George W. Bush

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CBS Sought to 'Mollify Right' in Rather Investigation

Ex-anchor's lawsuit reveals GOP influence

(Newser) - Former anchor Dan Rather appears to be making headway in his $70 million lawsuit against CBS for his firing, the New York Times reports. With the power of subpoena, Rather has unearthed documents showing that the network used Republican operatives to vet members of the supposedly independent panel set up...

Ouch! Rove Takes Shots at Obama Inner Circle

(Newser) - Take that, Joe Biden. And Rahm Emanuel. And you too, New York Times Magazine interviewer. In a recent chat, a testy Karl Rove says the VP-elect "has an odd combination of longevity and long-windedness that passes for wisdom in Washington." Asked if he engages in negative politics, the...

Assaults on Our Freedom Come From Left and Right

Long bipartisan history of infringing on rights of Americans

(Newser) - Those who blame the current administration for assaults on US constitutional freedoms should take a longer view, writes Alexander Cockburn in the American Conservative. “No doubt the conservatives who cheered Bush on as he abrogated ancient rights and stretched the powers of his office to unseen limits would have...

GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove
 GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove 

GOP Will Bounce Back: Rove

Democratic wave was aberration caused by unusual factors

(Newser) - Voters didn’t so much choose liberalism or the Democratic Party as they did Barack Obama, writes Karl Rove in the Wall Street Journal. And that’s potentially good news for the GOP in the 2010 midterm elections, Rove says: “In politics, good years follow bad years. Republicans...

Bush Could Block Probes Even After He Steps Down

Soon-to-be ex-prez has Truman, Nixon precedents for keeping executive privilege

(Newser) - President Bush may be able to maintain his executive privilege to block investigations even after he leaves office, the New York Times reports. Harry Truman successfully claimed he had the right not to testify in 1953, nearly a year after he left office, and Richard Nixon later used Truman's case...

Bidens Headed to VP Mansion to Meet Cheneys

VP-to-be will dine at Naval Observatory tomorrow to discuss transition

(Newser) - Vice President Dick Cheney and Vice President-elect Joe Biden are getting together tomorrow night to discuss the upcoming handoff of the job as the nation's second-in-command. Cheney spokeswoman Megan Mitchell says Cheney and his wife, Lynne, will host Biden and his wife, Jill, at their home.

Dems Find End Run Around Late Bush Regs

Clinton-era law gives Congress power to overturn regulations

(Newser) - The Bush White House thought it was pretty clever rushing to get all its so-called midnight regulations finalized by Nov. 1 so they couldn't be immediately overturned by the next president, as many of Bill Clinton's parting gifts were. But congressional Democrats say they've found an obscure Clinton-era law that...

World Leaders Desperately Seeking Obama

President-elect avoids awkward meetings at summit by staying in Chicago

(Newser) - With the leaders of 19 nations converging on Washington and clamoring to meet with the president-elect, the situation has become, as Barack Obama’s advisers tell the New York Times, “awkward.” Russian officials apparently thought President Dmitri Medvedev would be meeting with Obama, who transition advisers are keeping...

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...
 And Don't Let 
 the Door Hit You ... 

And Don't Let the Door Hit You ...

Lefty glories in Bush's imminent departure, fires off some parting shots

(Newser) - George W. Bush will soon no longer be president, and “it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the multifaceted burden that will soon be lifted from our collective shoulders,” Paul Waldman writes in the American Prospect, taking more than a few minutes to catalog the low...

Pelosi Urges Lame-Duck Session to Push Auto Bailout

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi plans to convene a lame-duck House session to vote on an expanded rescue of the auto industry, the Wall Street Journal reports. “I am confident Congress can consider emergency assistance legislation next week,” the House Speaker said. Both GM and Ford have said they are cash...

Bush's EPA Gutted Toxic Chemical Protections
Bush's EPA Gutted Toxic Chemical Protections

Bush's EPA Gutted Toxic Chemical Protections

Military-use substances were deemed less toxic, key reviews stalled

(Newser) - The Environmental Protection Agency program that rates the toxicity of chemicals used in the US, and around the world, has been manipulated in favor of industry and the military under the Bush administration, Rebecca Claren reports in Salon. Budget-cutting directives from the White House have allowed outside organizations, including the...

Bush, Obama Salute Veterans
Bush, Obama
Salute Veterans

Bush, Obama Salute Veterans

Dem joins Iraq vet at Chicago memorial; prez speaks in NYC aboard WWII carrier

(Newser) - Barack Obama joined a disabled veteran of the Iraq war in laying a wreath at a memorial in Chicago today, the Tribune reports, with a few dozen spectators witnessing the president-elect’s long Veterans Day appearance. President Bush, meanwhile, was in New York, WCBS-TV reports, praising military members as part...

Race Is on for Laura's Memoirs; Dubya Not So Much

Book deal could be worth millions; lame-duck President must shelve ambitions

(Newser) - Laura Bush is likely to net millions from publishers bidding on her memoirs, the New York Post reports—not exactly the case for her lame-duck husband. “The wives of presidents generally write books that have a greater public interest,” one insider says. “Husbands usually try to rewrite...

Obama Urges Bush to Help Automakers
Obama Urges Bush
to Help Automakers

Obama Urges Bush to Help Automakers

But president links Detroit aid to Dem backing for Colombia free trade pact

(Newser) - Barack Obama urged President Bush during their White House meeting yesterday to extend emergency aid to the auto industry, the New York Times reports. The president indicated that he might be willing to approve Detroit aid and a broader economic stimulus package—but only on the condition that the president-elect...

Want Inspiration, Obama? Try George W.
Want Inspiration, Obama?
Try George W.

Want Inspiration, Obama? Try George W.

(Newser) - Two wars, legalized torture, domestic wiretapping—what's not to like? Well, Barack Obama may not admire what President Bush has done, but Dubya's tenacity should inspire him, Jonathan Cohn writes in The New Republic. Bill Clinton and FDR are often touted as presidential role models, but Bush has left a...

Conservatism Dead by Its Own Hand: O'Rourke

Bloated government is only one (though huge) legacy of GOP reign

(Newser) - Modern conservatism is dead, and conservatives are to blame, PJ O’Rourke writes for the Weekly Standard. “Anyone who is still on the left is obviously insane and not responsible for his or her actions,” he contends. “No, we on the right did it.” Ideal after...

Obamas Check Out White House
 Obamas Check Out 
 White House 

Obamas Check Out White House

Obamas wrap up White House visit, though details are scarce

(Newser) - The First Couple and the First Couple-elect met at the White House this afternoon. After the Bushes greeted the Obamas, President Bush took Barack Obama to the Oval Office for a private meeting, while Laura Bush showed Michelle Obama around the residence. The meetings lasted about an hour, the Chicago ...

Obamas Arrive at White House
 Obamas Arrive at White House 

Obamas Arrive at White House

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, have arrived at the White House for a visit, his first since last week's landslide election victory. President Bush and first lady Laura Bush were at the North Portico of the White House to greet the Obamas on a sunny fall day with...

Latin American Nations Reject DEA

Bolivia, Ecuador latest to repudiate US anti-drug operations

(Newser) - Some Latin American countries are pushing back against the US by cutting off DEA operations, the Christian Science Monitor reports. President Evo Morales, saying DEA agents "worked to conduct political espionage," gave them 3 months to leave Bolivia. Ecuador, meanwhile, has refused to renew the US lease on...

Obama-Bush Meet: This Could Get Awkward

The last time the two met, Dubya sanitized his hands afterward

(Newser) - It’s possible that no greater distance has ever divided the numbers 43 and 44. An excerpt from Barack Obama’s 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope, reveals just how awkward today’s meeting between president and president-elect might be, reports Fox News. After shaking Obama’s hand at their...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>