Sarah Palin

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Here's Palin's 'Corrupt Bastards' Tape

Voicemail features voices talking about how to bring Joe Miller Down

(Newser) - Sarah Palin took to the airwaves and the Internet today to rail against a tape that allegedly shows workers for an Alaskan CBS affiliate plotting how to portray Joe Miller negatively. The tape, a voicemail a KTVA news producer inadvertently left for a Miller campaign spokesman, features voices talking about...

Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012
 Fox Host 
 to Palin: 
 You Won't 
 Run in 2012 


Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012

Says she's having too much fun, making too much money

(Newser) - Despite recent protestations to the contrary, Sarah Palin is blowing smoke and has no intention of running for president in 2012—at least, according to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, who called the former gov on her intentions today. Palin is "having too much fun" and "making...

Tuesday's Vote May Pave Way for Palin

 Tuesday's Vote 
 May Pave Way 
 for Palin 
Frank Rich

Tuesday's Vote May Pave Way for Palin

She waits in wings for GOP's inevitable abandonment of Tea Party

(Newser) - The fired-up Tea Partiers who stormed the streets telling government to quit spending so much are going to be mighty angry when the GOP they propel to power Tuesday returns to its fat-cat ways Wednesday morning. But the return is inevitable, argues Frank Rich in the New York Times . The...

Will Newt Be the Next Nixon?
 Will Newt Be 
 the Next Nixon? 

Will Newt Be the Next Nixon?

After late-'90s stumble, Gingrich poised for a similar comeback

(Newser) - A decade ago, it looked like Newt Gingrich was a political goner; now, he looks poised to run for president in 2012. The question is “whether or not it is practical, which I increasingly think it is,” he said. Gingrich is certainly playing the part of the candidate—...

Palin: I'll Run in 2012, If No One Else Does

Palin takes another cautious step toward announcing run

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says she’ll run for president in 2012—if she has to. Asked in an interview with Entertainment Tonight if she was running, Palin said she’d have to take “a real close look at the lay of the land to consider whether there are those with...

Rove: Voter Standards Too High for 'President Palin'

Reality show demonstrates Alaskan lacks 'gravitas' for run at presidency

(Newser) - Karl Rove apparently doesn't think Sarah Palin has what it takes to run for president in 2012. While the Alaskan did a "terrific job” as a vice-presidential candidate in 2008, voters are unlikely to view a reality show star as presidential material, snorts the Republican strategist. "There are...

McCain: It's Too Soon to Endorse Palin

Senator scolds GOP for premature 'victory lap'

(Newser) - John McCain thinks a lot of people are getting ahead of themselves. Asked on CBS’ Early Show if he’d endorse Sarah Palin for president in 2012, he said she’d make an “outstanding candidate,” but that it was too early to say he’d endorse her. “...

'Victory Is at Hand': Palin
 'Victory Is at 
 Hand': Palin 

'Victory Is at Hand': Palin

Mama Grizzly urges conservatives to keep fighting

(Newser) - Sarah Palin promised conservatives that soon they'll "all be dancing ." With election day looming, it seems she's polishing her dancing shoes. "Victory is at hand," she told the crowd at a fundraiser in Florida. But she warned it's not yet time to gloat. "The...

John Mellencamp: Sarah Palin Is Smart

So what if she winks? She's 'pushing the right buttons'

(Newser) - John Mellencamp: hater of the Internet , lover of Sarah Palin? The rocker made the unlikely move of speaking out on her behalf yesterday, telling the AP that while he doesn't support her positions, he's impressed by the mark she's made since the 2008 election (in which he asked running mate...

GOPers Say Palin Is Tough to Deal With

... in a Politico article that's overblown and sexist, says critic

(Newser) - Politico today paints a lengthy, unflattering portrait of Sarah Palin's efforts to help fellow conservatives and Republicans on the campaign trail. "She offers little notice about her availability, refuses to do certain events, is obsessive about press coverage and sometimes backs out with as little lead time as she...

Palin Under Fire for Flag 'Desecration'

Her signature on Old Glory Tea Party rally violates US Flag Code

(Newser) - Sarah Palin appears to have desecrated Old Glory at a Tea Party Express rally in Reno. Video from the event shows Palin signing a flag handed to her by a fan, thereby violating a section of the US Flag Code that states the flag "should never have placed upon...

Sarah Palin Could Learn Something From Marilyn

Maureen Dowd: We shouldn't aspire to be ignorant

(Newser) - One of Sarah Palin's greatest sins is that she's "made ignorance fashionable," writes Maureen Dowd. Palin, in fact, revels in it. "You struggle to name Supreme Court cases, newspapers you read and even founding fathers you admire? No problem." It just proves you're not some Ivy...

Sarah Palin Endorses Candidate, Gets State Wrong

Says Pennsylvania needs West Virginia's John Raese

(Newser) - Sarah Palin endorsed a Senate candidate today on Twitter but got his home state wrong. The conservative leader tweeted about Pennsylvania's need "2 send GOP 2 DC 2 avoid PA economic disaster that will occur under Obama/Pelosi Cap & Tax," but then said "workers need Raese,"...

Sarah Palin: 'We Can See 2012 From Our House'

She campaigns for Angle in Nevada, drops presidential hint

(Newser) - If there was any doubt that Sarah Palin was planning a presidential run, it pretty much evaporated in Reno yesterday, when she told a Tea Party rally, “We can see 2012 from our house.” (And yes, that’s a reference to the widely-quoted SNL skit making fun of...

'Mean Girls' Run the GOP
 'Mean Girls' 
 Run the GOP 


'Mean Girls' Run the GOP

Dowd's sort of afraid of Brewer, Angle, et al

(Newser) - It's a new breed of GOP woman: Whether they're telling Harry to "man up," knocking the president's cojones, carting around a gun, or getting catty with a rival's hairdo, "We are in the era of Republican Mean Girls," writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times....

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'
 Palin: 'Soon We'll 
 All Be Dancing' 
RNC Speech

Palin: 'Soon We'll All Be Dancing'

But divided GOP might not be in any mood to party

(Newser) - An ebullient Sarah Palin took the stage in California before 2000 roaring supporters last night, but urged them not to let up until November 2, reports the AP. "The momentum is with us but now is not the time to celebrate—not quite yet," she said. ' It...

O'Donnell's Not 'Authentic,' She's Ignorant

Joe Klein thinks it's sad that our culture confuses those things

(Newser) - America loves the Mr. Smith Goes to Washington fantasy, the idea of a common person speaking common sense to power. But Mr. Smith knew his stuff. “Christine O’Donnell is not like that. She is attractive to some, because she doesn’t know anything,” writes Joe Klein of...

Top 5 Sarah Palin Myths

 Top 5 
 Sarah Palin 

Top 5 Sarah Palin Myths

No, she's not ruining the GOP, writes Matthew Continetti

(Newser) - How well do you know Sarah Palin ? The former governor of Alaska is more than the caricature dreamed up by Saturday Night Live, argues Matthew Continetti for the Washington Post . "The real Sarah Palin is a complex woman who has risen in no time from obscurity to the...

Barack Obama Is Related to Sarah Palin also links the president to Rush Limbaugh

(Newser) - has dug up an ironic distant relationship between President Obama and one of his foes. Two of them, actually. It turns out both Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh are both 10th cousins of the president (in Limbaugh's case, once removed). traced both Obama's mother and Palin's...

Bill Clinton, Palin Join W. Va Battle

Race for Byrd's seat pits Comeback Kid against Mama Grizzly

(Newser) - Big guns from both sides have joined the fray as the Senate race in West Virginia tightens up. The state hasn't sent a Republican to the Senate since 1958 but Gov. Joe Manchin, running for the seat left open by Sen. Robert Byrd's death, is facing a tough challenge from...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>