democrat got into trouble this week for wishing Sarah Palin was dead , now another is under fire for explaining why he wants her alive. Timothy Horrigan has resigned from the state's House of Representatives and apologized for a Facebook posting in which he said a dead Sarah...

Candidate Caught Wishing Death on Palin on Facebook

NH Republicans quickly pounce

(Newser) - Psst, politicians: Your witty postings on Facebook aren't private. A Democratic candidate for state representative in New Hampshire is learning this all-important lesson after weighing in on comments over the Ted Stevens plane crash with this gem: "Just wish Sarah and Levy (sic) were on board." Of course,...

One Mama Grizzly Concedes in Georgia

Palin-backed Karen Handel concedes to Newt-backed Nathan Deal

(Newser) - Sarah Palin still has a formidable record of backing winning candidates, but she's lost a close one in Georgia. Karen Handel has conceded the GOP's gubernatorial primary to Nathan Deal, reports the Atlanta Journal-Constitution . The race became a bit of a proxy fight among potential Republican presidential candidates, with Palin...

Mosque Foes: Stop Catering to Feelings of 9/11 Families

 Mosque Foes: Stop 
 Catering to Feelings 
 of 9/11 Families 

Christopher Hitchens

Mosque Foes: Stop Catering to Feelings of 9/11 Families

Cordoba House isn't wonderful, but opponents are unhinged

(Newser) - The dispute over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque”—which is actually several blocks away, mind you—“has now sunk to a level of stupidity that really does shame the memories” of the 9/11 victims, writes Christopher Hitchens in Slate . As an arch-atheist, Hitchens doesn’t much like...

Palin Rips 'Lamestream Media' Tale of Teacher Fight

 Palin: I Didn't 
 Roll My Eyes at 
 That Woman 
sarah vs. media

Palin: I Didn't Roll My Eyes at That Woman

'I've been hit by another spin operation'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is upset that the "lamestream media" pounced on her for appearing to "roll my eyes" when the former constituent who's blasting her as the "worst governor ever" tells Palin she's a teacher—an exchange reality TV cameras naturally caught on tape (catch up on the...

'Worst Governor Ever' Palin 'Honored' to Be a 'Celebrity'

Confrontation with ex-constituent caught on tape

(Newser) - While filming her reality show in Alaska over the weekend, Sarah Palin was caught on camera having an all-too-real discussion with a disgruntled former constituent. While fishing, Palin spotted a sign reading “Worst Governor Ever,” according to longtime Palin nemesis Shannyn Moore of the Huffington Post , and approached...

Sarah Palin Reality Show Premieres Nov. 14
Sarah Palin Reality Show Premieres Nov. 14 
set the dvr!

Sarah Palin Reality Show Premieres Nov. 14

One 'Sarah Palin's Alaska' guest star: Kate Gosselin

(Newser) - The fall TV season really starts on Sunday, Nov., 14, when the first episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska airs. "It takes a special individual to thrive in Alaska," says the head of TLC, the network best know for inflicting the Gosselin family on America. Not coincidentally, Kate Gosselin...

Sarah Wants to 'Kick Levi's Ass'

'Mama Grizzly' fears he'll spill more family secrets

(Newser) - Sarah Palin was never a big fan of Levi Johnston, but now “Mama Grizzly has had enough,” says a family friend. “She wants to kick his ass!” Adds a Palin insider, “It was bad enough that this kid everyone thinks is stupid has already caused...

Is Couric Dissing Palin in Old Tape?
 Is Couric Dissing 
 Palin in Old Tape? 
opposing views

Is Couric Dissing Palin in Old Tape?

Yes, say conservative sites; not a chance, says Mediaite

(Newser) - Right-leaning websites such as Conservatives4Palin are jumping on a 2008 video they say shows Katie Couric "mocking" Sarah Palin. In the footage, taken the day Palin was picked to be the VP candidate, Couric struggles off air with the names of the candidate's kids. "Where the hell do...

9 Ways to Get Booted Off Palin's Facebook

No. 9: Get a little too Jesus-y

(Newser) - It would appear that only the cheerleaders ever post anything on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page (“Palin 2012!!!!”) but the truth is, comments that don’t fit the page’s rah-rah image are simply deleted. Slate developed a program to capture comments before they were removed, and...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>