young voters

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Polls Hint at Worrisome News for Biden on Young Voters

President has lost big ground among Gen Z, millennials from 2020, per NPR survey

(Newser) - Young voters flocked to Team Biden in 2020 in droves, giving Joe Biden a 20-point lead over Donald Trump among the 18-to-29 set. That doesn't seem to be the case this time around, with a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll showing the current president and former president in a statistical...

Biden's Young Dems Problem: 'They're Leaving in Droves'

President is getting pushback from junior members of his own party over Gaza deaths, Israel support

(Newser) - With the 2024 election just over six months away, President Biden is working with two big thorns in his side that threaten to damage his reelection bid: Israel's continued war against Hamas in Gaza, and the subsequent campus protests that are roiling colleges and universities across the US. Axios...

March for Our Lives Group Makes Big Announcement

60-day bus tour kicks off June 15 to register young voters and promote gun law reform

(Newser) - Some of the most high-profile Parkland survivors hinted over the weekend at something big coming down the pike, and that news has just dropped. Axios reports the March for Our Lives activist group, which includes Marjorie Stoneman Douglas students David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, and Jaclyn Corin, will be conducting a...

Clinton Not Connecting With Millennial Women
 Clinton Not Connecting 
 With Millennial Women 
the rundown

Clinton Not Connecting With Millennial Women

'Glass ceiling' argument isn't resonating with younger voters

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders didn't just defeat Hillary Clinton among the under-30 set in Iowa, he trounced her by an incredible margin of 6:1. And that holds true when looking solely at young female voters. What gives? Some related coverage:
  • Clinton "has aggressively reached out to young women with

Only 1 in 4 Millennials Plan to Vote This Fall

And other poll data

(Newser) - Democrats got some polling news today that might be even scarier than yesterday's approval numbers . Only 23% of voters age 18 to 29 say they "definitely" plan to vote in the 2014 midterms, according to a new Harvard Institute of Politics poll spotted by the Christian Science Monitor...

Dems Look to Light Up Stoner Vote in 2012

Ballot measures to legalize pot could motivate youth, dude

(Newser) - Democratic strategists think they might be able to float to victory in 2012 on a cloud of Mary Jane. If California’s Proposition 19—the ballot initiative to legalize pot in the state—does a decent job of driving liberal young stoners to the polls, expect to see similar initiatives...

Dems Cough Up $50M to Lure Obama Voters Back to Polls

Party zeroes in again on young, minorities

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom says the 15 million first-time voters who pushed President Obama to his 2008 victory won't turn out for this year's midterm elections. But $50 million say they will. That's the gamble the Democratic Party is making: Instead of focusing on turning out the base, traditionally the only people...

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?
 Why Are Democrats 
 Ignoring the Young? 
EJ Dionne

Why Are Democrats Ignoring the Young?

Millennials hold the future of the party

(Newser) - Democrats aren’t paying attention to the demographic that ought to be the foundation of a new progressive era of politics: Young people. Millennials, those born in 1981 or after, are the most liberal and democratic demographic out there, argues EJ Dionne of the Washington Post . They’re not only...

Young Voters Like Obama, Not His War

Two-thirds oppose the president's Afghan war surge

(Newser) - The young voters who helped President Obama get elected say they approve of his performance as president, but that doesn't seem to include his Afghan war strategy—or any of his other major policy moves, a Harvard poll finds. Some 58% of the 18- to 29-year-olds polled gave the president...

Mac Is Back, Pushing Reforms

GOP stalwart returns to Senate, eye on reining in lobbying and earmarks

(Newser) - Sen. John McCain, forgotten but not gone after his failed bid for the presidency, was back in form this week as he pushed bipartisan reform of earmarks and lobbying, Congressional Quarterly reports. Though the Arizona Republican’s eyes were watery and he had some trouble reading at the press conference,...

Obama Won Even Without Counting Kids
Obama Won Even Without Counting Kids

Obama Won Even Without Counting Kids

Subtract under-30 voters, and the outcome's the same

(Newser) - Every left-leaning constituency in the country wants to chalk up credit for the Obama victory—labor put him over the top, Latinos put him over the top—but the support was so broad, an MSNBC analysis finds, that few individual claims are valid. Most surprising is the much-ballyhooed youth vote:...

Ballot Questions May Hinge On Obama Turnout

Gay marriage, marijuana, other issues on the line

(Newser) - Barack Obama has a lot riding on his coattails. The impact of a presidential candidate's support on candidates for lower offices can be substantial, and this year's slates also include 153 ballot questions. Besides swinging gubernatorial and congressional races, measures concerning everything from gay marriage to gambling are up for...

If You Don't Know Who This Is, Don't Vote

Uninformed citizens should stay home, unpopular as the sentiment might be

(Newser) - Countless actors, musicians and other celebrities have volunteered their time encouraging young people to vote. But should they? ABC News anchor John Stossel quizzed voters on basic political knowledge at a registration-drive concert and in the nation’s capital. A shockingly high number of uninformed answers led Stossel to the...

Simon Cowell Rocks the Vote
Simon Cowell Rocks the Vote

Simon Cowell Rocks the Vote

Encouraged by civics lessons from American Idol , young voters are used to going to polls

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn't the only force driving young voters are to the polls, writes Alan H. Fleischmann in the New Republic. Thanks to the extreme popularity of judge Simon Cowell and American Idol, they’ve gotten used to having their voices heard. And just as important, Idol participation has allowed...

Florida Vote Could Hinge on Youth, for a Change

The domain of the retirees has growing, active young voter bloc

(Newser) - Florida is used to being the center of attention in election years, but senior centers and condo complexes no longer wield all the power. The swing state may have reached the point where its under-30 residents can tip the balance to Barack Obama, reports Time. Florida’s population is actually...

Dems Win Registration Wars
 Dems Win Registration Wars 

Dems Win Registration Wars

New swing-state voters look like Obama backers; independents add numbers, too

(Newser) - With voter registration closing in many states today, it appears Barack Obama has largely succeeded in his attempt to make over the electorate, the Washington Post reports. Some 4 million new voters have registered across a dozen battleground states, with new Democrats greatly outnumbering new Republicans. In Florida, Obama has...

Young Voters Favor Obama 2-1

Obama's influence may last a lifetime

(Newser) - Barack Obama faces an easy victory—at least among voters under 30. That's the finding of a poll of young voters, who overwhelmingly prefer Obama to John McCain, 61% to 32%, reports USA Today. It's the most dramatic margin within an age group in any presidential election in modern times....

West Turning Blue, Dems Say
 West Turning Blue, Dems Say

West Turning Blue, Dems Say

Party boasts strong voter registration, turnout in Mountain states

(Newser) - The Mountain West has historically gone for the GOP, but thanks to aggressive grass-roots organizing, Democrats believe they have a shot at turning red states blue, Politico reports. More field offices, opened much earlier than the GOP's, have boosted registration in Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. “This presidential cycle...

Early Voting Law May Help Obama in Ohio

One-step voting window could boost youth turnout

(Newser) - An Ohio voting law that allows residents to register and vote simultaneously one month before the election may benefit Barack Obama, the AP reports. With one-stop voting available on college campuses Sept. 30 to Oct. 6, thousands could be added to the voter rolls—and Obama leads McCain 2-to-1 among...

Two National Polls: Obama Up 9, 8
Two National Polls:
Obama Up 9, 8

Two National Polls: Obama Up 9, 8

Age more of a problem than race

(Newser) - Barack Obama leads John McCain nationally in a new Quinnipiac poll, 50% to 41%, with huge advantages among female and young voters. The two split independents with 44% apiece, and McCain led 47%-44% among men and 49%-42% among white voters, the Boston Globe reports. Far more respondents said they were...

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