Alberto Gonzales

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Gonzales Fingers Lame-Duck Aide
Gonzales Fingers Lame-Duck Aide

Gonzales Fingers Lame-Duck Aide

McNulty responsible for US attorney firings, AG contends

(Newser) - Paul McNulty bears the ultimate responsibility for the US attorney firings, Alberto Gonzales said today, placing the blame for the scandal rocking the Justice Department on its second-highest-ranking official. "He signed off on the names," the AG said. McNulty, who announced yesterday that he'll step down this summer,...

Ex-Justice No. 2 Tells of Attempt to Strong-Arm Ashcroft

Gonzales, Card visited AG in hospital

(Newser) - The Senate investigation of Alberto Gonzales took a turn toward high drama today as a former deputy AG described his hospital-room standoff with White House officials attempting to secure the signature of his critically ill boss. James Comey, then No. 2 at Justice—and, with John Ashcroft incapacitated, the...

Key Democrat Resigns White House Post

McNulty's departure overshadows former Clinton aide's act of protest

(Newser) - A onetime Clinton special counsel resigned from a White House civil-liberties oversight board yesterday, but the defection of the No. 2 Justice official overshadowed Lanny Davis' act of protest. Davis, the only Democrat on the Privacy and Civil Liberties Board, said the panel had become unable to check the abuses...

No. 2 at Justice to Step Down
No. 2 at Justice to Step Down

No. 2 at Justice to Step Down

(Newser) - Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty will quit the Justice Department after admitting he misled a Senate committee in its investigation into nine fired US attorneys. Three other top Justice officials have resigned in recent weeks, but McNulty, AG Alberto Gonzales' second-in-command and himself a former US attorney, is the highest-ranking...

Push to Oust Gonzales Loses Steam
Push to Oust Gonzales
Loses Steam

Push to Oust Gonzales Loses Steam

AG looks more confident as GOP defenders materialize

(Newser) - The Democrats' campaign to unseat Alberto Gonzales appears to have lost some luster, the Financial Times reports. As the House Judiciary Committee continues to grill the attorney general about the firing of nine U.S. Attorneys last year, Republicans are increasingly rallying behind their man, and are now calling for...

Ninth Fired Prosecutor Named
Ninth Fired Prosecutor Named

Ninth Fired Prosecutor Named

Addition to list belies Gonzales testimony, shifts timetable

(Newser) - With Alberto Gonzales heading for more congressional grilling tomorrow—this time by the House—the Washington Post reports that a ninth federal prosecutor, Todd P. Graves, was asked to step down from his job in January 2006. Graves, who served in Kansas City, said he was told to resign to...

Comey Defends Fired Attorneys
Comey Defends Fired Attorneys

Comey Defends Fired Attorneys

Most were strong performers, former deputy AG tells House panel

(Newser) - Most of the U.S. attorneys axed en masse by the Justice Department last year weren't underperforming, former Deputy Attorney General James Comey told a House panel yesterday. Comey, who left Justice over a year before the firings, said he'd rated the attorneys' performance for Chief of Staff Kyle Sampson...

Gonzales Aide Probed for Political Hiring

Goodling accused of screening prosecutors for party affiliation

(Newser) - The Justice Department is investigating whether Monoica Goodling, the former aide to Alberto Gonzales recently given immunitiy to testify before Congress, illegally used party loyalty as a criteria in hiring federal prosecutors. Goodling's position involved reviewing applications for prosecutors; it's a violation of federal law to consider political affiliation in...

Senate Seeks E-mails From Gonzales

Attorney general receives first subpoena in firing scandal

(Newser) - The Senate demanded all e-mails pertaining to Karl Rove's role in the disputed firing of eight U.S. attorneys from Alberto Gonzales today, setting a May 15 deadline for the attorney general to turn them over. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which  issued the subpoena, disputes...

McCain: Gonzales Should Resign
McCain: Gonzales Should Resign

McCain: Gonzales Should Resign

(Newser) - John McCain joins the chorus calling for Alberto Gonzales to resign. In an interview after officially launching his campaign in New Hampshire, McCain told the Politico that the attorney general could no longer usefully serve the president. "I reached that conclusion a long time ago," he said, "...

Bush Still Gonzo For Alberto
Bush Still Gonzo For Alberto

Bush Still Gonzo For Alberto

Senate testimony "increased my confidence," says President

(Newser) - President Bush is sticking with his beleaguered attorney general despite negative reviews of his performance at last week's Senate hearing from both sides of the aisle. Bush said the testimony from Alberto Gonzales on the pink-slipped U.S. attorneys, roundly characterized as evasive, "increased my confidence in his ability....

Gonzales Wipes Out
Wipes Out

Gonzales Wipes Out

Even Republicans turn on AG as he tries to defend US attorney decisions

(Newser) - Senate Republicans turned on Alberto Gonzales yesterday, leaving little political wiggle room for the embattled A.G. Even the most mild questions from Republicans— including traditional Bush allies—about the U.S. attorney dismissals yielded embarrassing results for Gonzales, who came across as strangely disengaged from the department he runs.

Gonzales Refuses to Resign
Gonzales Refuses to Resign

Gonzales Refuses to Resign

Bipartisan criticism peppers AG's Senate testimony on U.S. attorney firings

(Newser) - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said under oath today he had only limited involvement in the firing of eight U.S. attorneys and "did not do anything improper." Testifying before  clearly hostile lawmakers, he spurned calls that he step down, saying, "The moment I believe I can no...

US Attorneys Fired for Being Soft on Porn

Gonzales demanded hard line on hardcore

(Newser) - Several of the U.S. attorneys axed by Alberto Gonzales may have been forced out because they failed to crack down on pornography, Salon reveals. Gonzales and his staff pressured attorneys to pursue adult obscenity cases, even if it meant yanking prosecutors away from, say, terrorism. Some who resisted got...

Gonzales: &quot;I Have Nothing To Hide&quot;
Gonzales: "I Have Nothing To Hide"

Gonzales: "I Have Nothing To Hide"

Leaked testimony insists any mistakes made weren't actionable

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales will finger chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson as the point man on the U.S. attorney firings but won't cop to any major wrongdoing, an advance copy of his congressional testimony tomorrow reveals. He admits only to lesser sins—withholding "dignified"  treatment from pink-slipped U.S. attorneys, for...

Impeachment: Not Just For Presidents

It would be perfect for Gonzales, says law professor

(Newser) - Impeachment isn't just for presidents—it would suit Alberto Gonzales just fine, says law professor Peter Shane, and it would be an excellent way to restore constitutional checks and balances. The grounds for impeachment go beyond the questionable dismissal of U.S. attorneys, he writes. 

House Subpoenas Gonzo
House Subpoenas Gonzo

House Subpoenas Gonzo

Stakes raised in purge- gate as White House resists disclosure

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales got served yesterday, as House Dems issued their first subpoena in the attorney-firing scandal. They want the AG to turn over hundreds of pages of new or uncensored documents, including a complete version of the March 2005 chart Gonzales and chief-of-staff Kyle Sampson used to evaluate all 93...

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns
Third Gonzales
Aide Resigns

Third Gonzales Aide Resigns

Monica Goodling resigns after declining to testify on dismissals of U.S. attorneys

(Newser) - Gonzales aide Monica Goodling resigned yesterday, a little more than a week after she plead the fifth rather than testify before a Senate committee about the Justice Department's firing of eight U.S. attorneys, the Times reports. Democrats had hoped Goodling, who was Justice's liaison to  the White House, would...

Gonzales Gets Little Help In Fight for Job

AG preps for Senate testimony without White House, Justice Dept. aid

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales is prepping for his April 17 Senate testimony as strenuously as if it were a confirmation proceeding, the Washington Post reports, since his job clearly depends upon it. And he's going it alone: Thanks to possible obstruction of justice charges, DOJ lawyers won't let the attorney general coordinate...

Justice Dept. Aide Ties Rove to Firings

Disputes Gonzales statements on his role in dismissals

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales was more deeply involved in the dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys  than he has admitted, and Karl Rove had a direct role in the firings, according to dramatic testimony by the attorney general's former chief of staff yeasterday, reports the Washington Post. Kyle Sampson claimed he briefed...

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